List of appearances with comment: feet

List of appearance comments
Found 8 stories with appearance comment feet.

Santa ClausB DE 26-IP (1976)br/DE 26ac
Uncle ScroogeYD 87-07-13 (1987)br/TP 345g, us/ZZ1987h13D
TummiYG 87-08-03 (1987)br/GA 10p096b, us/ZZ1987i03G
GruffiYG 89-03-10 (1989)us/ZZ1989d10G
Miss PiggyXUC TMSO 6A (2010)ca/BDD 8p004, de/MS 4p002, us/DPGS 5Af, us/DPGS 5Bbf, us/TMSO 6Aa
BombieInstagrap (HC DD2017-18Q, 2017)nl/DD2017-18c
AlvinIn viaggio con le GM (Qit/ILPA 40B, 2018)it/ILPA 40b, it/ILPB 60bb
Gus GooseHC DDVB 2021 (2021)nl/DDVB 2021a

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