Romania: publications

View: Categories | Covers | Alphabetical | Publisher | Date | Inducks code | Indexed | Statistics | Indexers | Creators
Total number of issues: 610. Indexed: 356. Not indexed: 254.

Comic series Issues   Indexed (%)   Unindexed
Mickey Mouse 200 90.0 20
Donald Duck 183 68.3 58
Princess 96 0.0 96
W.i.t.c.h. 86 38.3 53
Clopoţica 16 0.0 16
Egmont Enigma 8 25.0 6
Donald Duck de buzunar 5 100.0 0
DuckTales Aventuri Senzaţionale 4 100.0 0
Să râdem cu Donald 4 75.0 1
Mickey Mouse extra 1 100.0 0
Mickey Mouse Sticker Story 1 0.0 1
Magicienii din Waverly Place 1 0.0 1
Playhouse Disney 1 0.0 1
Phineas şi Ferb 1 100.0 0
Să râdem cu Mickey! 1 100.0 0
Peste 1000 de cuvinte: Să învățăm... 1 100.0 0
Winnie Ursuletul 1 0.0 1

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