Fan drawings and other material

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Giulio Chierchini
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Original page of the story "L’Inferno di Paperino". Ink and tempera on acetate, painted backdrop.
Giulio Chierchini
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Illustration from 2010 called "Paperone Re di Quadri"
Giulio Chierchini
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Painting by Chierchini as a tribute to the 1930’s Disney Golden Age. Oil on canvas.
Giulio Chierchini
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Pencil and ink on beige thin cardboard. Original illustration drawn by Chierchini. Signed in the lower right side.
Giulio Chierchini
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Illustration from 2010. Body color on canvas. Signed and dated in the lower right side.
Giulio Chierchini
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Large Christmas illustration, pencil and ink on color cardboard. Signed and dated 2012.
Giulio Chierchini
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Large Christmas illustration, pencil and ink on color cardboard. Signed and dated 2012.
Giulio Chierchini
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Large Christmas illustration, pencil and ink on color cardboard. Signed and dated 2012.
Giulio Chierchini
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Original page of the story "Zio Paperone e gli “stivali delle sette leghe"
Giulio Chierchini
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Illustration called "Zio Paperone e Qui Quo e Qua". Pencil and ink on pale yellow paper. Signed.
Giulio Chierchini
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Illustration called "Paperino e Nocciola". Pencil and ink on pale yellow paper.
Sandro Dossi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Pencil and ink on thin cardboard. Original comic art with Felix (non-Disney character) drawn by Mario Sbattella and Dossi, published by Bianconi. Signed by Dossi.
Sandro Dossi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Marker on paper. Sketch drawn by Dossi on the second page of the volume "Geppo", published by Lineachiara in 2013. Signed and dated.
Sandro Dossi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Ink on thin cardboard. Original cover drawn by Dossi for "Guida al risparmio con i Flintstones", published in 2000. Signed and dated.
Sandro Dossi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Illustration with Popeye. Marker on paper. Signed on the lower side.
Sandro Dossi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Illustration from 2008. Mixed technique on thin cardboard. Signed and dated in the lower right side.
Sandro Dossi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Mixed media on canvas. Original 2012 Christmas illustration with the non-Disney character 'Geppo'. Signed and dated.
Sandro Dossi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
encil and ink on thin cardboard. Original comic art for "Pippo scudiero della tavola rotonda", published on Topolino n.1370. Signed and dated.
Sandro Dossi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Ink on thin cardboard. Original comic art drawn by Dossi for 'Braccio di Ferro n. 281', Italian comic book with Popeye, published by Edizioni Metro (future Bianconi) in 08/06/1982.
Sandro Dossi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Illustration called "Happy Birthday Daisy". Pencil and ink on thin cardboard, signed and dated 2008.
Sandro Dossi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Original comic art with Felix. Published on “Felix” #10, 1969.
Sandro Dossi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Original comic art with Popeye. Published on “Braccio di ferro” n°352, del 1984.
Sandro Dossi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150223
Ink on thin cardboard. Illustration with Tom, Jerry & Nibbles made for a coloring book dedicated to childhood. Signed on the center of the right side.
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150222
Original page of the story "Paperino solo contro tutti"
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150222
Illustration dedicated to the American-born French artist Josephine Baker, a 1920s superstar. It's called 'Folies Bergères 1925'
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150222
Original page of the story "Topolino e la spada invincibile"
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150222
Original page of the story "Zio Paperone e le miniere disciolte"
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150222
Preliminary art for the cover of 'I Grandi Classici Disney #265'. Pencil on paper, signed.
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150222
Original art for the cover of 'Mickey Parade #258' (French comic book from 2001). Pencil on paper, signed.
Giorgio Cavazzano
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150222
Original page of the story "Paperino solo contro tutti"

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The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.