Newly indexed

Stories: D 2023-084, D 2023-085, D 2023-134, D 2023-135, D 2023-140, D 2023-173, IC M 89C, IC TD 21F, IC WDP 4B, MC ASM 945 (other recently indexed comics). Issues: Canada: BD Disney 8, 10, 11; Hebdo-Revue 71-01-02, 72-01-08; L'Illustration 33-11-11, 33-11-25; Le Front Ouvrier 48-01-03, 48-01-10, 48-01-17, 49-01-08, 49-01-15, 49-01-22, 49-02-05, 49-02-12, 49-02-19, 49-02-26, 49-03-05, 49-03-12, 49-03-19, 49-03-26, 49-04-02, 49-04-09, 49-04-16, 49-04-23, 49-04-30; Le journal de Québec 65-03-22; Mickey Mouse 28; Oncle Pic$ou 10; Photo-Journal 40-12-19. China: 米老鼠 1997-04. Croatia: Miki Maus (& prijatelji) 2003-20, 22. Denmark: W.i.t.c.h. 27. Greece: Μίκυ Μάους (Περίοδος Β') 517. Indonesia: Donal Bebek Edisi Nostalgia 33, 50; Gufi 21. Italy: Disney Special Books Panini 38, 45, 46; Topolino Extra 19, 20. Netherlands: Algemeen Dagblad 20240511. Portugal: Disney Especial 46. Sweden: Kalle Ankas Pocket 557. United Kingdom: Donald and Mickey Extra/Special 1973-2; Mickey Mouse 1 (other recently indexed comics).

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38 scans, 4 story descriptions.
Scans thanks to fraply, Mankkop: PAN 62 (fr), MM 1500 (gr), AO 54022, TD 21 (it).