Fan drawings and other material

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Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Preliminary pages of the story ''Goofy Babysits Pluto''.
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Jaime Diaz Self-Portrait
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Preliminary pages of the story ''Donald's Best Seller''.
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Original art for the pages of the story ''Donald's Best Seller''.
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Preliminary pages of the story ''Chipmunks' Cookie Day''.
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Original art for the pages of the story ''Chipmunks' Cookie Day''.
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Original art for the pages 10-12 of the story ''The Diamond Maker''
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Preliminary pages (10-12) of the story ''The Diamond Maker''.
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Original art for the pages 6-9 of the story ''The Diamond Maker''.
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Preliminary pages (6-9) of the story ''The Diamond Maker''.
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Original art for the pages 2-5 of the story ''The Diamond Maker''.
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Preliminary pages (2-5) of the story ''The Diamond Maker''.
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Original art for the page 1 of the story ''The Diamond Maker''.
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617
Complete 4-Page Preliminary Sketch Story "Plan Ahead" Original Art (Disney, 1980)
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180616
Original art for the page six of the comic story ''Chip And Dale On Grandma's Farm''.
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180616
Original art for the page five of the comic story ''Chip And Dale On Grandma's Farm''.
Jack Bradbury
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180616
Original art for the page four of the comic story ''It's All In The Mood''.
Jack Bradbury
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180616
Original art for the page two of the comic story ''It's All In The Mood''.
Tony Strobl
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180614
Original art for the cover of the comic book 'Walt Disney's Comics and Stories' #37.
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20180121
Illustration used in the German comic book 'Lustigest Taschenbuch 275'
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20180121
Illustration with Magica De Spell, Rosolio, Minima & Caraldina used in the Danish comic book 'Den Store Sorte - Hexia De Trick'
Tony Strobl
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20180110
Cover of the German Vinyl Record 'Anschlag auf die Denkkappe' (Recorded 28.8.–2.9.1971)
Francesco Guerrini
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20171201
Multiple faces of Donald
Francesco Guerrini
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20171201
Homage to Carl Barks with Scrooge painting his creator wooing no other than Glittering Goldie.
Francesco Guerrini
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20171201
Original drawing with Donald
Francesco Guerrini
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20171201
Cover of the Italian book 'Borgofavola'
Franco Valussi
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20171119
Illustration with the three first cousins used in the Italian comic book 'Le Grandi Parodie Disney 47 - Paperino e il pendolo di Ekol'.
Comicup Studio
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20171028
Illustration used in the German comic book 'Lustiges Taschenbuch no. 307'.
Al Hubbard
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20170716
Illustration with Fethry and Grandma used in a parody of the fairy tale "The Golden Goose" (by the Grimm Brothers), as published in the Italian comic book 'Disney - Tesori International 5 - L'Esplosivo Paperoga!' (January, 2017). This illustration was first published in Italy in a special book called 'Disney Fiabe' in 1973.
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20170701
Illustration with Brigitta, Magica and Ratface used in 'Il manuale di Paperinik'.

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The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.