Aladdin Not indexed: 1-11 Beauty and the Beast Not indexed: 1-13 Disney Adventures Donald Duck (BP) Indexed: 87-89 Donald Duck (Supercomix) Indexed: 1-27 Kidz World Not indexed: 1 Mickey Mouse (BP) Indexed: 89 Mickey Mouse (Supercomix) Indexed: 1-28 One Shots (BP) Indexed: 1183, 1226 One Shots (Dixi Cola) Indexed: 1092, 1156, 1178 One Shots (Sebra Uitgewers) Indexed: 227, 252 pret (Rapport)
The Lion King Indexed: 1 The Little Mermaid Not indexed: 1-12 Uncle Scrooge (BP) Indexed: 42-45 Vonk