List of appearances with comment: criminal

List of appearance comments
Found one story.

Gorey GallowsUncle 001 (W BB 4-03, 1966)au/WDC 268c, br/DE 18c, br/DER 17c, br/DSE 17c, br/PD 796b, cl/TR 87d, de/TGDDSB 18Adc, de/TGDDSB 18Bdc, de/TGDDZ 113c, dk/AA1969-11c, eg/MG 97p132, es/PD2 25e, fi/AA1970-11c, fi/AANV1970-1lc, fi/AAVSK1970-1kc, fi/AN1970-1p339, fi/P-AP 14p03, fr/ALJM 41pc, fr/MPO 109p145, gr/ALM 55c, it/MDCS 8n, mx/CWD 802b, mx/HWD 380c, nl/DD1970-13d, nl/DDWB 1994m, no/AAR 100fc, no/DD1969-12c, pt/DESS 3cc, pt/TP 91p032, se/DKAA1969-02dc, se/KA1969-11c, us/BB 4-03, yu/MIKIR151d

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