List of appearances with comment: Ultracintra

List of appearance comments
Found 2 stories with appearance comment Ultracintra.

Chief O'HaraA Sede do Clube dos Heróis (B 850125, 1986)br/AD 384g, br/EE 166c, br/MK 529e, fr/CF 9p276, fr/FI 9p276, it/CSP 2l, it/GCDN 15e, it/PKC 61f, it/RTL 42cc, pt/MCD 1dp51, pt/MSS 3p51
Chief O'HaraUm Sócio na Vila Xurupita (B 850131, 1986)br/AD 385d, br/ASP 3e, br/EE 166d, cl/PDO 25i, fr/CF 9p283, fr/FI 9p283, it/CSP 3i, it/GCDN 22g, it/MG 416ga, it/PKC 61g, it/RTL 42cd

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