List of appearances with comment: Desert Patrol 646

List of appearance comments
Found one story.

The Junior WoodchucksMcDuck of Arabia (W US 55-01, 1964)ar/TR 14b, au/GS 355b, au/GS 539b, be/ALJM 38nc, br/DE 96b, br/DER 89l, br/DESP 18bl, br/MK 157c, br/OMD 22m, br/TP 200c, br/TP 430j, cl/TR 17p03, co/DE 32c, de/BLOD 30p03, de/BOD 11p137, de/CBC 26p211, de/LTBCE 19p209, de/ODLF 1p385, de/TGDDSB 4Acf, de/TGDDZ 67f, dk/AA1967-08f, dk/AA1967-09f, dk/CBSV 26p211, dk/DS 1975p109, eg/MG 140p035, es/DB2 2b, es/DB2R 9ab, es/DBEL 1j, es/GDPD 41ai, es/YTG 1be, fi/AAJS 9p047, fi/AAVSK1968-1gf, fi/AAVSK1968-1hf, fi/AAVSK1968-1if, fi/AAX2022-06c, fi/AN1968-1p224, fi/AN1968-1p257, fi/AN1968-1p288, fi/CBK 26p211, fi/CBS2020p087, fr/ADP 4p023, fr/ALJM 38nc, fr/ALJM 112eb, fr/ALPMB 28dl, fr/DDD 15p235, fr/DM 84-44bb, fr/GB 2p, fr/JM 763c, fr/JM 1687b, fr/TP 22p155, gr/KX 15d, gr/MIK 119b, gr/MVD 30p051, gr/SM 15p075, it/AT 107b, it/BIG 3Baqb, it/CCB 30c, it/DPCS 30ec, it/DPCS230bec, it/IMP 5e, it/PANAF57-Ab, it/RSAP 1cl, it/RZP 6cb, it/SA 14l, it/UACK 19h, it/ZP 22b, it/ZPP 51p047, it/ZPR 22ab, mx/HWD 317b, nl/AKV 16oa, nl/BV 100c, nl/DD1968-41c, nl/DD1968-42e, nl/DD1968-43e, nl/DDC 26dc, no/AAR 85ig, no/AAR 85jg, no/AAR 86cf, no/CBA 17p055, no/CBSV 26zr, no/DD1967-07g, no/DD1967-08g, no/DD1967-09f, no/GB 10f, no/KB02m, no/KDD 28f, pt/DE 32p005, pt/DE 139p118, pt/DE 210p005, pt/DER 17p005, pt/DESS 20cp005, pt/DESS 71cp118, pt/DESS 104cp005, pt/MBHP 1p023, pt/SD 69dp022, pt/TP 190p022, se/CBA 17p055, se/CBSV 26zf, se/GB 10f, se/JFJ 1975m, se/KA1967-06g, se/KA1967-07f, se/KA1967-08f, us/BCS 4o, us/CBL 5p299, us/LICU 48b, us/US 55-01, us/US 121-01, us/USA 1c, yu/MZC 133c

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