List of appearances with comment: hand

List of appearance comments
Found 25 stories with appearance comment hand.

GoofyYM 67-11-14 (1967)it/CAT 25fh, it/CNC 180kl, us/ZZ1967l14M
DarlingZX 75-04-13 (1975)dk/EH1977-02b, it/AT 279e, nl/DD1975-41ca, no/DS1977-02b, uk/MM 216b, us/ZZ1975e13X, yu/MA 155f, yu/MZC 299c, yu/MZS 299p24
Mickey MouseQfr/EBD 1 (1979)fr/EBD 1a
AlbertYX 79-12-10 (1979)de/DP 16ie, us/ZZ1979m10X
ToothyYX 82-03-26 (1982)us/ZZ1982d26X
Uncle ScroogeOs Gigantes (BC DER 33, 1986)br/DER 33a
EllsworthLesquels et laquelle ? (FC JM 1858C, 1988)fr/ALJM 130bjb, fr/DM 88-05bjb, fr/JM 1858jb, yu/MZC 851g, yu/MZS 851p21
Mickey MouseÀ points (FC JM 2368C, 1997)fr/ALJM 178jib, fr/JM 2368ib
Donald DuckD 14747 (1998)bg/MM1999-03j, no/SH1999-1n, pl/KD 1998-47fa, pl/MX 2003-02q, ru/ID1998-05d
Flintheart GlomgoldExpeditie naar Eldorado (HC DE1998-09, 1998)de/DRCOL 7p030d, dk/DRSV 7p030d, fi/DRK 7p030d, fr/TP 53p150b, fr/TP 53p150c, nl/DE1998-09a, nl/HLVOD 5bff, no/DRSV 7p030d, se/DRSV 7p030d
Mickey MousePapeterie (FC MP 233C, 1999)fr/MP 233k
Uncle ScroogeHC PO3 159 (2009)nl/PO3 159a
Donald DuckΚινηματογραφικά γενέθλια (Qgr/KX 254CA, 2009)gr/KX 254p044
SulleyXUC MLAF 2B (2009)ca/BDD 17p106, it/BOOM 4n, us/MLAF 2Ba
NegaduckXUC DARB 1B (2010)it/CSP 4pb, it/DPR 3p096b, us/DARB 1Ba, us/DARP 1ah, us/DARP 1as, us/DDDE 1p006
BushrootXUC DARB 4A (2010)it/CSP 7p099a, it/DPR 3p097e, nl/PREM 6q, us/DARB 4Aa, us/DARP 1an, us/DARP 1be, us/DDDE 1p407a
MegavoltXUC DARB 4A (2010)it/CSP 7p099a, it/DPR 3p097e, nl/PREM 6q, us/DARB 4Aa, us/DARP 1an, us/DARP 1be, us/DDDE 1p407a
NegaduckXUC DARB 4A (2010)it/CSP 7p099a, it/DPR 3p097e, nl/PREM 6q, us/DARB 4Aa, us/DARP 1an, us/DARP 1be, us/DDDE 1p407a
QuackerjackXUC DARB 4A (2010)it/CSP 7p099a, it/DPR 3p097e, nl/PREM 6q, us/DARB 4Aa, us/DARP 1an, us/DARP 1be, us/DDDE 1p407a
The LiquidatorXUC DARB 4A (2010)it/CSP 7p099a, it/DPR 3p097e, nl/PREM 6q, us/DARB 4Aa, us/DARP 1an, us/DARP 1be, us/DDDE 1p407a
SinterklaasHC DD2010-48 (2010)nl/DD2010-48a
Uncle ScroogeIC DCX 15 (2012)br/DJ 7a, br/DJ 7ab, id/UC 2a, it/DCX 15a, it/TLS3028d
Donald DuckPlastic (HC DD2012-32J, 2012)nl/DD2012-32j, nl/DDA2024-35k
Uncle ScroogeGC MMC 22 (2015)de/MMC 22a
Donald Duckbr/TPE 11f, de/LTBE 57a

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