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This user is an official maintainer of Inducks. His Inducks name is FPl.
COA username: fraply.
Number of publications indexed (as FPl): 3938
Number of COAzilla reports sent: 1525
Number of COAzilla reports solved: 1385
Number of COAzilla answers: 5353
Number of scans uploaded (comics): 10407 (recently uploaded scans)
Number of scans uploaded (related to characters): 7
Number of scans uploaded (related to stories): 260
Number of story descriptions submitted by the user: 31
Number of story votes: 4
This user listed his comics collection in Inducks.
Number of comics: 3104 (not public).
Number of times the user edited an index: 78572 (offline contributions not taken into account)
The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.