List of appearances with comment: game

List of appearance comments
Found 22 stories with appearance comment game.

Mickey MouseU MM 196 (1979)uk/MM 196n
GoofyU MM 198 (1979)uk/MM 198o
PlutoU MM 200 (1979)uk/MM 200k
Donald DuckU MM 202 (1979)uk/MM 202m
Colonel HathiMowgli's Dot-to-Dot Puzzle (U MM 265F, 1980)uk/MM 265je, yu/MZC 984f
MowgliMowgli's Dot-to-Dot Puzzle (U MM 266H, 1980)uk/MM 266kg, yu/MZC1135f
Christopher RobinThe Pooh Corner Puzzle (U MM 267J, 1980)uk/MM 267mh
EeyoreGoofy's New Year Puzzle (U MM 268G, 1981)uk/MM 268mf
BagheeraDot-to-Dot Drawing (U MM 269D, 1981)uk/MM 269nb
Donald DuckStar Gazers (U MM 272D, 1981)uk/MM 272mb
LuciferMystery Pic (U MM 272I, 1981)uk/MM 272mh
EeyoreDot-to-Dot Puzzle (U MM 276G, 1981)uk/MM 276nf
TiggerDot-to-Dot Puzzle (U MM 276G, 1981)uk/MM 276nf
Hathi Jr.Dot-to-Dot Puzzle (U MM 279H, 1981)uk/MM 279ng
BalooMystery Pic (U MM 280G, 1981)uk/MM 280mf
Huey Dewey and LouieD 9099 (1990)uk/DW 5d
Donald DuckD 9327 (1990)uk/DW 10c
The Beagle BoysD 18627 (2003)cn/MC2015-16p13a, gr/MM 2375p045, gr/SMB 8p082, hr/MM2007-01aa, no/DD2003H42f, pl/KD 2010-12d, pl/MX 2003-01df, pl/MX 2006-02aa, rs/MM2012-06h, rs/MV2007-01aa
The Beagle BoysCops & robbers (H 26054, 2008)cn/MC2010-18j, de/BG 1p099, de/MM2013-12p08, dk/AA2008-S1g, dk/AA2009-02e, fi/AL2010-1p130, fi/AL2016-1p146, fr/SPG 156p080, gr/KX 286p41, nl/DD2008-08c, no/DD2009-02f, pl/KD 2011-02j, se/KA2009-01-02o, us/DD 377Ac, us/DD 377Bbc, us/DDTP 4g, us/DDTT 2p151
Robin Hooddk/KL1975-01ea, no/WD1975-01f

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