Germany: publications

Categories | Covers | Alphabetical | Publisher | Date | Inducks code | Indexed | Statistics | Indexers | Creators
Default language: German.

Album / album
Buch / book
eigenständige Online-Ausgabe / independent online edition
einmalige Ausgabe / one-shot
Fanzeitschrift / fanzine
Freiausgabe / Giveaway
Hardcover-Album / hard-cover album
Heft / magazine
LP Hülle / long-playing record cover
Portfolio / portfolio
Reprintkassetten / reprint boxes
Sammelband aus Remittenden / bounded volume of returned books
Secondary Literature
Sekundärliteratur / Secondary source
Softcover-Album / soft-cover album
Sonstiges / miscellaneous
Taschenbuch / pocket book
Testausgabe / sample issue
Zeitung / newspaper
Zweitauflage / 2nd edition

Album / album

Buch / book

eigenständige Online-Ausgabe / independent online edition

einmalige Ausgabe / one-shot

Fanzeitschrift / fanzine

Freiausgabe / Giveaway

Hardcover-Album / hard-cover album

Heft / magazine

LP Hülle / long-playing record cover




Portfolio / portfolio

Reprintkassetten / reprint boxes

Sammelband aus Remittenden / bounded volume of returned books

Secondary Literature

Sekundärliteratur / Secondary source

Softcover-Album / soft-cover album

Sonstiges / miscellaneous

Taschenbuch / pocket book

Testausgabe / sample issue

Zeitung / newspaper

Zweitauflage / 2nd edition

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