Uncle Scrooge
Be it Ever so Humble

Story code
S 67019
Disney Studio (foreign market stories)
Be it Ever so Humble
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Ed and Al, Huey Dewey and Louie, Mad Madam Mim, Magica De Spell, Uncle Scrooge
Tony Strobl
Date of first publication

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 16811/44722 according to COA users. There have been about 5 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: HF (Feb 2, 2016)

enUS cleans his attic with HDL and finds an agreement between Old Ebeneeza McDuck and Morgana De Spell. Ebeneeza has lended Morgana money for a new wand with her castle as security. MDS and MIM try to sell their collected treasures to save the castle. The buyers clean out the castle, but MDS & MIM don't make enough money. US & HDL move in the castle. Ghosts don't bother US, but he gives the mortgage back to MDS, because of the thought of spending much money on repairs
nlDagobert erft een het kasteel van Zwarte Magica, wiens voormoeder ooit een contract had gesloten met een oud-oud-oud-oudoom van Dagobert, Knijpstuiver Duck. (by 213...161, history)
itPaperone diviene proprietario del castello di Amelia e Magò
Ed and Al
Huey Dewey and Louie
Mad Madam Mim
Magica De Spell
Uncle Scrooge
Italy, TL 607
more scans >>
Italy, TL 607
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(5 countries, 6 publications)
Netherlands, DD1968-47
France, JM 1186

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