List of appearances with comment: last panel

List of appearance comments
Found 35 stories with appearance comment last panel.

Gyro's HelperMet de muziek mee (H 93072, 1993)br/PD 2045c, de/MM2013-51p32, de/TGDD 419p018, dk/AA2013-47i, eg/SM 1917i, eg/SMV 40bi, nl/DD1993-44g, no/DD2013-47f, no/SH2022-2s, pt/PDCD 1ep26, pt/PDSS 4p26, se/KA2013-47f, se/SKOL2022-02e
Christopher RobinHoning cadeau (H 94076, 1994)fi/NP2011-03i
PigletHoning cadeau (H 94076, 1994)fi/NP2011-03i
RabbitHoning cadeau (H 94076, 1994)fi/NP2011-03i
KangaKerstdiner (H 96277, 1996)fi/AAJD2016B12h, fi/NP1997-12b, fi/NP2008-12j
OwlKerstdiner (H 96277, 1996)fi/AAJD2016B12h, fi/NP1997-12b, fi/NP2008-12j
RabbitKerstdiner (H 96277, 1996)fi/AAJD2016B12h, fi/NP1997-12b, fi/NP2008-12j
RooKerstdiner (H 96277, 1996)fi/AAJD2016B12h, fi/NP1997-12b, fi/NP2008-12j
Mickey MousePippo e le ricerche per le feste (I TL 2613-4, 2005)br/PAT 80b, de/LTBSB 27p107, dk/JK 28p107, fi/TX2021JTp230, fr/MP 301p124, gr/MM 2266-67g, is/JS2021f, it/DSBP 6p273, it/TD 69i, nl/PO3 320c, no/JB2021f, pl/GPX2021-04p107, se/ASP2021-06f
Forest sheriffBankoverval (H 26200, 2008)fi/AAX2011-08d
Li'l Bad WolfBankoverval (H 26200, 2008)fi/AAX2011-08d
Practical PigBankoverval (H 26200, 2008)fi/AAX2011-08d
Daisy DuckHearts of Gold (D 2007-132, 2008)fi/AA2008-50c
Donald DuckHearts of Gold (D 2007-132, 2008)fi/AA2008-50c
Grandma DuckHearts of Gold (D 2007-132, 2008)fi/AA2008-50c
Gladstone GanderHearts of Gold (D 2007-132, 2008)fi/AA2008-50c
Gus GooseHearts of Gold (D 2007-132, 2008)fi/AA2008-50c
Clarabelle CowTopolino e il dilemma parabolico (I TL 2784-1, 2009)fi/AATK399p038
Morty and FerdieTopolino e il dilemma parabolico (I TL 2784-1, 2009)fi/AATK399p038
PetuliaTopolino e il dilemma parabolico (I TL 2784-1, 2009)fi/AATK399p038
PlutoTopolino e il dilemma parabolico (I TL 2784-1, 2009)fi/AATK399p038
Brick BoulderTopolino e il dilemma parabolico (I TL 2784-1, 2009)fi/AATK399p038
RatfaceColdplay (D 2008-219, 2010)fi/AA2011-01f
Detective CaseyTopolino e Gambadilegno in il nemico alle costole (I TL 2948-5, 2012)br/MK 907p43, de/LTBEHS 3p188, de/LTBM 7p286, dk/MJB2021-3b, gr/MMB 190p095, no/JP2016-2p074, pt/DCX 1p027, se/MP2017-06g
Brick BoulderTopolino e Gambadilegno in il nemico alle costole (I TL 2948-5, 2012)br/MK 907p43, de/LTBEHS 3p188, de/LTBM 7p286, dk/MJB2021-3b, gr/MMB 190p095, no/JP2016-2p074, pt/DCX 1p027, se/MP2017-06g
April May and JuneDonald's Christmas Obsession (D 2012-032, 2012)fi/AA2012-49e
Daisy DuckDonald's Christmas Obsession (D 2012-032, 2012)fi/AA2012-49e
Huey Dewey and LouieMollenjacht (H 2012-095, 2013)fi/AA2017-28d
Huey Dewey and LouieSpaced Out (D 2013-013, 2013)fi/AA2013-47c
Gus GooseIl mio undicesimo milione (I TL 3120-1, 2015)fi/AATK460p449
The Beagle BoysDagoberts Fabelfauna (H 2017-022, 2017)de/MMT 28p006, dk/AA2018-22h, fi/AAX2019-02g, no/DD2018-22i, se/KA2018-22i
Miss QuackfasterDagoberts Fabelfauna (H 2017-022, 2017)de/MMT 28p006, dk/AA2018-22h, fi/AAX2019-02g, no/DD2018-22i, se/KA2018-22i
Donald DuckWhat is an Atom? (D 2018-126, 2019)fi/AA2021-52i
HerbertNieuwe keukenstoelen (H 2020-291, 2021)dk/AA2021-40f, fi/AA2021-43d, no/DD2021-40f, rs/MM2021-02m, se/KA2021-40e, si/MS 2022-02p38
Daisy DuckArtistic Flair (D 2021-066, 2021)br/HCU 31p40, de/MM2022-01p17, dk/AA2022-01i, fr/JM 3704p24, is/AO2022-01e, nl/DD2022-49e, no/DD2022-01i, se/KA2022-01-02g

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