Fan drawings and other material

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Luciano Gatto
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original art for the page 1 of the story 'Zio Paperone e la macromoneta di Panzu-Pizzu'
Luciano Gatto
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original art for the page 1 of the story 'Zio Paperone e i ''Cipollones'' patagonici'
Luciano Gatto
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original art for the page 1 of the story 'Pico de Paperis e il meeting degli intellettuali'
Luciano Gatto
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original drawing called 'Agostino'
Luciano Gatto
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original drawing called 'Drago Volante'
Luciano Gatto
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original drawing called 'Dentist C'
Luciano Gatto
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original drawing called 'PalloncinoC'
Luciano Gatto
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original drawing called 'Premio 2Color'
Carl Barks
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150827
Original art for page 20 of the story 'North of the Yukon'
Carl Barks
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150827
Original art for page 21 of the story 'North of the Yukon'
Carl Barks
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150827
Original art for page 22 of the story 'North of the Yukon'
Carl Barks
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150827
Original art for page 23 of the story 'North of the Yukon'
Carl Barks
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150827
Original art for page 24 of the story 'North of the Yukon'
Carl Barks
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150827
Original art for page 25 of the story 'North of the Yukon'
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150816
Excerpt of the book "Carl Barks: Conversations" (source:
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150816
Cartoon for the Calgary Eye-Opener. (adult content)
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150816
Cartoon for the Calgary Eye-Opener. (adult content)
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150816
Cartoon for the Calgary Eye-Opener. (adult content)
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150816
Cartoon for the Calgary Eye-Opener. (adult content)
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150816
Cartoon for the Calgary Eye-Opener. (adult content)
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150816
Cartoon for the Calgary Eye-Opener. (adult content)
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150816
Excerpt of the book "Carl Barks: Conversations" (source:
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150816
Excerpt of the book "Carl Barks: Conversations" (source:
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150816
Excerpt of the book "Carl Barks: Conversations" (source:
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150815
Oil painting called 'The Wadfather'
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150815
Oil painting called 'Rumble Seat Roadster'
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150815
Oil painting called 'Mayday on the Prairie'
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150815
Oil painting called 'Business Long Overdue'
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150815
Preliminary sketch for Uncle Scrooge #63, “House of Haunts” (1966)
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20150815
Oil painting called 'An Astronomical Predicament'

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The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.