Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180617 Original art for the page 9 of the story ''Goofy Babysits Pluto'' |
Jack Bradbury
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180616 Original art for the page two of the comic story ''It's All In The Mood''. |
Jack Bradbury
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180616 Original art for the page four of the comic story ''It's All In The Mood''. |
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180616 Original art for the page five of the comic story ''Chip And Dale On Grandma's Farm''. |
Jaime Diaz Studio
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180616 Original art for the page six of the comic story ''Chip And Dale On Grandma's Farm''. |
Tony Strobl
uploaded by Chabacano on 20180614 Original art for the cover of the comic book 'Walt Disney's Comics and Stories' #37. |
Luca Faccioli
uploaded by FASU7 on 20180514 biblioteca Sala borsa Bologna pag. 1 |
Luca Faccioli
uploaded by FASU7 on 20180512 link biblioteca Sala borsa Bologna pag. 2 |
uploaded by gui on 20180329 |
Eulie Liggera
uploaded by Joakim on 20180307 Image taken from Mark Evaniers blog, March 7, 2018. |
Arild Midthun
uploaded by Huwey on 20180304 03/02/2018, Germany Tour, Homeless Scrooge |
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20180121 Illustration with Magica De Spell, Rosolio, Minima & Caraldina used in the Danish comic book 'Den Store Sorte - Hexia De Trick' |
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20180121 Illustration used in the German comic book 'Lustigest Taschenbuch 275' |
Tony Strobl
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20180110 Cover of the German Vinyl Record 'Anschlag auf die Denkkappe' (Recorded 28.8.–2.9.1971) |
Francesco Guerrini
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20171201 Cover of the Italian book 'Borgofavola' |
Francesco Guerrini
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20171201 Homage to Carl Barks with Scrooge painting his creator wooing no other than Glittering Goldie. |
Franco Valussi
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20171119 Illustration with the three first cousins used in the Italian comic book 'Le Grandi Parodie Disney 47 - Paperino e il pendolo di Ekol'. |
Comicup Studio
uploaded by CHabacaNO on 20171028 Illustration used in the German comic book 'Lustiges Taschenbuch no. 307'. |
Lucio Leoni
uploaded by Mankkop on 20170829 Universo Amalgamix 2: Spider Duck, 2017. |
Lucio Leoni
uploaded by Mankkop on 20170728 Universo Amalgamix 2: l'Incredibile Huack!, 2017. |