Before you write a message, please read these guidelines:
Write your text in English. Use a different language only if you can predict who will read and solve your message.
Only write a message if you are certain about the information. If it is about writers or artists, also write the source of your information.
If you want to write a lot of messages, please send an e-mail to us first. There are more efficient ways of entering lots of data into Inducks than using this webpage.
Don't report non-mandatory information like most appearance comments (e.g. "silhouette" or "cameo") or one-shot appearances. They're currently too much work to handle.
Check the actual comics whenever possible. If you only rely on scans or present Inducks data to report an error, say so.
Be patient. Your message might be solved within 5 minutes, but it also might take 5 months. It all depends on the time we have (and we're all volunteers!)
The only response you may get is a simple message saying "solved". Don't be offended by that: we get hundreds of messages per week so we want to spend most of our time actually fixing the errors.
torstai 1. tammikuuta 2015 klo 6.53.53solved by GNt (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
Greek Name: "Τζο Χειροπαίδαρος"
― spe torstai 1. tammikuuta 2015 klo 21.10.33
Changed maintainers to GNt (previously was: FWi)
― ΚΟΜΙΞΑΚΙΑΣ 15 lauantai 3. tammikuuta 2015 klo 13.02.37
I think he is "Τζων Χειροπαίδαρος"
― maanantai 5. tammikuuta 2015 klo 7.02.45
Πιο παλιά οι μεταφραστές χρησιμοποιούσαν το όνομα 'Τζων' χωρίς κάποιο επίθετο. Πιο πρόσφατα (εδώ και μια-δυο δεκαετίες) χρησιμοποιούν το 'Τζο'. Έχω την εντύπωση ότι όταν πρωτοεισήχθη το επίθετο 'Χειροπαίδαρος', το όνομα που χρησιμοποιούσαν ήταν μόνο το 'Τζο', αλλά δε μπορώ να είμαι σίγουρος. Τώρα όμως χρησιμοποιείται ολόκληρο το 'Τζο Χειροπαίδαρος'.
tiistai 11. marraskuuta 2014 klo 19.12.32solved by Pim (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
Could you please make the category "2014" for the publication?
― ΚΟΜΙΞΑΚΙΑΣ 15 tiistai 11. marraskuuta 2014 klo 19.13.46
And move issue 2014-02 there.
― FAa tiistai 11. marraskuuta 2014 klo 22.39.02
Judging from the cover, the 2014 issue looks more like a new pocket series, but with the same title as the old magazine series. So we should probably make a new sereis in inducks for it.
Do you know more about that?
― ΚΟΜΙΞΑΚΙΑΣ 15 keskiviikko 12. marraskuuta 2014 klo 10.38.49
I find covers of this magazine in the official site of Egmont Bulgaria, and there says that it's the certain magazine. I don't know more about that.
― Pim status changed to solved perjantai 1. heinäkuuta 2022 klo 14.56.02
The page count seems to be the same as for the older issues (96 pages), so I guess it is fine the way it is now.
The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.