List of appearances with comment: Louie

List of appearance comments
Found 13 stories with appearance comment Louie.

Huey Dewey and LouieEm Busca da Nº 1 (BC DT 25, 1991)br/DT 25a, fr/TP 34p168a
Huey Dewey and LouieCueillette (FC MJ 68H, 1995)fr/MJ 68da
The Junior WoodchucksLe périscope des prairies (Qfr/MCJDE 3F, 1998)fr/MCJDE 3p014a
Huey Dewey and LouieXUC DTI 4C (2017)br/DTP 2p67, de/BX 32p65c, us/DTI 4Ca, us/DTITP 2o, us/DTPP 1g
Huey Dewey and LouieThere is No Place Like a Ghost Town! (XPW DTT CP 2-2, 2018)br/DT2 4c, br/DTP 3p25, de/MM2018-24p56, dk/AA2018-23j, es/PAP 4c, fi/DT2018-09p03, fr/BP 2p63, fr/SPG 205p121, id/DB 1928p33, is/AO2019-10f, it/PDKT 1g, lv/DD2018-04g, nl/DDPDT 3d, nl/EDS2018-03g, no/DD2018-23k, pl/KD 2018-07k, pt/AMHD 18p27, rs/MM2018-07i, se/KA2018-23i, us/DTI 7Ab, us/DTI 7Bbb, us/DTI 7Cbb, us/DTITP 3e
Huey Dewey and LouieXPWC DTT CP 2-2 (2018)br/DT2 4h, br/DTP 3p70, de/BX 33p27a, fi/DT2018-09p01, fr/SPG 205p131, nl/DDPDT 3e, pt/AMHD 18p69, us/DTI 7Aa, us/DTITP 3k
Huey Dewey and LouieThe Great Dime Chase! (XPWC DT AP 1-02, 2018)nl/DTVB 2018h
Huey Dewey and LouieTake a Spin! (XPWC DT 6-01, 2018)fi/DT2018-09p02
Huey Dewey and LouiePhantom Science! Part 1 (XPW DTT CP10-3, 2019)br/DTP 8p25, it/PDKT 5d, nl/DDPDT 11g, nl/DTVB 2020e, us/DTSS 2Ab, us/DTSS 2Bbb, us/DTSS 2Cbb
Huey Dewey and LouiePhantom Science! Part 2 (XPW DTT CP10-4, 2019)br/DTP 8p35, it/PDKT 5e, nl/DDPDT 11h, nl/DTVB 2020f, us/DTSS 2Ac, us/DTSS 2Bbc, us/DTSS 2Cbc
Huey Dewey and LouieXPWC DTT CP10-3 (2019)br/DTP 8p67, de/BX 46p48a, nl/DDPDT 11f, us/DTSS 2Aa
Huey Dewey and LouieXPWC SRA 2-4 (2023)de/LTBYC 7p002, no/DCP2023-03c
Huey Dewey and Louiebr/DTP 9p03

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