Fan drawings and other material

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Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150222
Illustration of the parody "Paperino e il Vento del Sud", used in the Italian comic book 'I Classici della Letteratura Disney 18'
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150222
Illustration of the parody "Paperino e il Vento del Sud", used in the Italian comic book 'I Classici della Letteratura Disney 18'
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150222
Illustration of the parody "Paperino e il Vento del Sud", used in the Italian comic book 'I Classici della Letteratura Disney 18'
Tony Strobl
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Drawing of Donald Duck from 1990.
Tony Strobl
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original art for the cover of "Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 11" (GoldKey, 1971)
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
A complete collection of 14 stickers from the 70s called "Paperino nel Medioevo"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Illustration with Minnie as a Valkyrie for a Disney Encyclopedia from the 70's.
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Illustration with Bambi from the 80's. Pencil and ink on thin cardboard.
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Unfinished art for a comic story with Scrooge and Gyro. Pencil and ink on thin cardboard
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Illustration with Minnie called "Minnie e il giardinaggio"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Cover art for a Paperinik school diary.
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original art with Gus & Jaq from the 80's
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original page of the story "Topolino e il mistero della casa ariosa"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original page of the story "Topolino e l’incantesimo di Fonteargento"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original page of the story "Andiamo a scuola con…"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original page of the story "Andiamo a scuola con…"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original page of the story "Topolino e l’incantesimo di Fonteargento"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original art for the book published in the collection Avventure nella Natura called "Dove ulula il coyote"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original art for the book published in the collection Avventure nella Natura called "Un nascondiglio tra i coralli"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original page of the story "Paperino e l’anno bisestile"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original page of the story "Paperino e l’anno bisestile"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original page of the story "Paperino e l’anno bisestile"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original page of the story "Andiamo a scuola con…"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original page of the story "Topolino e il topazio dello zio in ozio"
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Original art for a kind of guide to magic tricks with 190 pages, richly illustrated by Carpi (October, 1972).
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150221
Flags giveaway called "Operazione Bandierine", available in six issues of Topolino (from #985 to #990) (1974). The six flags were made to form the phrase 'Viva Topolino'.
Arild Midthun
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150220
2012 Christmas Illustration
Arild Midthun
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150220
Original art with Gus Goose
Arild Midthun
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150220
Original art with Donald Duck
Arild Midthun
uploaded by Chabacano on 20150220
Original art with Huey, Dewey and Louie

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The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.