List of appearances with comment: baby

List of appearance comments
Found 9 stories with appearance comment baby.

GoofyNa Aventura do Mapa da Pescaria (BC MK 113, 1962)br/MK 113a
PlutoNa Aventura do Mapa da Pescaria (BC MK 113, 1962)br/MK 113a
Sleeping BeautyLa belle au bois dormant (FC AJM 82M, 1981)fr/AJM 82p059
Donald DuckEsta é A Sua Vida, Donald! (B PDE 1-I0, 1984)br/PDE 1ba, pt/PDAN501Ap005, pt/PDAN65 1p003
PlutoCrossbone Island (YM 9001, 1990)cn/DMMD 1p016b, de/FGL 1p016b, eg/SM 1787m, eg/SM 1787n, eg/SM 1787o, eg/SM 1787p, eg/SM 1787r, eg/SM 1787s, es/MTP 1p016b, fr/MMFG 1p016b, gr/VFG 1p016b, it/FGL 1p016b, tr/GM 05x, us/FCBDF 1p30b, us/FGL 1p016b, us/ZZ1990b15M, us/ZZ1990b16M, us/ZZ1990b17M, us/ZZ1990b18M, us/ZZ1990b19M, us/ZZ1990b20M, us/ZZ1990b22M, us/ZZ1990b23M, us/ZZ1990b24M, us/ZZ1990b25M, us/ZZ1990b26M, us/ZZ1990b27M, us/ZZ1990b29M, us/ZZ1990b30M, us/ZZ1990b31M, us/ZZ1990c01M, us/ZZ1990c02M, us/ZZ1990c03M, us/ZZ1990c05M, us/ZZ1990c06M, us/ZZ1990c07M, us/ZZ1990c08M, us/ZZ1990c09M, us/ZZ1990c10M
TarzanKomikamu (Qid/DB 927, 1999)id/DB 927p23
MoanaCrafty Hands (XPW OA 1-2, 2016)br/MOA 1c, de/DIST2017-01x, fi/DES2017-01c, kr/MO 1p064, us/MGN 1e
Hortense McDuckZio Paperone e il nuovo canto di Natale (I TL 3239-1, 2017)it/TL 3239c
Matilda McDuckZio Paperone e il nuovo canto di Natale (I TL 3239-1, 2017)it/TL 3239c

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