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Default language: Simplified Chinese.
- 米奇X档案 (6 issues, 2004)
- 米奇超时空探险 (2 issues, 2008)
X-Mickey ("Mickey's Exploration Across Time and Space")
- 米老鼠增刊 (5 issues, 2006-2014)
Mickey Mouse Magazine (Extra)
- 米老鼠爆笑园 (6 issues, 2016)
Mickey Mouse Super Funny
- 迪士尼世界 Disney Fan (4 issues, 2019)
bimonthly magazine
- 迪士尼时空历险记 (4 issues, 2020)
- 迪士尼米奇经典漫画 (5 issues, 2016)
bilingual Mickey Sunday pages classics ("Disney's Mickey Classic Comics")
- 迪士尼米老鼠漫画集 (8 issues, 2016)
Floyd Gottfredson Collection Economy Edition ("Disney's Mickey Mouse Comic Books")
- 唐纳德90周年手帐套装 (2 issues, 2024)
Handbook gift collection set to celebrate DD's 90th birthday
- 唐老鸭90周年珍藏集 (2 issues, 2024)
Donald Duck 90th Anniversary Collector's Edition
- 永恒传奇 米奇精选漫画故事集 Mickey Mouse: The Timeless Tales (2 issues, 2018)
- 永远的造梦大师:唐纳德漫画精选集 (7 issues, 2025)
Chinese version of The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library. Published as a celebration of the 90th birthday of Donald Duck
- 米奇90周年纪念典藏版 (8 issues, 2018)
Mickey 90th Anniversary Collector's Edition
- 米老鼠黑白经典漫画 (3 issues, 2018)
"Mickey Mouse Black and White Classic Comics"
- 让笑声飞翔 (4 issues, 2003-2023)
Mickey Mouse Magazine anniversary issues
- 迪士尼百年梦幻世界 (1 issue, 2001)
Disney Hundred-year Magic World, special issue to celebrate the 100th birthday of Walt Disney
- 正氣日報 (1 issue, 1947)
- 滑稽世界 (1 issue, 1946)
Funny World
- 米老鼠年刊 (1 issue, 1939)
Mickey Mouse Annual
- 卡通连环画选 (70 issues, 1984-1990)
"periodical cartoon series" (illegal publication)
- 米老鼠 · 唐老鸭 (Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck) (10 issues, 1986)
Distributed by Beijing Distributing House, printed by Beijing People Printing Factory, sold by Xinhua Bookstore (illegal publication).
- 迪斯尼乐园 (2 issues, 1988-1989)
Disneyland Park Magazine
- 《米老鼠》少年军校 快乐“赢” 故事集 (3 issues, 2011)
Mickey Mouse magazine Junior Woodchucks happy win story collection
- 《米老鼠》黄金故事集 (10 issues, 2008-2014)
"Gold stories collection of Mickey Mouse magazine"
- 史高治的光辉岁月 The Life and Times of $CROOGE McDUCK (3 issues, 2015-2017)
- 唐老鸭90周年珍藏集 (2 issues, 2024)
Donald Duck 90th Anniversary Collector's Edition
- 唐老鸭短篇故事精选集 (2 issues, 2019)
- 永远的造梦大师:唐纳德漫画精选集 (7 issues, 2025)
Chinese version of The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library. Published as a celebration of the 90th birthday of Donald Duck
- 米奇90周年纪念典藏版 (8 issues, 2018)
Mickey 90th Anniversary Collector's Edition
- 米老鼠彩色漫画典藏 (2 issues, 2019)
- 米老鼠黑白经典漫画 (3 issues, 2018)
"Mickey Mouse Black and White Classic Comics"
- 迪士尼大师系列 (2 issues, 2020)
- 迪士尼米老鼠漫画典藏集 (8 issues, 2016)
Floyd Gottfredson Collection ("Disney's Mickey Mouse Comic Collection"), canceled after 8 issues
- 米奇侦探故事集 (16 issues, 2002-2004)
Mickey Mouse Detective Story Collection, ISBN 7-115-X
- 米奇历险故事集 (4 issues, 2002)
Mickey Adventure Story Collection, Chinese version of Italian series of juvenile novels
- 米老鼠历险记 (4 issues, 2018)
Adventures of Mickey Mouse. Chinese and English bilingual text going together with selected comic strips from the original story
- 给小小男子汉的88个迪士尼经典图画故事 (1 issue, 2020)
Disney Clssical Graphic Stories for Little Men
- 迪士尼电影小说:全彩升级版 (2 issues, 2024)
Disney movies novel (color upgrade version)
- 《超能陆战队》系列图书 (2 issues, 2015)
Book series for the movie Big Hero 6
- Disney Learning 迪士尼学而乐 (3 issues, 2022-2023)
- 冰雪奇缘2双语故事集 (1 issue, 2022)
Frozen 2 Bilingual Story Collection
- 冰雪奇缘2沉睡魔法枕边故事书 (1 issue, 2022)
Frozen 2 Sleeping Magic -- Bed-side Story
- 帕尼尼贴画册 (1 issue, 1997)
Panini sticker album
- 皮克斯漫画收藏馆 (4 issues, 2012)
Pixar Comic Collection Hall
- 脱口而出——迪士尼互动双语漫画故事 (5 issues, 2017)
Family version of Disney English. Comics of various Disney movies are the main content, with English texts and Chinese translation available at the end of the books
- 超能陆战队 (2 issues, 2018)
Black-and-white comics of Big Hero 6, flipped backward as that of the corresponding Japanese version
- 迪士尼动画电影漫画典藏 (59 issues, 2016-2019)
Disney Animation Movie Comic Collection
- 迪士尼双语漫画 (6 issues, 2023)
Bilingual comics for Disney movies, content by Disney Publishing Worldwide (global). Both simplified Chinese and English are present in all comic bubbles
- 迪士尼电影小说:全彩升级版 (2 issues, 2024)
Disney movies novel (color upgrade version)
- 迪士尼电影故事丛书 (2 issues, 2006-2007)
Disney Movie Story Series
- 迪士尼经典电影小说 (6 issues, 1995-1998)
Disney Classic Movie Novels
- 迪士尼经典电影连环画 (9 issues, 1995-2002)
Disney Classic Movie Comic Strips
- 迪士尼英语漫画阅读 (4 issues, 2020)
Disney English Comics Reading
- 专注力培养游戏书 (1 issue, 2024)
Concentration Development Game Book
- 世界杯2002 (1 issue, 2002)
World Cup 2002 special issue
- 冰雪奇缘2双语故事集 (1 issue, 2022)
Frozen 2 Bilingual Story Collection
- 冰雪奇缘2沉睡魔法枕边故事书 (1 issue, 2022)
Frozen 2 Sleeping Magic -- Bed-side Story
- 给小小男子汉的88个迪士尼经典图画故事 (1 issue, 2020)
Disney Clssical Graphic Stories for Little Men
- 视觉新发现之全景捉迷藏 (1 issue, 2024)
- 让孩子爱上阅读的迪士尼经典动画故事 (1 issue, 2023)
Classical animation stories of Disney that make kids falling in love with reading
- 迪士尼乐园唐老鸭笔记本 (1 issue, 2023)
Donald Duck Notebook sold in Disneyland, Shanghai
- 迪士尼百年梦幻世界 (1 issue, 2001)
Disney Hundred-year Magic World, special issue to celebrate the 100th birthday of Walt Disney
- 闪电麦坤和朋友们的70+7次大冒险 (1 issue, 2017)
Adventures of Lightning McQueen with his friends
- 米老鼠和唐老鸭 (19 issues, 1996-1997)
Three series of MM/DD stories, with the first one being Black-and-white & the remaining two being coloured
- 米老鼠大侦探 (5 issues, 1994)
Collection of 5 Mickey Detective comics published in 1994
- 终极米迷口袋书 (140 issues, 2006-2023)
Paperback, monthly, canceled at the end of 2017 / 于2017年底取消
- 终极米迷口袋书超厚版 (26 issues, 2009-2023)
Paperback extra, issued roughly four times a year, canceled in 2015 / 2015年取消
- 迪士尼随身读故事书 (4 issues, 1997-1998)
Disney Pocket Story Books, similar to ZJMM series
- 魔力W.i.t.c.h口袋书 (25 issues, 2007-2009)
Magic Power W.i.t.c.h. Pocket Book, 25 issues in total
- 魔力W.i.t.c.h美少女 (6 issues, 2013)
Magic Power W.i.t.c.h. Beautiful Girl
- Disney Learning 迪士尼学而乐全科学习 (7 issues, 2018)
former "Disney Learning 迪士尼学而乐米奇妙妙屋" and "Disney Learning 迪士尼学而乐小熊维尼", ISSN 1674-1560
- Disney Learning 迪士尼学而乐小熊维尼 (12 issues, 2016-2017)
bilingual Chinese-English, former "小熊维尼" (Winnie the Pooh Magazine), monthly, ISSN 1674-1560, from 2018 on continued as "迪士尼学而乐全科学习"
- Disney Learning 迪士尼学而乐米奇妙妙屋 (12 issues, 2017)
former "米奇妙妙屋" (Disney Junior), monthly, ISSN 1674-1560, from 2018 on continued as "迪士尼学而乐全科学习"
- 小熊维尼 (144 issues, 2006-2016)
Winnie the Pooh Magazine, monthly, ISSN 1674-1560, continued as "Disney Learning 迪士尼学而乐"
- 小神龙俱乐部 (53 issues, 2014-2018)
Dragon Club
- 童趣-小公主 (232 issues, 2006-2025)
Little Princess Magazine featuring Disney princesses, monthly, ISSN 1674-1560; since 2023, it starts to feature Frozen
- 童趣笑脸-冰雪奇缘 (57 issues, 2016-2020)
Frozen magazine, monthly, since 2018 by-monthly, ISSN 2096-1820; canceled at the end of 2020, with Frozen publications moved to “童趣-小公主”
- 米奇妙妙屋 Disney Junior (36 issues, 2014-2016)
monthly, ISSN 2095-6053
- 米老鼠 (648 issues, 1992-2025)
Mickey Mouse Magazine, bi-weekly, ISSN 1007-418X
- 米老鼠特刊 (199 issues, 2000-2017)
Mickey Mouse Magazine Special, monthly, ISSN 1007-418X, canceled at the end of 2017
- 终极米迷口袋书 (140 issues, 2006-2023)
Paperback, monthly, canceled at the end of 2017 / 于2017年底取消
- 赛车总动员 Cars (112 issues, 2009-2018)
monthly, ISSN 2095-6053
- 魔力 W.i.t.c.h. (55 issues, 2002-2006)
W.i.t.c.h. magazine
- 魔力W.i.t.c.h口袋书 (25 issues, 2007-2009)
Magic Power W.i.t.c.h. Pocket Book, 25 issues in total
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