List of appearances with comment: Don Miguel Cabrillo

List of appearance comments
Found one story.

Gonzales the stable-masterThe Spaniard's Secret (W OS 1037-02, 1959)ar/ZOR 1b, au/FP 21c, be/ALJM 35kd, be/ALJM 35lf, be/ALJM 35md, be/ALJM 35ne, be/ALJM 35oe, be/ALJM 35pf, be/ALJM 35qd, be/ALJM 35rd, br/TP 11i, cl/AWD 9c, dk/ZO1981-01c, eg/SM 132e, eg/SM 133e, eg/SM 134d, eg/SM 135p24, eg/SM 136p24, eg/SM 137p24, eg/SM 138c, fr/ALJM 35kd, fr/ALJM 35lf, fr/ALJM 35md, fr/ALJM 35ne, fr/ALJM 35oe, fr/ALJM 35pf, fr/ALJM 35qd, fr/ALJM 35rd, fr/JM 706d, fr/JM 707f, fr/JM 708d, fr/JM 709e, fr/JM 710e, fr/JM 711f, fr/JM 712d, fr/JM 713d, it/RZ 1ec, it/Z 6603j, mx/CC 53c, mx/CC 171b, nl/PE1963-24xb, nl/PE1963-25xb, nl/PE1963-26xb, nl/PE1963-27b, no/ZO1981-01c, se/ZO 1981-01c, uk/WDW1960-21a, uk/WDW1960-24a, us/OS 1037-02, vn/MI 1p04, yu/MIKIR 15g, yu/MIKIR 16e, yu/MIKIR 17e, yu/MIKIR 18g, yu/MIKIR 19g, yu/MIKIR 20e, yu/MIKIR 21e

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