Fan drawings and other material

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Jack Kirby
uploaded by Quiof on 20240701
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice - 1991
Jack Kirby
uploaded by Quiof on 20230112
Tron by Jack Kirby
Fernando Ventura
uploaded by Quiof on 20221202
Henrieke Goorhuis
uploaded by Quiof on 20221116
Panchito, Condorito, Donald Duck, Miguelito Maracas and José Carioca
Oscar Martin
uploaded by Quiof on 20220501
Panchito source: Pinterest page
Oscar Martin
uploaded by Quiof on 20220501
Panchito (2014). Lovely Mexican lady! Donald Duck 2014-28 source: Comic Art Fans
Dave Alvarez
uploaded by quiof on 20131220
Darkwing Duck and Paperinik
Jack Kirby
uploaded by quiof on 20131201
art for the book "The Art of Mickey Mouse" of Craig Yoe (1991). Pencils by Jack Kirby; inks, Mike Thibodeaux; colors, Craig Yoe.

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The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.