List of appearances with comment: Scavenger McVulture's brother

List of appearance comments
Found one story.

Pick-UpPay-As-You-Go Ranch (S 67090, 1968)br/AD 5b, cl/DIS 396e, co/DL 395e, de/TGDD 418p52, fi/AAX2017-03c, fr/ALJM 65kg, fr/CB P 125bp055, fr/JM 1190g, fr/SPGP 125p055, gr/MID 37p161, gr/MIK 54g, gr/MIK 162p51, gr/MIK 441p063, it/AT 142c, it/ATN 6k, it/GSD 19ah, it/SAP 17c

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