List of appearances with comment: HDL+others

List of appearance comments
Found 160 stories with appearance comment HDL+others.

The Junior WoodchucksW CP 5-11 (1953)fi/AAX2023-12g
The Junior WoodchucksThe Chickadee Challenge (W WDC 181-01, 1955)fi/AA2005-40c
The Junior WoodchucksThe Black Forest Rescue (W WDC 227-01, 1959)fi/AAX2023-06d, fi/PAL1963p011
The Junior WoodchucksUnder the Polar Ice (W WDC 232-01, 1960)fi/AA2022-06d
The Junior WoodchucksBubbleweight Champ (W WDC 282-01, 1964)fi/AA1965-47b
The Junior WoodchucksTricked Trappers (W MM 120-03, 1969)fi/AA2017X41c
The Junior WoodchucksGastone e la vittoria di Pirro (I TL 803-A, 1971)fi/AATK463p495
The Junior WoodchucksLe Giovani Marmotte e il manuale interplanetario (I TL 890-A, 1972)fi/AATK416p159
The Junior WoodchucksThe Collectors to the Rescue (D 2316, 1973)fi/AAX2023-06e
The Junior WoodchucksThe Case of the Disappearing Candlesticks (D 2187, 1973)fi/AAX2023-09f
The Junior WoodchucksMost Helpful Aunt Eider (S 73228, 1974)fi/AAX2016-03c
The Junior WoodchucksQui Quo Qua e la guerra dei manuali (I TL 985-C, 1974)fi/AASS 8p05
The Junior WoodchucksThe Great Duckburg Beachcombing Contest (S 76098, 1977)fi/AA2017-27d
The Junior WoodchucksZware Jongens als padvinders (H 81060, 1982)fi/AAX2016-03f
The Junior WoodchucksDetector Defector (H 83055, 1984)fi/AAJ 11p124
The Junior WoodchucksWoodchuck Sock (D 7436, 1984)fi/AA1984-43b
The Junior WoodchucksColonel Duck (D 7112, 1986)fi/AAX2024-05e
The Junior WoodchucksThe Christmas Turkeys (D 8214, 1986)fi/AAJ 27p215
The Junior WoodchucksQui, Quo, Qua e il cugino Gastoncino (I TL 1907-A, 1992)fi/TX2021ATp222
The Junior WoodchucksThe Guardians Of The Lost Library (D 92380, 1993)fi/AA2019-05f
The Junior WoodchucksSpotless Don (D 91341, 1993)fi/AAX2024-06h
The Junior WoodchucksBad-lopers (H 94186, 1995)fi/AAJR2020-01i, fi/K50K 2p06
The Junior WoodchucksVoslopers (H 94187, 1995)fi/K50K 2p07
The Junior WoodchucksKnoop-lopers (H 94192, 1995)fi/AAJR2014-05o, fi/AAJR2016-KPp054, fi/K50K 2p08
The Junior WoodchucksRoute-lopers (H 94188, 1995)fi/K50K 2p09
The Junior WoodchucksLe Giovani Marmotte sulle orme del Gran Mogol (I TL 2044-3, 1995)fi/AASS 8p33
The Junior WoodchucksMedaille-lopers (H 94189, 1995)fi/AAJR2020-02j, fi/AAX2023-06j, fi/K50K 2p10
The Junior WoodchucksTeken-lopers (H 94191, 1995)fi/AAJR2020-03k, fi/K50K 2p11
The Junior WoodchucksBrug-lopers (H 94190, 1995)fi/AAJR2020-04j, fi/K50K 2p12
The Junior WoodchucksFeest-lopers (H 94194, 1995)fi/AAJR2020-05i, fi/K50K 2p13
The Junior WoodchucksKnollen-lopers (H 94119, 1995)fi/AAJR2020-07j, fi/K50K 2p15
The Junior WoodchucksPolitie-lopers (H 94195, 1995)fi/AAJR2020-09q, fi/K50K 2p17
The Junior WoodchucksTerug (H 94227, 1995)fi/AAJR2020-10q, fi/K50K 2p19
The Junior WoodchucksKat (H 94224, 1995)fi/AAJR2020-11q, fi/K50K 2p20
The Junior WoodchucksGrot (H 94225, 1995)fi/AAJR2020-12n, fi/K50K 2p21
The Junior WoodchucksGlad (H 94226, 1995)fi/AAJR2021-01o, fi/K50K 2p22
The Junior WoodchucksPaard (H 94223, 1995)fi/K50K 2p23
The Junior WoodchucksAfwas-lopers (H 95001, 1995)fi/AAJR2021-03q, fi/K50K 2p24
The Junior WoodchucksBrief-lopers (H 95009, 1995)fi/AAJR2021-04q, fi/K50K 2p25
The Junior WoodchucksSpoor-lopers (H 95007, 1995)fi/K50K 2p27
The Junior WoodchucksKluis-lopers (H 95002, 1995)fi/AAJR2021-08r, fi/K50K 2p28
The Junior WoodchucksOversteek-lopers (H 95004, 1995)fi/K50K 2p31
The Junior WoodchucksVlaggen-lopers (H 95011, 1995)fi/K50K 2p34
The Junior WoodchucksWervel-lopers (H 95006, 1995)fi/AAJR2021-11h, fi/K50K 2p35
The Junior WoodchucksPool-lopers (H 95084, 1995)fi/K50K 2p36
The Junior WoodchucksAuto-lopers (H 95086, 1995)fi/K50K 2p37
The Junior WoodchucksVet-lopers (H 95094, 1995)fi/K50K 2p40
The Junior WoodchucksOlie-lopers (H 95089, 1995)fi/K50K 2p45
The Junior WoodchucksExtra-lopers (H 95154, 1995)fi/K50K 2p47
The Junior WoodchucksVos-lopers (H 95158, 1995)fi/K50K 2p50
The Junior WoodchucksBoom-lopers (H 95159, 1995)fi/K50K 2p51
The Junior WoodchucksArchimede e... una frana di nipote (I TL 2088-1, 1995)fi/AATT 11p143
The Junior WoodchucksSneeuw-lopers (H 95091, 1995)fi/AAJR2023-01k, fi/K50K 2p52
The Junior WoodchucksNa-lopers (H 95165, 1995)fi/K50K 2p53
The Junior WoodchucksQuo e la magia di San Valentino (I TL 2099-2, 1996)fi/AASS 8p83
The Junior WoodchucksA Brainy Day (D 96133, 1997)fi/AA2006-42d
The Junior WoodchucksA Real Cool Igloo (D 95050, 1998)fi/LA2013-3p125
The Junior WoodchucksKorenwolf (H 20199, 2001)fi/AA2018-42d, fi/AAJR2023-08i
The Junior WoodchucksGSM (H 98221, 2001)fi/AAJR2017-KKp038
The Junior WoodchucksFar and Away (D 2001-106, 2002)fi/AAJ 30p258
The Junior WoodchucksSchotse koeien (H 22222, 2004)fi/AAX2005-11b
The Junior WoodchucksSouth-Seas Snow-Sense (D 2002-101, 2004)fi/AAJ 15p295
The Junior WoodchucksSnurken (H 98222, 2004)fi/AA2007-24g, fi/AAJR2019-03p
The Junior WoodchucksLe GM e il quiz per la salvezza (I PM 288-1, 2004)fi/AASS 8p51
The Junior WoodchucksWinnend lot (H 23158, 2004)fi/AA2006-03c
The Junior WoodchucksPaperino e l'ospite s...fortunato (I TL 2543-7, 2004)fi/AATK310p118
The Junior WoodchucksPaperoga e il servizio a domicilio (I TL 2546-5, 2004)fi/AATK319p163
The Junior WoodchucksPaperinik e Ciclone (I TL 2559-7, 2004)fi/AATK313p116
The Junior WoodchucksBetoverd bos (H 24015, 2005)fi/AAX2005-10c
The Junior WoodchucksZio Paperone e la fama meritata (I TL 2572-1, 2005)fi/AATK314p035
The Junior WoodchucksSteltlopen (H 23154, 2005)fi/AA2006-38g
The Junior WoodchucksBuitenaards dier (H 98246, 2005)fi/AA2006-37c
The Junior WoodchucksVervuild meertje (H 23074, 2005)fi/AA2006-34f
The Junior WoodchucksContest (D 21693, 2006)fi/AAR-RL2007-2p13
The Junior WoodchucksC. Prulclub (H 25171, 2006)fi/AAX2007-09c
The Junior WoodchucksPannenkoek (H 25288, 2006)fi/AAX2007-04h
The Junior WoodchucksTerritorial Behaviour (D 2005-053, 2006)fi/AA2007-50d
The Junior WoodchucksThe Senior Woodchuck (D 2004-163, 2006)fi/AA2006-42c, fi/AAX2023-10h
The Junior WoodchucksPark Bugs (D 2005-092, 2006)fi/AA2006-18d
The Junior WoodchucksThe Surprise Party Mystery (D 2005-210, 2006)fi/AA2007X22c
The Junior WoodchucksWhale Of A Good Deed (D 2005-013, 2006)fi/AA2006-33f
The Junior WoodchucksKano (H 26121, 2006)fi/AA2007-33d
The Junior WoodchucksSenior Woodchucks (D 2006-024, 2006)fi/AA2007-24f, fi/AAJR2022-09c
The Junior WoodchucksGetting Into Knots (D/D 2005-007, 2006)fi/AAJR2018-11h
The Junior WoodchucksWoudloper-wedstrijd (H 25231, 2007)fi/AAX2008-03c
The Junior WoodchucksGood Luck Chuck (D 2005-264, 2007)fi/AA2007-12d
The Junior WoodchucksD 22487 (2007)fi/AA2014-41ea
The Junior WoodchucksRiver Rivals (D 2005-296, 2007)fi/AA2007-21d
The Junior WoodchucksTreasure Treachery (D 2004-332, 2007)fi/AA2007-24d
The Junior WoodchucksThe Great Swap Flop (D 2006-307, 2007)fi/AA2008-01e
The Junior WoodchucksSaviors Of The Lake (D 2006-237, 2008)fi/AA2008-08c
The Junior WoodchucksFrantic Forest Fuss (D 2005-259, 2008)fi/AA2008-42e
The Junior WoodchucksThe Life Aquacktic (D 2005-307, 2009)fi/AATK356p214
The Junior WoodchucksThe Good Deed's Day (D 2007-200, 2011)fi/AA2014-04e
The Junior WoodchucksRobbed by the Guidebook (D 2008-335, 2011)fi/AAX2024-06e
The Junior WoodchucksKwaaksterzomp (H 2011-009, 2012)fi/AA2015-22d, fi/AAJR2021-09c
The Junior WoodchucksLe Giovani Marmotte e il vento della preistoria (I TL 2991-1, 2013)fi/AATK448p359
The Junior WoodchucksThe Runaway Princess (D 2008-238, 2013)fi/AA2014-14d, fi/AAJR2023-05c
The Junior WoodchucksNonna Papera e il mitico granoturco tipico (I TL 3003-2, 2013)fi/AATK455p197
The Junior WoodchucksEndanger Mouse (D 2007-457, 2013)fi/AA2014-05g, fi/AA2014-06f
The Junior WoodchucksNatuurmonumenten (H 2013-264, 2013)fi/AAX2020-07j
The Junior WoodchucksPaperopoli e il sapore buono del cibo in dono (I TL 3027-1, 2013)fi/AATK503p230
The Junior WoodchucksUp the Creek, No Paddle (D 2009-144, 2014)fi/AA2014-22e
The Junior WoodchucksZio Paperone e la protezione totale (I TL 3048-6, 2014)fi/AATK463p061
The Junior WoodchucksPaperino, Gastone e la tracciabilità molesta (I TL 3049-2, 2014)fi/AATK447p077
The Junior WoodchucksMoneymaking Mayhem (D 2013-145, 2014)fi/AA2014-46c
The Junior WoodchucksWoodchucks in Wood (D 2010-084, 2014)fi/AA2020-11d
The Junior WoodchucksThe Caveman of Arex Island (D 2014-120, 2015)fi/AATK431p005
The Junior WoodchucksBlind typen 5 (H 2014-035, 2015)fi/AA2018-43e
The Junior WoodchucksAlles voor het milieu (H 2014-475, 2015)fi/AAX2015-12c
The Junior WoodchucksU.N.E.M.P.L.O.Y.E.D. (D 2009-139, 2015)fi/AA2015-32e
The Junior WoodchucksOrson Welles - Paniek in Duckstad (H 2014-541, 2015)fi/AAX2018-11f
The Junior WoodchucksA La Carte (D 2007-171, 2015)fi/AAX2016-03i
The Junior WoodchucksOlden Days (D 2010-020, 2015)fi/AA2017-32e
The Junior WoodchucksPaperino & la luna verde (I TL 3128-2, 2015)fi/AATK457p177
The Junior WoodchucksPopcornverhaal (H 2011-362, 2015)fi/AA2016-25c
The Junior WoodchucksA Snore in the Wild (D 2013-104, 2015)fi/AA2016-04e
The Junior WoodchucksPaperino e le luci di Paperopoli (I TL 3135-3, 2015)fi/AATT 48p204
The Junior WoodchucksLe Giovani Marmotte e la natura invadente (I TL 3152-3, 2016)fi/AATK480p081
The Junior WoodchucksGoed doel (H 28318, 2016)fi/AAX2017-06c
The Junior WoodchucksBosgeesten (H 2015-114, 2016)cn/MC2018-18p02, de/MMT 10p111, de/X2023-14p043, dk/AA2017-32i, fi/AAX2018-10c, no/DD2017-32j, se/KA2017-32i
The Junior WoodchucksWhere Dolphins Dare Not Go (D 2015-222, 2016)fi/AA2016-34c
The Junior WoodchucksDecorated for Christmas (D 2016-078, 2016)fi/AA2021-50e, fi/AAJR2019-12h
The Junior WoodchucksSong of the Pure Hearted (D 2016-148, 2016)fi/AA2016-49g
The Junior WoodchucksChilling Challenge (D 2016-256, 2017)fi/AATK449p005
The Junior WoodchucksPrehistorische grot (H 2013-328, 2017)fi/AA2019-38g, fi/AAJR2023-04s
The Junior WoodchucksArchimede e il caos del (I TL 3210-4, 2017)fi/AATK475p163
The Junior WoodchucksVilli luonto (D/SAN 2016-056, 2017)fi/AA2017-27g
The Junior WoodchucksRauhan asialla (D/SAN 2016-048, 2017)fi/AA2017-42g, fi/AASU2017p054
The Junior WoodchucksBales of Fun (D 2017-054, 2018)fi/AA2018-02d
The Junior WoodchucksLook for Life (D 2017-105, 2018)fi/AA2022-35e
The Junior WoodchucksPaperino e il tesoro delle GM (I TL 3249-2, 2018)fi/TX2022STp273
The Junior WoodchucksEaster 2018 (H 2017-192, 2018)de/MM2019-08p24, dk/AA2019-15-16g, fi/AA2023-14b, no/DD2019-15g, se/KA2019-15-16f
The Junior WoodchucksMix (H 2015-235, 2018)de/MMC 57p036, dk/AA2020-02f, fi/AA2020-12f, no/DD2020-02f, se/KA2020-01-02p
The Junior WoodchucksAppelboom (H 2014-454, 2018)de/MM2022-19p38, dk/AA2022-39i, fi/AA2020-38c, fi/TEAL2021p081, no/DD2022-39i, se/KA2022-39i
The Junior WoodchucksThe Master Rafter (D 2016-120, 2019)fi/AA2019-30c
The Junior WoodchucksA Cunning Plan (D 2016-348, 2019)fi/AA2019-45g
The Junior WoodchucksThe Christmas Switch (D 2018-163, 2019)de/LTB 527p239, fi/AATK483p290
The Junior WoodchucksPaperinik e l'attacco druidico (I PPK 25-1, 2019)fi/AATK506p102
The Junior WoodchucksA Second Chance (D 2018-075, 2019)fi/AATK475p005
The Junior WoodchucksFun Games (D 2019-200, 2020)fi/AA2020-31c
The Junior WoodchucksWhere the River Used to Run (D/SAN 2019-010, 2020)fi/AA2020-08c
The Junior WoodchucksDropping Woudlopers (H 2020-230, 2020)fi/AA2021-39g, fi/AAJR2024-09u, no/DD2021-12g, se/KA2021-12f
The Junior WoodchucksHet plantje in de kloof (H 2020-187, 2020)de/MM2022-23p34, dk/AA2022-45i, fi/AA2022-46g, is/AO2023-16f, no/DD2022-45j, se/KA2022-45i
The Junior WoodchucksThe Vanishing Island (D 2020-008, 2021)fi/AA2021-32e
The Junior WoodchucksCommon Ground (D 2020-009, 2021)fi/AA2021-20f
The Junior WoodchucksOff the Charts (D 2020-031, 2021)fi/AATK504p005
The Junior WoodchucksZwammen en boleten (H 2020-315, 2021)de/MM2023-10p16, dk/AA2023-19j, fi/AA2023-22f, no/DD2023-19j, se/KA2023-19-20h
The Junior WoodchucksDe buit in het bos (H 2020-381, 2021)cn/MC2022-09f, de/MM2022-16p40, dk/AA2022-31i, fi/AA2023-23g, it/PMGM 22i, no/DD2022-31i, se/KA2022-31i
The Junior WoodchucksMadame Jeanette (H 2021-162, 2021)de/MM2023-05p34, dk/AA2023-09i, fi/AA2023-10g, no/DD2023-09i, se/KA2023-09g
The Junior WoodchucksSomeone to Watch Over Me (D 2021-015, 2021)fi/AA2022-04c
The Junior WoodchucksSpeurhond (H 2021-439, 2022)fi/AAJR2023-07q
The Junior WoodchucksIl Gran Mogol e la divisa da cerimonia (I TL 3476-3, 2022)fi/AATK529p181
The Junior WoodchucksOf Power Plants and Pinkbeaked Pelicans (D 2022-005, 2022)fi/AA2022-42c
The Junior WoodchucksNature Attacks! (D 2022-168, 2023)fi/AA2023-29c
The Junior WoodchucksThe Mystery of the Christmas Tree (XPW CMT 1, 2023)de/LTBSB 29p005, fi/TX2023JTp088, it/PPK 83c, nl/PO3 346b, no/JB2023b, pl/GPS2024-04p005, se/KAGJB2023b
The Junior WoodchucksDe sneeuwapen (H 2023-239, 2024)fi/AA2024-52c, no/DD2024-52c, se/KA2024-51-52o
The Junior WoodchucksMultiverse cleaning (XPW DPG 076, 2024)br/HCU 56p41, de/MM2024-15p16, dk/AA2024-29e, nl/DD2024-40e, no/DD2024-29e, se/KA2024-29-30e
The Junior WoodchucksThe (unexpected) Junior Woodchuck (XPW DPG 084, 2024)nl/DD2024-37e
The Junior WoodchucksThe Mountain Expedition (XPW LSD 4, 2024)de/LTBSB 30p071, fi/TX2024JKp125, nl/PO3 359i, no/JB2024e, se/KAGJB2024f

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