List of appearances with comment: flasback

List of appearance comments
Found 2 stories with appearance comment flasback.

Hortense McDuckZio Paperone e la lampada bisestile (I TL 3550-1P, 2023)de/LTBNL 3p005, de/LTBNL 3p063, de/LTBNL 3p095, fr/SPG 245p009, fr/SPG 245p037, fr/SPG 245p069, it/FCBD 2301p07, it/TL 3550p009, it/TL 3552Bbp009
The Beagle BoysUn travail pour Fantomiald - Embauches & embûches (F DBG 18-2, 2024)fr/DBG 18p15

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