List of appearances with comment: hand only, splash

List of appearance comments
Found 2 stories with appearance comment hand only, splash.

Grandma DuckW OS 353-02 (1951)au/RH 4c, au/WEE G5b, be/ALJM 19ne, be/ALMM 3np23, be/AMMN 3np23, be/MM 65p23, be/MMN 65p23, cl/DIS 311c, dk/AA1952B09c, dk/DKA1952-2fc, eg/MG 17p152, es/DB1 478b, fi/AN1953p339, fi/ANB1953-2p073c, fr/ALJM 19ne, fr/ALJMAA19ne, fr/ALJMAC19ne, fr/JM 426e, fr/MPO 17p103, it/AR 87c, it/TLCS 38ac, it/TLN2 38ac, mx/CWD 34c, nl/DDF1955 2ob, no/AAR 6fc, no/WD1952-03c, se/DKAA1952-02gc, se/DKAA1952-03gc, tr/CA 25d, uk/JUV DALc, us/OS 353-02
Donald DuckW OS 531-03 (1953)au/GS 25c, au/WEE2 D1b, be/ALMM 16zap15, be/AMMN 16zap15, be/MM 416p15, be/MMN 416p15, br/PD 143f, br/TP 25g, cl/DIS 56c, dk/AA1967-09e, fi/AAVSK1968-1ie, fi/AN1968-1p282, fr/ALJM 37qd, fr/JM 748d, fr/MPO 94p057, it/TL 86bd, mx/CWD 70d, nl/DD1957-36c, nl/DDF1957 2kc, no/AAR 86ce, no/DD1967-09e, se/KA1967-08e, us/OS 531-03

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