Fan drawings and other material

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Massimo Fecchi
uploaded by chabacano on 20150109
Illustration with Goofy, Mickey, Pete and Donald used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 310'
Romano Scarpa
uploaded by chabacano on 20150109
Illustration with Gus used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 310'
Silvia Ziche
uploaded by chabacano on 20150107
Illustration with Miss Quackfaster (Italian version) used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 371'
Flemming Andersen
uploaded by chabacano on 20150107
Illustration with Daisy used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 374'
Ettore Gula
uploaded by chabacano on 20150107
Illustration with the Beagle Boys and Grandpa Beagle (Italian version) used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 378'
Roberto Marini
uploaded by chabacano on 20150107
Illustration with Scrooge and Batistta used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 381'
Ottavio Panaro
uploaded by chabacano on 20150107
Illustration with Donald, Scrooge, Daisy and Brigitta used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 386'
Corrado Mastantuono
uploaded by chabacano on 20150106
Illustration with Scrooge and Brigitta used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 216'
Giuseppe Perego
uploaded by chabacano on 20150106
Illustration with Flintheart, Scrooge and Rockerduck used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 341'
Massimo De Vita
uploaded by chabacano on 20150106
Illustration with Ludwig, Donald and his 313 car used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 220'
Massimo Fecchi
uploaded by chabacano on 20150106
Illustration with Donald and a mama wolf used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 286'
José Carrión
uploaded by chabacano on 20150106
Illustration with Scrooge, Donald and Gyro used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 282'
Flemming Andersen
uploaded by chabacano on 20150106
Illustration with Snort, Alf, Fethry and Donald used in 'Lustiges Taschenbuch No. 296'
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20140906
Oil Painting Called 'An Embarrassment of Riches'
William Van Horn
uploaded by chabacano on 20140727
1992 Original Model Sheet for Uncle Rumpus McFowl - Black art pencil on yellow work paper
William Van Horn
uploaded by chabacano on 20140727
1992 Original Model Sheet for Uncle Rumpus McFowl - Black art pencil on yellow work paper
Don Rosa
uploaded by chabacano on 20140707
Original Drawing with Magica De Spell
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20140609
Oil Painting Called 'Mardi Gras Before the Thaw'
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20140609
Oil Painting Called 'A 1934 Belchfire Runabout'
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20140609
Oil Painting Called 'Fair Wind off Bora Bora'
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20140609
Oil Painting Called 'Live It Up, Kid!'
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20140609
Oil Painting Called 'Rude Awakening'
Carl Barks
uploaded by chabacano on 20140609
Oil Painting Called 'Voodoo Hoodooed'
Ulrich Schröder
uploaded by chabacano on 20140525
Original Art for a cover of the Dutch publisher 'Sanoma' (the final inked version).
Ulrich Schröder
uploaded by chabacano on 20140525
Original Art for a cover of the Dutch publisher 'Sanoma' (preliminary).
Ulrich Schröder
uploaded by chabacano on 20140525
Original Art for a cover of the Dutch publisher 'Sanoma' (preliminary).
Andrea Ferraris
uploaded by chabacano on 20140525
Original Art for 'The Triumvirate of Evil' page 2, 2010
Andrea Ferraris
uploaded by chabacano on 20140525
Original Art for 'Kings of Prison' page 1
Andrea Ferraris
uploaded by chabacano on 20140525
Original Art for 'The Triumvirate of Evil' page 3, 2010
Andrea Ferraris
uploaded by chabacano on 20140525
Original Art for 'The Triumvirate of Evil' page 4, 2010

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The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.