Uploaded by tpl on 2006-07-08
The death of $crooge's father
The Billionaire Of Dismal Downs, D 93121
# 3
| Uploaded by tpl on 2006-07-08
McWhisker vs. McDuck in full and half armor, respectively
The New Laird Of Castle McDuck, D 92191
Uploaded by tpl on 2006-07-08
The James Gang robbin' train at gunpoint (rather than finger-point, as in American version)
The Buckaroo of the Badlands, D 92008
# 3
| Uploaded by tpl on 2006-07-08
$crooge's and Pothole discover the Drennan Whyte
The Master Of The Mississippi, D 91411
# 3
Uploaded by tpl on 2006-07-08
Young Scrooge inside the Great Hall of the castle
The Last of the Clan McDuck, D 91308
# 4
| Uploaded by tpl on 2006-07-08
Young Scrooge warily eyes Castle McDuck
The Last of the Clan McDuck, D 91308
# 3
Uploaded by fwi on 2006-07-08
YM 67-01-30
| Uploaded by fwi on 2006-07-08
W SG 36-00
Uploaded by fwi on 2006-07-08
W MM 31-00
| Uploaded by fwi on 2006-07-08
W CND 27-00
Uploaded by fsp on 2006-07-05
Original art
Water Ballet, YL 72-11-03
| Uploaded by fsp on 2006-07-05
Original art
Gentle Giants, YL 72-10-27
Uploaded by fsp on 2006-07-05
Original art
Perfect Strangers, YL 72-10-11
| Uploaded by fsp on 2006-07-05
Tiger Tamer, YL 72-06-05
Uploaded by tpl on 2006-07-04
Original strip art
YM 63-01-04
| Uploaded by kcr on 2006-06-30
from "The complete daily strip adventures of Mickey Mouse 1930-1955"
YM 43-01-01
Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
Donald and the kids get their first look inside the Money Bin
The Recluse Of McDuck Manor, D 93488
# 4
| Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
First meeting -- Christmas Day, 1947 (different panel layout than seen in U.S.)
The Recluse Of McDuck Manor, D 93488
# 3
Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
Unused sequence of added tiers of panels for Gladstone edition
The Recluse Of McDuck Manor, D 93488
# 2
| Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
Page 2 of original script showing slight changes and "editing technique"
The Recluse Of McDuck Manor, D 93488
Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
Donald first making contact with his Uncle $crooge in 1930
The Richest Duck In The World, D 93288
# 6
| Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
$crooge meets Foola Zoola
The Richest Duck In The World, D 93288
# 3
Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
Unused script page showing $crooge's second encounter with Flintheart in Africa
The Richest Duck In The World, D 93288
# 2
| Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
Unused script page featuring more of $crooge's activities from 1902-1908
The Richest Duck In The World, D 93288
Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
Donald's parents first meet - Love at First Tantrum
The Invader Of Fort Duckburg, D 93227
# 4
| Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
$crooge and his sisters first meet Ma (Grandma) and Pa Duck and family (Donald's father and Gladstone's mother)
The Invader Of Fort Duckburg, D 93227
# 3
Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
Original version of the call to President Teddy
The Invader Of Fort Duckburg, D 93227
# 2
| Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
Original version of Rolls-Regal crash at Ma and Pa Duck's farm
The Invader Of Fort Duckburg, D 93227
Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
$crooge visits his mother's grave
The Billionaire Of Dismal Downs, D 93121
# 2
| Uploaded by tpl on 2006-06-26
$crooge buys his broadcloth frock coat at Scottish rummage sale
The Billionaire Of Dismal Downs, D 93121