Fan drawings and other material

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Paolo Mottura
uploaded by PhantomDuck on 20180927
Commision from "The Comic Con 2016", Thessaloniki, Greece. Uncle Scrooge
Paolo Mottura
uploaded by PhantomDuck on 20180927
Commision from "The Comic Con 2016", Thessaloniki, Greece. Duck Avenger
Paolo Mottura
uploaded by PhantomDuck on 20180927
Commision from "The Comic Con 2016", Thessaloniki, Greece. Moby Dick
Paolo Mottura
uploaded by PhantomDuck on 20180927
Commision from "The Comic Con 2016", Thessaloniki, Greece. Dylan Mouse
Giovan Battista Carpi
uploaded by PhantomDuck on 20151226
Retrieved from . Incomplete. Gianfranco Goria's collection.
Don Rosa
uploaded by PhantomDuck on 20130202
Cèsar Ferioli Pelaez
uploaded by PhantomDuck on 20100609
Drawing from CFe, dedicated to ΛΕ.ΦΙ.Κ of (ΛΕΣΧΗ ΦΙΛΩΝ ΚΟΜΙΚΣ - Club of Comic Fans). June 2010

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