Fan drawings and other material

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Enrico Faccini
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
The Night of the Living Dead Ducks, 2012 (b/w)_2
Enrico Faccini
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
The Night of the Living Dead Ducks, 2012 (b/w)_1
Enrico Faccini
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
The Night of the Living Dead Ducks, 2012
Libero Ermetti
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
Homage to Silvia Ziche, 2015
Blasco Pisapia
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
Ironic Drawing
Teresa Radice
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
Drawing for Disney Compendium project (art by Stefano Turconi)
Stefano Turconi
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
Drawing for Disney Compendium project
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
Drawing for Disney Compendium project.
Enrico Faccini
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
Special Ad for I TL 3099-1 ("Topolino e le Pipposcarpe mnemoniche"). Source: Facebook (2015-04-16)
Enrico Faccini
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
Fan Drawing of 2015
Enrico Faccini
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
Fan Drawing of 2015
Enrico Faccini
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
Drawing for Etna Comics, 2015
Enrico Faccini
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
Drawing for Etna Comics, 2015
Enrico Faccini
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
Drawing for Etna Comics, 2015-06-18
Enrico Faccini
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
Fan Drawing of 2015
Enrico Faccini
uploaded by Mankkop on 20150619
For Etna Comics, 2015

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The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.