Fan drawings and other material

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Claude Marin
uploaded by Adrien on 20240409
Marin self-caricature (game from SPG 32)
Richard Hoyez
uploaded by Adrien on 20221205
non-Disney game for MP 72
Serge Segret
uploaded by Adrien on 20220129
Jeu paru dans le magazine suisse Pour Tous (14 avril 1959)
Paul Coutant
uploaded by Adrien on 20210711
Publicité pour le pain d'épice Propser (JM 1529 p.34)
Paul Coutant
uploaded by Adrien on 20210711
Publicité pour le pain d'épice Propser (JM 1528 p.51)
Jacques Lelièvre
uploaded by Adrien on 20210201
Game for Journal de Mickey #936 (1970)
Paul Coutant
uploaded by Adrien on 20201011
Illustration Tele 7 jeux - Draguer en vacances (from 2Dgalleries)
Philippe Larbier
uploaded by Adrien on 20200217
Fan drawing, February 2020

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The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.