Fan drawings and other material

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Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by chabacano on 20151101
Illustration used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch no. 347'
Giorgio Di Vita
uploaded by chabacano on 20151101
Illustration used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch no. 345'
Guido Scala
uploaded by chabacano on 20151101
Illustration used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch no. 344'
Massimo Fecchi
uploaded by chabacano on 20151101
Illustration used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch no. 344'
Danilo Barozzi
uploaded by chabacano on 20151101
Illustration used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch no. 342'
Lara Molinari
uploaded by chabacano on 20151101
Illustration used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch no. 342'
Tony Strobl
uploaded by Chabacano on 20151024
Original art for the cover of "Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 10" (GoldKey, 1971)
Tony Strobl
uploaded by Chabacano on 20151024
Sunday comic strip from 19/07/1981 for Mickey Mouse.
Tony Strobl
uploaded by Chabacano on 20151024
Original art for the 1st page of the comic story 'King Scrooge the First'.
Romano Scarpa
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original art for the page 16 of the story 'Biancaneve e Verde Fiamma'
Romano Scarpa
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original page of the comic story 'Zio Paperone e le piantagioni polari'
Romano Scarpa
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original panels of the comic story 'Topolino e l’enigma di Brigaboom'
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original page of the comic story 'Topolino e lo stendardo perduto'
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original art for the Easter of 1990, published in 'Cip & Ciop' #6
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original page of the comic story 'Paperino e l’anno bisestile'
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original illustration called 'Il Pizzicotto', published on the page 148 of 'Topolino' #1420
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original page of the comic story 'Paperino e le conchiglie zebrate'
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original art for the cover of the Italian comic book 'Paperinik' #141
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original cover art for "Topolino" #1737. Ink and ecoline on paper.
Luciano Bottaro
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original page in French of a comic story with the non-Disney character 'Baldo'
Luciano Bottaro
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original illustration probably drawn for a fan
Luciano Bottaro
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original art for the page 13 of the third part of the story 'Topolino e la doppia Vigilia di Natale'
Luciano Bottaro
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Out of sell Christmas dish of 1995; art by Bottaro.
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original art for the page of a Danish story
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original page of the comic story 'Paperino solo contro tutti'
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original art for the page of a Danish story
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original art for the cover of the Italian comic book 'Disney anni d’Oro' #1
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original page of the comic story 'Paperinik contro Paperinika'
Massimo De Vita
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original art for the page 6 of the story 'Topolino e l'acceleratore nucleare'
Massimo De Vita
uploaded by chabacano on 20150920
Original art for the page 29 of the story 'Topolino e l'acceleratore nucleare'

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The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.