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- 01 Dell one shots 01
- 10 Gold Key one shots 10
- 30 Gold Key one shots 30
- 90 Whitman one shots 90
- AA Autumn Adventures
- ABDZ Abadazad
- AC Disney's Action Club
- ACLAT Alice in Wonderland (Disney Manga)
  Collected edition, single volumes only sold as ebook.
- ACSB Here's How America's Cartoonists Help to Sell U.S. Saving Bonds!
- ADA American Dairy Association Premiums
  no numbers
- AF1000 Amazing Fantasy #1000
  Only D23 Expo giveaway cover variants are indexable.
- AFAN Disneydom/A Fanzine
  First issue was called DISNEYDOM, but editor had to change the title after a phone call from Olin C. Spencer, "Vice President and General Attorney for Walt Disney Productions", who demanded the name Disney was not used any longer.
- AGN Alexander Gallery New York
- AGW Admiral Giveaway
- AH Amazing Heroes
- AINCZ Adventures In The Computer Zone
- AIW Alice in Wonderland - Graphic Novel
- AIWGNC Alice in Wonderland - The Graphic Novel Collection
- ALA Aladdin
- ALAA Disney's Aladdin - The Official Movie Adaptation
- ALAMM Aladdin – The Official Movie Magazine
- AMHDP American Motors Hudson Division Premium
- ARAC Arachnophobia
- ARH The Adventures of Robin Hood
- ARIS The Aristokittens
  #3 on titled ...and O'Malley the Alley Cat
- ASM The Amazing Spider-Man
  indexed using legacy numbering
- ATL Atlantis: The Lost Empire
- ATM At the Movies
- ATT A Twisted Tale Graphic Novel
  Adaptations of the young adult-oriented Twisted Tale books.
- ATTCB A Tribute to Carl Barks - A Lost River Star Special Edition
- AVTM Cars: Adventures of Tow Mater
  Collecting Cars: Rust Bucket Derby.
- AWD The Art of Walt Disney
  Christopher Finch
- BABMM Beauty and the Beast Magazine
- BAM Bambi
- BB The Beagle Boys
- BBF Big Book of Fun
- BBHS Beauty and The Beast Holiday Special
- BBLAT Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Tale & The Beast's Tale
  based on the live action movie
- BBMM The Biggest Big Mickey Mouse
- BBVS The Beagle Boys vs. Uncle Scrooge
- BBWDC The Biggest Big Walt Disney's Comics
- BC Walt Disney Best Comics (Oblong)
  numbers are derived from the ISBN numbers
- BCS Best Comics (Hardcover)
- BDD The Best of Donald Duck
- BDDUS The Best of Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge
- BFP The Barks Fan's Potpourri
- BGW Bendix Washing Machines Giveaway
- BH The Black Hole
  code #90306-xxx
- BH6S Big Hero 6: The Series
- BH6Y Big Hero 6 (Yen Press)
- BHA The Black Hole (Album)
  code #11295
- BLB Better Little Book
- BOCB Bolt
- BPGK Donald Duck Beach Party (Gold Key)
- BRC The Barks / Rosa Collection
- BT Barks Treasury
- BTB Beauty and the Beast
- BTBD Disney's Beauty and The Beast
- BTS Huey, Dewey and Louie Back To School
- BUB Bubbles
- BUSDD The Best of Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck
- BWDC The Best of Walt Disney Comics
  #96170-#96173, in the codes only the last two digits are mentioned
- C2MS Cars 2 - Official Movie Special
- C2TGN Cars 2
- CARD Cars (Disney)
- CARJ Cars (Joe Books)
- CARO Cars (Boom)
  Collecting Cars: Rally Race, Cars: Route 66 Dash
- CARS The World of Cars: The Rookie
- CBACB Carl Barks and the Art of the Comic Book
  Michael Barrier
- CBBBBB The Carl Barks Big Book of Barney Bear
- CBC Carl Barks Conversations
  Donald Ault
- CBCO The Barks Collector
  Long-running fanzine covering the work of legendary artist Carl Barks
- CBCOA The Barks Collector Annual
- CBCOBV The Barks Collector Bound Volume
- CBDCB Carl Barks and the Disney Comic Book
  Thomas Andrae
- CBDD Carl Barks and the Disney Ducks
- CBDL The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics)
  The books are not published in the same order as the volume number
- CBDT Carl Barks' Greatest DuckTales Stories
- CBFCP The Carl Barks Fan Club Pictorial
- CBG Comics Buyer's Guide
- CBL Carl Barks Library (Another Rainbow)
  note - page numbers are listed
- CBLCP The Comic Covers from the Carl Barks Library (Another Rainbow)
- CBM Comic Book Marketplace
- CBPG The Comic Book Price Guide (Overstreet)
  Robert M. Overstreet
- CBRA A Walt Disney Comic Book Read-Along
  issues not numbered
- CCBI The Complete Carl Barks Index
  Kim Weston
- CDGK Chip 'n' Dale (Gold Key)
- CDP Canada Dry Premiums
- CDR Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers (Disney Comics)
- CDRR Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers (Boom)
  Collecting Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers: Worldwide Rescue, Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers: Stranger Danger.
- CGNP Classic Graphic Novel (Papercutz)
- CGW Cheerios Premiums (Giveaway)
  most titles written by CCr
- CHES Chesty
- CID Christmas in Disneyland
- CJ The Comics Journal
- CLTS The Complete Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck
  Two hardcover books collecting the complete saga of the "Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck", the first book containing the main 12 chapters and the second the later additions created by Don Rosa
- CLTSD The Complete Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck Deluxe Edition
- CMCS Children Menu Card Stock
- CND Chip 'n' Dale (Dell)
- CON Condorman
- COTR Comics Treasury
- CP Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Dell)
- CPE Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Gemstone)
- CPG Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Gladstone)
- CPGK Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Gold Key)
- CPGP Christmas Parade (Golden Press)
- CRBWR Cruella: Black, White and Red
- CRSP The World of Cars: Radiator Springs
- CT Cartoon Tales
  "Uncle Scrooge; Blast to the Past" (intended issue 13) was cancelled at the last minute and never published
- CTD Cheerios 3-D Giveaways
  3 sets of 8 issues each, all 32 pages. Each issue has 3 pages of non-Disney comics (example: Timber Ted in CTD 1 1). These are in fact ads for Cheerios. The back cover of each issue is an ad for one of the other two sets of Cheerios 3D Giveaways featuring a partial reprint of the cover illustration for one issue
- CTG Crest Toothpaste Giveaways
  A Disney Goofy Classic
- CTRT Cars (Boom, TPB)
- CZ Comic Zone
  not to be confused with "Disney Adventures Comic Zone" (DACZ)
- D23 Disney twenty-three
- DA Disney Adventures
  The issue and volume number is often well-hidden in the actual issues. In the beginning, this information is clearly written on the spine, but later it is only printed on the table of contents page or as part of the indicia. In some issues from the late 1990s it doesn't seem to be printed anywhere.
- DAA The Disney Afternoon Adventures
- DACZ Disney Adventures Comic Zone
- DAD Daisy and Donald
  Number 48 does not exist
- DAG Disney Afternoon Giant
- DALK Disney Adventures: The Lion King Collector's Issue
- DALM 101 Dalmatians
- DAM Disney Adventures Special Music Issues
- DANA Duck Avenger New Adventures
- DANG Disney Adventures Special New Groove Issues
- DAR Darkwing Duck (limited series)
- DARA Darkwing Duck Annual
- DARB Darkwing Duck (Boom)
  Collecting Darkwing Duck: The Duck Knight Returns, Darkwing Duck: Crisis on Infinite Darkwings, Darkwing Duck: F.O.W.L. Disposition, Darkwing Duck: Campaign Carnage, Darkwing Duck / DuckTales: Dangerous Currency.
- DARC Darkwing Duck Classics
- DARCC Darkwing Duck Comics Collection
- DARJ Darkwing Duck (Joe Books)
- DARP Darkwing Duck (Boom, TPB)
- DARTP Darkwing Duck / DuckTales (Boom, TPB)
- DAS Donald and Scrooge (album)
- DASC Donald and Scrooge (comic)
- DASI Disney Adventures special issue
- DASP Disney Adventures Super Comics Special
- DAT Disney Adventures Special Techno Issues
- DAV Duck Avenger
- DBPG Disneyland Birthday Party (Gladstone)
- DBPGD Disneyland Birthday Party Comics Digest
- DC Disney Classics (Spotlight)
  hardcover issues designed for school and public libraries
- DCA Disney Comics Album
- DCAWDL Disney Comics: Around the World in One Hundred Years - Deluxe Edition
- DCCC Disney's Colossal Comics Collection
- DCCL Disney's Christmas Classics
  Collection of all Christmas theme Disney newspaper strips
- DCGK Davy Crockett King of the Wild Frontier (Gold Key)
- DCH Disney Comic Hits!
- DCHR Disney Channel Rocks!
- DCK Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier (Dell)
- DCM The Disney Channel magazine
- DCT Disney Cartoon Tales (hardcover)
- DCTD Disney's Comics in 3-D
- DCUC Disney's Cooked-Up Comics (Whirley)
  Lunch boxes, made by Whirley Industries of Warren, Pennsylvania. Sold at the Big Thunder Ranch Country Picnic in Disneyland (Anaheim) starting July 4, 2004.
- DCWS Disney Comics: The Whole Story
  Alberto Becattini
- DCZ Disney Comic Zone
  different from both CZ and DACZ
- DD Donald Duck
  title was "Donald Duck and Friends" on issues 308-362
- DD50 Donald Duck: 50 Years of Happy Frustration
- DD90 Donald Duck: The 90th Anniversary Collection
- DDA Donald Duck Adventures (Gladstone)
- DDAD Donald Duck Adventures (Disney Comics)
- DDAF Donald Duck Ashcan (Fantagraphics)
  free issue put out by Fantagraphics for Halloween; not for sale in stores
- DDAG Donald Duck Adventures (Gemstone)
- DDAGE Donald Duck Adventures (Geppi's Entertainment Museum)
- DDAH Donald Duck Ashcan (Gemstone)
  free issue put out by Gemstone for Halloween; not for sale in stores
- DDAL Donald Duck Album
- DDBP Donald Duck Beach Party (Dell)
- DDC Donald Duck Classics
- DDCA Donald Duck Comic Album
  other issues only have non-Disney material
- DDCG Donald Duck Gamble's Christmas Giveaway
- DDCMM Donald Duck - The Case of the Missing Mummy
- DDD Donald Duck Digest
- DDDE Darkwing Duck - The Definitively Dangerous Edition
- DDDN Donald Duck: The Complete Daily Newspaper Comics
  Collection of the Donald Duck daily newspaper strips by Al Taliaferro
- DDFB Donald Duck Fun Book
- DDFDJ Donald Duck Family - The Daan Jippes Collection
- DDFOF Donald Duck: Feathers Of Fury
- DDHS Donald Duck's Halloween Scream!
- DDI Donald Duck in ...
  box set containing all 3 issues of this series released in 2024 - ISBN: 978-1-68396-467-4
- DDID Donald Duck in Disneyland
- DDKK Walt Disney's Donald Duck
- DDMB Donald Duck (Hardcover book)
  Marcia Blitz
- DDMGM Donald Duck: Magic and Mayhem
- DDMM Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse
- DDSC Donald Duck: The Complete Sunday Comics
- DDTP Donald Duck (IDW, TPB)
- DDTT Donald Duck: Timeless Tales
- DDUH Walt Disney's Donald Duck - The Ultimate History
  Daniel Kohtenschulte (ed.), J. B. Kaufman, David Gerstein
- DDUS Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge (Gemstone)
- DDVJ Donald Duck Visits Japan!
- DEDNF Descendants: Dizzy's New Fortune
- DEEWR Descendants: Evie's Wicked Runway
- DEIL Descendants Graphic Novels - The Isle of the Lost
  Adaptations of the young adult-oriented Descendants books.
- DEMRC Descendants: Mal's Royal Challenge
- DEN Dennison gummed stickers
- DERTC Descendants: Rotten to the Core
- DFBB 101 Dalmatians Funny Bone Book
- DFFB The Disney Family Fun Book
- DFT Disney Fairies (Disney Manga)
- DG Dell Giant
- DGNP Disney Graphic Novels (Papercutz)
- DGR Disney Girls
- DHC Dynabrite Comic (Hardcover)
  For library and school purposes
- DHMT Dark Horse Media Tie-Ins (One Shots)
- DHS Disney's Hero Squad (Ultraheroes)
- DIEGO San Diego Comic-Con
- DIEGX San Diego Comic-Con (More)
- DIM Disney Magazine
  Procter & Gamble Giveaway
- DINO Dinosaurs
- DISBP Disneyland Birthday Party (Dell)
- DJGN Disney Junior Graphic Novel
- DJSM Disney Junior Special Magazine
- DJT Dell Junior Treasury
- DKM1 Disney Kingdoms: Seekers Of The Weird (Series 1)
- DKM2 Disney Kingdoms: Figment (Series 2)
  Later received a sequel series, Figment 2.
- DKM3 Disney Kingdoms: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (Series 3)
- DKM4 Disney Kingdoms: Figment 2 (Series 4)
  Sequel to Figment.
- DKM5 Disney Kingdoms: The Haunted Mansion (Series 5)
- DKM6 Disney Kingdoms: Enchanted Tiki Room (Series 6)
- DKMGN Disney Kingdoms (Graphic Novel Trade Paperbacks)
- DKS Disney Kingdoms (Spotlight)
  hardcover issues designed for school and public libraries
- DM Donald and Mickey (Gladstone)
  continuation of "Mickey and Donald"
- DMB Disney Movie Book
- DME Disney and Me
  successor of Winnie the Pooh
- DMF Disney Masters
- DMI Donald and Mickey (IDW)
- DMKC Disney Magic Kingdom Comics
- DMMF Donald and Mickey in Metropolis and Faust
- DMTSI Donald and Mickey in Disneyland
- DNM Disney News
- DNR Disney Newsreel
- DODU Donald Duck and Friends: Double Duck
- DOTD Doorways to Danger
- DP Disney Primer
- DPBC Disney Princess Be a Champion
- DPCC Disney Princess Comics Collection
- DPCSC Disney Princess Comic Strips Collection
- DPDH Disney Princess TPB (Dark Horse)
- DPGS Disney•Pixar Giant Size Comics
- DPM Disney and Pixar Movies (Spotlight)
  hardcover issues designed for school and public libraries
- DPOST The Disney Poster: The Animated Film Classics from Mickey Mouse to Aladdin
- DPPP Disney Princess (Peachtree Playthings - Dollar Tree edition)
- DPPPW Disney Princess (Peachtree Playthings - Walmart edition)
- DPRI Disney Princess (Joe Books)
- DPS Disney Princesses (Spotlight)
  hardcover issues designed for school and public libraries
- DQ Donald Quest
- DRL Don Rosa Library
- DSMW Disney Special (Welsh)
- DT DuckTales (Gladstone)
- DTC DuckTales Classics
- DTCD DuckTales (Dynamite)
- DTD DuckTales (Disney Comics)
- DTFS DuckTales: Faires and Scares
- DTGO DuckTales: The Gold Odyssey
- DTI DuckTales (IDW)
- DTK DuckTales (Boom)
  Collecting DuckTales: Rightful Owners, DuckTales / Darkwing Duck: Dangerous Currency.
- DTM DuckTales Magazine
- DTPP DuckTales (Peachtree Playthings - Dollar Tree edition)
- DTR Dick Tracy
- DTRA Dick Tracy (Audio Action Adventures)
  Published with cassette tape.
- DTRT Dick Tracy - The Trilogy (Trade Paperback)
- DTSQ DuckTales featuring Scrooge's Quest by Marv Wolfman
- DTSS DuckTales: Silence and Science
- DTTM DuckTales The Movie
- DWDD Darkwing Duck (Dynamite)
- DWDFP Darkwing Duck: F.O.W.L. Play
- DWDJD Darkwing Duck: Justice Ducks
- DWTP 365 Days with Winnie the Pooh
  Collection containing some of the daily newspaper Winnie the Pooh strips from 1978-1986 and the Sunday newspaper strips with Winnie the Pooh from 1978-1987
- DYN Dynabrite Comic
- ES Disney's Enchanting Stories
- EXX Exxon giveaway
- FA Disney Fairies
  Both paperback and hardcover editions exist
- FAFIO Disney Fairies 4 in 1
  4 books in 1 collection!
- FAH The Fox and the Hound
- FAHA The Fox and the Hound (Album)
- FAN Fandom Annual
- FAWDDD The Fine Art of Walt Disney's Donald Duck by Carl Barks
- FB Funnybooks: The Improbable Glories of the Best American Comic Books
  Michael Barrier
- FBB Frozen: Breaking Boundaries
- FBPM 40 Big Pages of Mickey Mouse
- FCA Disney's Four Color Adventures
- FCB Free Comic Book Day
  Giveaway event organized by Diamond distributors and participating stores. Held annually every first Saturday of May since 2002.
- FCC Frozen Comics Collection
- FDOR Finding Dory
- FDORGN Finding Dory Graphic Novel
- FF Fandom Funnies
- FGL Floyd Gottfredson Library
- FGW Firestone Giveaway (Donald and Mickey Merry Christmas)
  no numbers
- FHW Frozen: The Hero Within
- FINN Finding Nemo (Boom)
  Collecting Finding Nemo: Losing Dory.
- FISHP Fisher-Price Classics - Comic Book and Tape
- FNRR Finding Nemo: Reef Rescue
- FNT Finding Nemo (Disney Manga)
- FRAD Frozen Adventures
- FRG Fritos Giveaway
- FRLE Frozen Library Edition
- FROZ Frozen (Joe Books)
- FROZA Frozen Annual
- FROZEN Frozen - The Story of the Movie in Comics (Joe Books)
- FROZR Frozen - The Official Magazine (Redan)
- FRPP Frozen (Peachtree Playthings - Dollar Tree edition)
- FRPPW Frozen (Peachtree Playthings - Walmart edition)
- FRR Frozen: Reunion Road
- FTT Frozen: True Treasure
- FUNW Funnyworld
  Michael Barrier's Fanzine
- FWGN Frankenweenie: A Graphic Novel
- FZ2M Frozen 2: The Manga
- FZOCCC Frozen - Olaf's Complete Comics Collection
- FZPP Frozen - The Official Magazine (Peachtree Playthings)
- GA Goofy Adventures
- GAC Disney Golden Age Comics
- GAR Gargoyles
- GARD Gargoyles (Dynamite)
- GARDA Gargoyles: Dark Ages
- GARDHS Gargoyles - Halloween Special
- GARHM Gargoyles: Here in Manhattan
- GARQT Gargoyles: Quest
- GARS Gargoyles: Clan-Building
- GARSBG Gargoyles: Bad Guys
- GCA Gladstone Comic Album
- GGA Graphic Gallery
- GGI Gladstone Giant album
- GH Good Housekeeping
- GHH Giant Halloween Hex
- GIC G.I. Comics
  Giveaway comic distributed to various services within the United States Armed Forces.
- GLBH Gladstone Leather Bound Hardcover Comic Albums
- GNRH Graphic Novel (Random House)
- GPSB Golden Picture Story Book
  tabloid size 26 cm x 35.5 cm
- GULF Wonderful World of Disney (Gulf giveaway)
- HCCB Heroes Con convention booklet
- HER Hercules - Official Comics Movie Adaptation
- HERD Hercules (Dynamite)
- HLB Herbie The Love Bug Coloring Book
- HM Haunted Mansion: Welcome, Foolish Mortals
- HMMG Horlick's Malted Milk Giveaways
- HP Holiday Parade
- HSMGN High School Musical: The Graphic Novel
- HUN The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Marvel Two-pack)
  HUNCH 1 published in 2 parts in 2 different comics
- HUNCH The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- IFG Icy Frost Twins Ice Cream Bars Giveaway
- IFMT The Incredibles: Family Matters (TPB)
- IMAD Inside Mad
- IMC International DeMolay Cordon
- INC The Incredibles (Dark Horse)
- INCB The Incredibles (Boom)
  Collecting The Incredibles: City of Incredibles, The Incredibles: Revenge from Below, The Incredibles: Secrets & Lies, The Incredibles: Truth & Consequences.
- INCCR Incredibles 2: Crisis in Mid-Life! & Other Stories
- INCLE Incredibles 2: Library Edition
- INCSB Incredibles 2: Slow Burn
- INCSI Incredibles 2: Secret Identities
- INCTPB The Incredibles (Dark Horse TPB)
- JBOOK Jungle Book
- JBTAB Jungle Book (tabloid size)
- JGN Junior Graphic Novel
- JKC The Jack Kirby Collector
  fanzine about Jack Kirby
- JUN Walt Disney's Classic The Jungle Book
- JW Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks
- JWD Junior Woodchucks (Disney Comics)
- KAB Keep America Beautiful / American Can Company Giveaway
- KFSDD Donald Duck (KFS)
  Promotional brochure for the Donald Duck comic strip. Probably not for general sale.
- KFSWTP Winnie the Pooh (KFS)
  Promotional book for the WTP newspaper strip. Has probably not been for sale to the general public.
- KGA Kites Giveaway
  the comics have no cover and no number
- KH1 Kingdom Hearts
- KH2 Kingdom Hearts II (Tokyopop)
- KH2Y Kingdom Hearts II (Yen Press)
- KH3582D Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- KH3Y Kingdom Hearts III
- KHCM Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (Tokyopop)
- KHCMY Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories (Yen Press)
- KHFM Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
- KHS Kingdom Hearts (Spotlight)
  hardcover issues designed for school and public libraries
- KKG K.K. Publications / Sears, Roebuck & Co. (WDC) Christmas Giveaway
- KPA Kim Possible Adventures
- KPCM Kim Possible Cine-Manga
- KPRVM Kilala Princess: Rescue the Village with Mulan!
- KPT Kilala Princess (1st series)
- KPT2 Kilala Princess (2nd series)
- LASD Lilo & Stitch (Dynamite)
- LASDOH Lilo & Stitch: 'OHana (Hardcover) (Dynamite)
- LASDOT Lilo & Stitch: 'OHana (TPB) (Dynamite)
- LBB The Little Big Book
  Series of children's books covering various subjects; only one contains Disney comics
- LFC Large Feature comic (series 2)
- LFCI Large Feature comic (series 1)
  mostly paint books
- LGBD Little Golden Books series D
- LIB Liberty
- LICD The Carl Barks Library of Donald Duck Adventures in Color
- LICGY The Carl Barks Library of Gyro Gearloose Comics and Fillers in Color
- LICU The Adventures of Uncle Scrooge McDuck in Color
  Abbreviated LIC.. because it's in fact the same album series as the other LIC
- LICUG The Carl Barks Library of Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge One Pagers in Color
- LICW The Carl Barks Library of Walt Disney's Comics and Stories in Color
- LICXG The Carl Barks Library of 1940's Donald Duck Christmas Giveaways in Color
- LNC Leatherneck Comics
  Giveaway comic distributed to the United States Marine Corps.
- LOOK Look
- LSPP A Lithographic Suite of Preliminary Paintings
- LT Lady and the Tramp
- LTSM The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (deluxe album)
- LTSMA The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck - Artist's Edition
  Features scanned pages from the actual original art. While appearing to be in black & white, each page has been scanned in color to mimic as closely as possible the experience of viewing the original art
- LTSMB The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (Boom)
- LTSMG The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (Gemstone)
- LV Louisville
- LVD Ludwig Von Drake
- MAD Mickey and Donald
  continued in "Donald and Mickey"
- MADM Mad
- MAF Mickey and Friends
  Mini Book of Classic Shorts - From "Steamboat Willie" to "Brave Little Tailor"
- MAGD Magical Dance
- MAM Miriya and Marie
- MATG Walt Disney's Mickey and the Gang
  Book - edited by David Gerstein
- MC1000 Marvel Comics #1000
  Only D23 Expo giveaway cover variants are indexable.
- MCMT The Muppet Show Comic Book: Meet the Muppets (TPB)
- MD Moby Duck
- MDCP Mickey and Donald Christmas Parade
- MDFF Mickey and Donald Fantastic Futures
- MDSPPP Minnie & Daisy Spy Power (Peachtree Playthings - Dollar Tree edition)
- MDWDT Mickey and Donald: For Whom the Doorbell Tolls
- MDZS Mickey and Donald: The Search for the Zodiac Stone
- MFG The Menomonee Falls Guardian
  Some issues reprint MM dailies
- MGN Movie Graphic Novel (Joe Books)
- MIAPD Monsters, Inc. A Perfect Date
- MIHC Mickey's Inferno (Halloween ComicFest)
- MIHP Monsters, Inc. The Humanween Party
- MILF Monsters, Inc.: Laugh Factory (TPB)
- MINI Mini Comic
- MIRRV Mirrorverse
- MIS Mickey is Sixty
- MISMC Monsters, Inc. The Story of the Movie in Comics
- MISST Monsters, Inc. Scary Stories
- MITP Monsters, Inc. (Disney Manga)
- MKA Muppet King Arthur
- MLAF Monsters, Inc.: Laugh Factory
- MM Mickey Mouse
- MM90 Mickey Mouse: The 90th Anniversary Collection
- MMA Mickey Mouse Adventures (Disney Comics)
- MMAG Mickey Mouse Adventures (Gemstone)
- MMAI Mickey Mouse Album (IDW/Fantagraphics)
- MMAlb Mickey Mouse Album (Gold Key)
- MMAlm Mickey Mouse Almanac
- MMBBL Mickey Mouse Book
- MMBP Mickey Mouse Birthday Party
- MMC Mickey Mouse Classics
- MMCP Mickey Mouse Club Parade
- MMD Mickey Mouse Digest
- MMELP Mickey Mouse: The Evolution, The Legend, The Phenomenon
- MMFHY Mickey Mouse - Fifty Happy Years
- MMGA Mickey Mouse: The Greatest Adventures
- MMIC Mickey Mouse in Color
- MMIFA Mickey Mouse in Fantasyland
- MMIFR Mickey Mouse in Frontierland
- MMM Mickey Mouse Magazine (3rd series, 1935-1940)
- MMMB Mickey Mouse and Blotman
- MMMD Mickey Mouse Magazine Dairy Giveaway
  Monthly, digest size, issued by different dairies, among them: Belle Vernon, Bryant & Chapman, Chestnut Farms Dairy, Chevy Chase Dairy, Detroit Creamery, Ebling's, Ecoma, Fairfield Western Maryland, Grand Rapids Creamery, Highland Dairy, Hoffman's, Luick Dairy, Moore's New Haven Dairy, Ohio Clover Leaf Dairy, Pontiac Dairy, Rieck's, Southern Dairies
- MMMG Mickey Mouse Magazine Giveaway
  Monthly, 1st giveaway series
- MMMW Mickey Mouse Magazine (Welsh Publishing)
- MMP Mickey Mouse Paintings
- MMPB Merry Menagerie Paint Book
- MMPP Mickey Mouse / Disney Comics and Stories (Peachtree Playthings - Dollar Tree edition)
  First 5 issues are titled "Mickey Mouse", then changed to "Disney Comics and Stories" from #6
- MMPPW Mickey Mouse (Peachtree Playthings - Walmart edition)
- MMQI Mickey Mouse on Quandomai Island
- MMQMM Mickey Mouse: The Quest for the Missing Memories
- MMSDM Mickey Mouse Series
- MMSF Mickey Mouse Summer Fun
- MMSP Mickey Mouse Surprise Party
- MMSS1 Mickey Mouse Shorts: Season One
- MMSTP Mickey Mouse Shorts: Season One (Trade paperback)
- MMT Mickey Mouse Tales
- MMTM Mickey Mouse 300 Mickeys
- MMTON Mickey Mouse and the Orbiting Nightmare
- MMTP Mickey Mouse (IDW, Trade Paperback)
- MMTT Mickey Mouse: Timeless Tales
- MMUH Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse - The Ultimate History
  Daniel Kohtenschulte (ed.), J. B. Kaufman, David Gerstein
- MMWTC Mickey Mouse and the World to Come
- MOC Boys' and Girls' March of Comics Giveaways
  only Disney issues listed
- MON Monsters, Inc.
- MP Mother Pluto
- MPHM Marsupilami
- MPP Muppet Peter Pan
- MRH Muppet Robin Hood
- MSH Muppet Sherlock Holmes
- MSW Muppet Snow White
- MTPW The Muppet Show Comic Book: The Treasure of Peg Leg Wilson
- MTUAC Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas
- MUOMM Monsters University - Official Movie Magazine
- MVGN Marvel Graphic Novel
- NABTB New Adventures of Beauty and the Beast (limited series)
- NAGE National Geographic
- NAVEN The New Adventures of...
- NAVES Las Nuevas Aventuras de... (Español)
- NBCHCF Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas (Halloween ComicFest)
- NBXM Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas (Disney Manga)
- NBXMM Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Mirror Moon
- NBXMMP Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Mirror Moon (Paperback)
- NBXPK Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Battle for Pumpkin King
- NBXPKP Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Battle for Pumpkin King (Paperback)
- NBXZJ Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Zero's Journey
- NBXZJP Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Zero's Journey (Paperback)
- NCS National Cartoonist Society Year Book
- NEMO Nemo - the classic comics library
- NEWCON New Con Program Book
- NGDD Negaduck
- NMMFB The New Mickey Mouse Club Fun Book
- NPEC New York Protestant Episcopal City Mission
- NYMM Ninety Years of Mickey Mouse
- OB The Orange Bird
  WD Educational Media
- OJ Orange Juice cartons
  Gags done for Donald Duck Orange Juice to go along one side panel of the waxboard half-gallon cartons
- OLR Oswald the Lucky Rabbit - The Search for the Lost Disney Cartoons
  David A. Bossert
- OMAL O'Malley and the Alley Cats
- OS One Shots
- OSI One Shots, Color Comics, 1st series
- OSJB One-Shot (Joe Books)
  Continuation of "At the Movies", but now as one-shot's
- OSMA Disney One Saturday Morning Adventures
- OTW On the Way
- PAF Phineas and Ferb
- PAFCCC Phineas and Ferb Classic Comics Collection
- PAFH Phineas and Ferb — Holiday Special
- PAFM Phineas and Ferb – Official Movie Magazine
- PANELS Panels
- PATFT The Princess and the Frog (Disney Manga)
- PB The Phantom Blot
- PCDMC Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (Graphic Novel)
- PFCCC Phineas and Ferb Colossal Comics Collection
- PFCR Phineas and Ferb Comic Reader
  Comic books with strips based on episodes of the cartoon series (with stills)
- PFGTL Phineas and Ferb Guide to Life-format books
  Guide to Life-format books; only books with comic sections indexed.
- PI Printer's Ink
- PIN Pinocchio
- POCAH Pocahontas
- POCTP Pocahontas (Marvel Two-pack)
- POM The Perils of Mickey
- POPG Prince of Persia - Before the Sandstorm
- POTC Pirates of the Caribbean
- POTCAJS Pirates of the Caribbean: The Adventures of Jack Sparrow
  Adapted from the series of young adult novels featuring a young Jack Sparrow.
- POTCCC Pirates of the Caribbean Comics Collection
- POTCT Pirates of the Caribbean (Disney Manga)
- PP Picnic Party
  Continuation of Vacation Parade
- PPAU The Prince and the Pauper
- PPD Peter Pan
- PPTC Peter Pan Treasure Chest
- PRIN Princess Magazine
- RALA The Return of Aladdin
- RBCC The Rocket's Blast ComiCollector
- RBIHSEP Ralph Breaks the Internet: Heart from the Start, Eyes on the Prize
- RFG Red Feather Giveaway
- RGHC Return of the Gremlins (Hardcover)
- RHFG Robin Hood Flour Giveaways
- RHOOD Robin Hood
  cardboard cover albums
- RIG Adventure in Disneyland by Richfield
- RL Real Life
- ROCK3D The Rocketeer 3-D Comic
- ROCKAL The Rocketeer (album)
- ROCKSC The Rocketeer (softcover)
- ROG Roger Rabbit
- ROGM Roger Rabbit, The Resurrection of Doom...
- ROGT Roger Rabbit in 3-D
- ROTG Return of the Gremlins
- RRTT Roger Rabbit's Toontown
- RSW The Return of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
- RTO Return to Oz
- SAPS ¡Stitch! ¡Amigos Por Siempre!
- SATS Stitch & the Samurai
- SB Sleeping Beauty
- SBFF Stitch! Best Friends Forever
- SC Scamp (Dell)
- SCA The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh
  cover hero The Scarecrow
- SCGK Scamp (Gold Key)
- SD San Diego Comic-Con hardcovers
- SEB Sebastian
- SFD Summer Fun (Disney Comics)
- SG Super Goof
- SHIP Shipwrecked!
- SIMP Simpsons Comics
- SKWC Sing With King at Christmas
- SM Spin and Marty
- SMC The Story of the Movie in Comics (Joe Books)
- SMCD The Story of the Movie in Comics (Dark Horse)
- SMITH Smithsonian books
  Jointly published by Smithsonian Press and Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
- SNG Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Giveaway
- SPF Spring Fever
- SPG Sales Promotions Giveaway
- SPMT Space Mountain
  Originally planned to be a trilogy, with the other titles being 'Return to Space Mountain' (2015) and 'Battle for Space Mountain' (2016).
- SS Silly Symphonies
- SSSC Silly Symphonies: The Sunday Newspaper Comics
- STA Disney starring...
  Literature parody stories
- STM Stitch! (Disney Manga)
- STP Disney Storied Places
- STRK Friday
  "The Weekly Magazine That Dares to Tell the Truth"
- SVFE Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Deep Trouble
- SWDH Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Dark Horse)
- SWM Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Marvel)
- SWSD Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Gladstone)
- TAGN Tangled — The Graphic Novel
- TAR Tarzan
- TAT Tangled (Disney Manga)
- TAUSM The Adventurous Uncle Scrooge McDuck
- TBAF Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge - The Best And Firsts
- TBTNBC Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
- TC Top Comics
  no numbers
- TCB Tall Comic Book
- TCC Disney Comics - The Classics Collection
- TCT Treasury of Classic Tales
- TDA The Disney Afternoon
- TDC The Disneyana Collector
- TDT The Duckburg Times
- TE Target Exclusive
- TI The Illustrator
- TIFM The Incredibles: Family Matters
- TLA Walt Disney's True Life Adventures
- TLK The Lion King (Marvel Two-pack)
- TLKM The Lion King
- TLM The Little Mermaid (Marvel)
- TLMA The Little Mermaid (W.D. Publications)
- TLMAC The Little Mermaid (Flip Book)
- TLMD The Little Mermaid (Dark Horse)
- TLMLS The Little Mermaid (limited series)
- TLMM The Little Mermaid Magazine
- TLP Three Little Pigs
- TMFS The Muppets: The Four Seasons
- TMHCM The Muppets (Omnibus)
- TMS The Muppet Show Comic Book: Meet the Muppets
- TMSO The Muppet Show Comic Book
  Collecting The Muppet Show Comic Book: On the Road, The Muppet Show Comic Book: Family Reunion, The Muppet Show Comic Book: Muppet Mash.
- TOMA Tron: Original Movie Adaptation
- TR4T4R Turning Red: 4*Town 4*Real
- TRDU The Rescuers Down Under
- TRO Tron: The Ghost in the Machine
- TROB Tron: Betrayal
- TROL Tron Legacy - The Ultimate Movie Guide
- TS TaleSpin
- TSAD Toy Story Adventures
- TSL TaleSpin (limited series)
- TSM Toy Story (Marvel)
- TSMS Toy Story: The Mysterious Stranger
- TSMT Toy Story: The Mysterious Stranger (HC/TPB)
- TSO Toy Story (limited series)
- TSOB Toy Story (Boom)
  Collecting Toy Story: The Return of Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story: Some Assembly Required.
- TSOBHA Toy Story (Halloween Mini Comic)
- TSPP Toy Story (Peachtree Playthings - Dollar Tree edition)
- TSPPW Toy Story (Peachtree Playthings - Walmart edition)
- TST Toy Story (Disney Manga)
  Collected edition, single volumes only sold as ebook.
- TSTC Toy Story: Tales from the Toy Chest (Boom)
  Collecting Toy Story: Toy Overboard.
- TSTCM Toy Story: Tales from the Toy Chest (Marvel)
- TT Top Top Tales
- TTCCC The Toon Treasury of Classic Children's Comics
- TTK Disney Tsum Tsum Kingdom
- TTM The Three Musketeers
- TTMG Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers
- TTS Tangled: The Series
- TTSAC Tangled: The Series – Adventure is Calling
- TTSHN Tangled: The Series – Hair and Now
- TTSHR Tangled: The Series – Hair-Raising Adventures
- TTSM Tangled: The Series (Official Magazine)
- TTSTP Tangled: The Series (Trade paperback)
- TVG TV Guide
- TWMA Twisted-Wonderland: The Manga - Anthology
- TWMBH Twisted-Wonderland: The Manga - Book of Heartslabyul
- TWMBO Twisted-Wonderland: The Manga - Book of Octavinelle
- TWMBS Twisted-Wonderland: The Manga - Book of Savanaclaw
- UACB The Unavailable Carl Barks
- UCF United Community Funds
- UM The Uncensored Mouse
  Unauthorized reprints of the first MM dailies. Publication stopped after #2, and hence only one part of YM 002 was published.
- US Uncle Scrooge
- USA Uncle Scrooge Adventures
- USADR Uncle Scrooge Adventures in Color by Don Rosa
- USAVH Uncle Scrooge Adventures in Color Van Horn Special
- USAW Uncle Scrooge: Around the World in 80 Bucks
- USCA Walt Disney's Uncle $crooge McDuck: His Life and Times by Carl Barks
- USD Uncle Scrooge Digest
- USDD Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck (Gold Key)
- USDDA Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck in Color (album)
- USDDBMT Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck: Bear Mountain Tales
- USDDG Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck (Gladstone)
- USDDLM Uncle Scrooge & Donald Duck in Les Misérables and War and Peace
- USDJC Uncle Scrooge: The Diamond Jubilee Collection
- USGD Uncle Scrooge Goes to Disneyland (Dell)
- USGDG Uncle Scrooge Goes to Disneyland (Gladstone)
- USHONO Uncle Scrooge: The Hunt for the Old Number One (HC/SC)
- USIC Uncle Scrooge in Color
- USID Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime
- USLAH Uncle Scrooge: DuckTales
- USM Uncle Scrooge and Money
- USMFM Uncle Scrooge: My First Millions
- USMSR Uncle Scrooge: The Mysterious Stone Ray and Cash Flow
- USTP Uncle Scrooge (IDW Trade Paperback)
- USTT Uncle Scrooge: Timeless Tales
- VF Vintage Funnies
- VGU Vanguard
- VID Vacation in Disneyland (Dell)
- VIDGK Vacation in Disneyland (Gold Key)
- VIL Villains Graphic Novels
  Adaptations of the young adult-oriented Disney Villains books.
- VILCDV Disney Villains: Cruella De Vil
- VILHDS Disney Villains: Hades
- VILMFT Disney Villains: Maleficent
- VILSCR Disney Villains: Scar
- VP Vacation Parade
- VPE Walt Disney's Vacation Parade
- WABO The Washington Boast
  humor magazine
- WALLE Wall·E
  Collecting Wall·E: Recharge, Wall·E: Out There.
- WARH War Heroes
- WASA The Waldorf-Astoria
- WAT Wall·E (Disney Manga)
- WCB Whitman Comic Books
- WDA Walt Disney Annual
- WDAMM Walt Disney's Adventures of Mickey Mouse
- WDC Walt Disney's Comics and Stories
- WDCA Walt Disney's Comics and Stories Archives
- WDCC Walt Disney's Christmas Classics
- WDCD Walt Disney Comics Digest (Gold Key)
  Each issue of WDCD has a face of a Disney character in the title field
- WDCDG Walt Disney's Comics Digest (Gladstone)
- WDCFAS Walt Disney's Comics and Stories 75th Anniversary Special
- WDCM Walt Disney's Comics mailer
- WDCPP Walt Disney's Comics Penny Pincher
- WDCT Walt Disney's Christmas Treasury
  somewhat related to "Best Comics"
- WDCTP Walt Disney's Comics and Stories/Disney Comics and Stories (IDW Trade Paperbacks)
- WDCV Walt Disney's Comics and Stories Vault
- WDFA Walt Disney's Comics First Appearances
  "Produced exclusively for the retail outlets of Anderson News Company in a limited, numbered edition of 50,000."
- WDG Walt Disney Giant
- WDLF Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge: World of the Dragonlords
- WDMM Walt Disney Magic Moments
- WDPR Walt Disney Presents
- WDS Walt Disney Showcase (Gold Key)
- WDSF Walt Disney's Summer Fun
- WDSFG Walt Disney's Spring Fever
- WDSI Walt Disney Showcase (IDW)
- WDSS Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies
- WDT Walt Disney Treasures
- WDVC Walt Disney's Valentine's Classics
- WH Wheaties Premiums
- WHI Whitman children's books
- WHIT White Fang
- WIC Walt Disney's Comics in Color 1st album series
  an unnumbered 8th issue was announced but never published
- WICS Walt Disney's Comics in Color 2nd album series
  US Bargain Book
- WIF What If...?
- WIT W.i.t.c.h.
  Cancelled after issue 31, by Yen Press losing their Disney license.
- WITCB W.i.t.c.h. Chapter Books
  mostly texts, with some of the first and last pages of the corresponding graphic novel
- WITF W.i.t.c.h. (free comics)
- WITGN W.i.t.c.h. Graphic Novel
- WITMC W.i.t.c.h. (McDonalds)
  Comic book distributed together with W.i.t.c.h. doll in numbered plastic package during the Happy Meal action period from November 23 to December 15, 2005. A similar series of Power Rangers toys (without comic books) run at the same time.
- WM Wizards of Mickey (JY)
- WOADV Walt Disney's World of Adventure
- WOM Wizards of Mickey (Boom)
  Containing Wizards of Mickey: The Grand Tournament, Wizards of Mickey: Battle for the Crown.
- WON Wonderland
- WOTD World of the Dragonlords
- WTP Winnie the Pooh
- WTR Walt Disney Treasury
- YA Young America
  The National News Weekly For Youth
- YDD Young Donald Duck
- YMO Young Money
  educational magazine for high-school teaching in finance and economics, only Disney material in one issue
- YRGN Younger Readers Graphic Novel (Dark Horse)
- ZAMA Zorro American Mythology Archives
- ZATCD Alex Toth's Zorro: The Complete Dell Adventures
- ZBW Best of the West
- ZCCA The Complete Alex Toth Zorro
  Released in trade paperback format and in limited, numbered, and signed 350 copy hardcover in slipcase.
- ZCCB The Complete Alex Toth Zorro
- ZCCC The Complete Alex Toth Zorro
- ZFNS Zorro's Feliz Navidad Special
- ZLA Zorro - Legendary Adventures
- ZMAM Zorro Masters
- ZOC Zorro in Old California
  See also Zorro - The Complete Classic Adventures.
- ZOR Zorro (Dell)
- ZORGK Zorro (Gold Key)
- ZTD Zootopia (Dynamite)
- ZTT Zorro Timeless Tales
- ZZ Newspapers
  This publication does not actually exist. It consists of all newspaper strips that were published in any newspaper in the US, grouped by year.
- ZZAT Allegheny Times
  YM gags from 1988 to 1992/1993
- ZZBDN Bangor Daily News
  YX gags from at least 1970 to 24 June 1988 (last possible YX), YD gags from at least 1970 to 25 Februari 1977 and YW gags from July 1978 to 8 October 1984
- ZZCRG Cedar Rapids Gazette
  YX gags from 1956 to 1965 (possibly longer)
- ZZDRC Daily Review California
  YM gags from 1956 to 1961 (possibly longer)
- ZZKNE Kentucky New Era
  YD gags from 1942 to September 1993
- ZZLEJ Lewiston Evening Journal
  YM gags from December 1934 to 1979 (possibly longer) and YL gags from 14 March 1955 (first YL) to 14 April 1973 (last YL)
- ZZLOE Los Angeles Examiner
- ZZMS The Milwaukee Sentinel
- ZZNTM News and Tribune (Missouri)
  YX gags from 1969 to 1978
- ZZOPE Oakland Post-Enquirer
- ZZSHT Sarasota Herald-Tribune
  YM gags from 1935 to April 1941 (possibly earlier)
- ZZSS The Stars and Stripes
  Service newspaper of the United States Armed Forces. Printed in Honolulu, HI, on the press of the Honolulu Advertiser. Later issues were forwarded to Guam, Saipan, and Iwo Jima as Forward Editions. These contain the contents as the regular editions.
- ZZTMC The Madison Courier
  YG gags from 25 August 1986 (first YG) to 1 April 1989 (last YG)
- ZZTN Times-News
  YW gags from June 1978 to January 1986
- ZZTV The Vindicator
  YX gags from the start of the eighties to 18 June 1988 (nearly end of YX), YG gags from 26 January 1987 to 31 March 1989 (nearly end of YG) and (seemingly) irregular ZM, ZG and ZX gags printed in Sunday papers
The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.