Photographs of originals

<< 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 >>
Uploaded by kuperkowo on 2012-08-19

Silent Night, D 2001-068 # 3
Uploaded by kuperkowo on 2012-08-19

Silent Night, D 2001-068 # 2
Uploaded by kuperkowo on 2012-08-19

Silent Night, D 2001-068
Uploaded by kuperkowo on 2012-08-19

G TEM 9510 # 3
Uploaded by datagutten on 2012-07-31
From the disney comics app

Zio Paperone e il telefonino stregato, I TL 2628-1
Uploaded by Cacou on 2012-07-04
Plaque d'imprimerie

Uploaded by Cacou on 2012-06-29
Under Wraps, D 2011-135
Uploaded by gui on 2012-06-17
page 28 - original art

Paperino e gli scherzi misteriosi, I TL 1746-E
Uploaded by gui on 2012-06-16
Last page, original art

Paperina e la speculazione edilizia, I TL 874-B
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-29
Taken from Cdcovers (

Up, PMCA 10-C
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-29
Taken from IMP Awards (

Up, PMCA 10-B
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-28
Taken from IMP Awards (

A Bug's Life, PMCA 2-A
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-28
Taken from IMP Awards (

Toy Story 2, PMCA 3-A
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-28
Picture of Dark Horse statuette based on the cover (Disney Comics & Stories Classic Characters #5: The Phantom Blot)

Outwits the Phantom Blot, W OSI 16-00 # 2
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-28
Picture of Dark Horse statuette based on the cover (Disney Comics & Stories Classic Characters #4: Mickey Mouse)

Outwits the Phantom Blot, W OSI 16-00
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-28
Picture of Dark Horse statuette based on the cover (Disney Comics & Stories Classic Characters #1: Donald Duck)

Opening Number, W WDC 1-00
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-27
Picture of Dark Horse statuette based on the cover (Classic Uncle Scrooge Series 2 #5: Uncle Scrooge "Moneybags" Statue)

W US 32-00
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-27
Picture of Dark Horse statuette based on the cover (Classic Uncle Scrooge Series 2 #4: Huey, Dewey, and Louie Statue)

W WDC 150-00
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-27
Picture of Dark Horse statuette based on the cover (Classic Uncle Scrooge Series 2 #3: Uncle Scrooge "Cash N’ Carry" Statue)

W US 22-00
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-27
Picture of Dark Horse statuette based on the cover (Classic Uncle Scrooge Series 2 #2: Donald Duck "Square Egg")

Lost in the Andes, W OS 223-00
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-27
Picture of Dark Horse statuette based on the cover (Classic Uncle Scrooge Series 2 #1: Klondike Statue)

W OS 456-00
Uploaded by Superpippo12 on 2012-05-26
Super Hero By Mistake, S 72280 # 10
Uploaded by Superpippo12 on 2012-05-26
Return Of The Super Fink, S 72100
Uploaded by kaximpo on 2012-05-24
2nd part, Page 3

Topolino e l'enigma di Mu, I TL 1238-AP
Uploaded by joakim on 2012-05-16
20,000 Leaks Under the Sea, S 65024 # 6
Uploaded by gui on 2012-05-16
Original pencils

W OS 517-00
Uploaded by Eta beta17 on 2012-05-12
Parcheggio no problem, I TL 2640-01
Uploaded by sury on 2012-05-12
From Luca Usai's blog (

Paperino e la scampagnata disturbata, I PM 382-1
Uploaded by Antti on 2012-05-10
Uploaded by Greek User on 2012-05-05
Taken from Sabrina Alberghetti's blog (

Toy with Me, XU DARA 1AA # 3

<< 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 >>

The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.