Fan drawings and other material

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Gianluca Panniello
uploaded by ACh on 20140525
Drawing made in Warsaw, Poland on May 24th, 2014
Don Rosa
uploaded by ACh on 20131224
Drawing made in Łódź, Poland on October 6th, 2013
Cèsar Ferioli Pelaez
uploaded by ACh on 20130107
drawn for "Kaczor Donald" readers during International Comics Festival in Lodz, Poland (October 2nd, 2010)
Kari Korhonen
uploaded by ACh on 20111202
Drawn at the fan meeting in Lodz, October 1st, 2011
Cèsar Ferioli Pelaez
uploaded by ACh on 20101101
drawn for me during International Comics Festival in Lodz, Poland (October 2nd, 2010)
Harry Balm
uploaded by ACh on 20100316
Painting (or reproduction) on the wall in polish Egmont office (HC DD1987-09K)
Flemming Andersen
uploaded by ACh on 20100228
drawn during the meeting with fans in Warsaw, 2004
Flemming Andersen
uploaded by ACh on 20100228
drawn during the meeting with fans in Warsaw, 2004
Cèsar Ferioli Pelaez
uploaded by ACh on 20090320
Fan drawing for Ariel, march 2009

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