List of appearances with comment: genie

List of appearance comments
Found 4 stories with appearance comment genie.

GoofyThe Magic Lamp (D 4341, 1978)br/DE 130e, br/PD 1504d, dk/AA1978-51c, fi/AANV1979-4mc, fi/AAVSK1979-2yc, fi/AN1979-2p788, fr/PM 115p043, gr/MIK 236e, it/RAT 3cc, mx/CWD 806d, nl/DD2004-51h, nl/DI2012-29a, no/DD1978-51c, no/DDJP 3ec, pt/TD 6p58, se/KA1978-50c, uk/MM 250j
GoofyG DD 13X (1980)de/DDRS 13p44, de/RAH 1Dp10, fr/MJ 5j, nl/WWPUZ 3p34
Fethry DuckPatatin e A Lâmpada Mágica (B 960273, 1997)br/AD 306h
Fethry Duckdi paperi e di geni (I TL 2797-3, 2009)fi/RS2017-06l

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