List of appearances with comment: dummy

List of appearance comments
Found 3 stories with appearance comment dummy.

Clarabelle CowInvasion of the Sun-Critter (W SG 38-03, 1976)au/GS 652c, br/MK 289d, br/MK 528f, br/SD 17d, de/DDZ 82af, de/JC 18Adf, de/JC 18Bdf, dk/SOJ 1f, eg/SM 903f, es/DM 174c, es/DMR 21bc, gr/MIK 125p46, gr/MIK 387p61, no/SP 25f, uk/MM 42f, us/SG 38-03, yu/MZC 114e
Donald DuckYD 80-09-09 (1980)an/A19801101b, us/ZZ1980j09D
Perry the PlatypusPretendy the Practice-Pus (XU PFM 1B, 2011)nl/PFM 1c, nl/PFVB 2015p, us/PAFM 1xb

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