List of appearances with comment: last panel cameo

List of appearance comments
Found 15 stories with appearance comment last panel cameo.

TiggerEeyore To The Rescue (D/WIN 226, 1987)fi/NP2008-09d
KangaUncle Eeyore (D/WIN 346, 1988)fi/NP2011-05c
KangaThe Wonderful Lamp (D/WIN 479, 1989)fi/NP2009-04d
RooThe Wonderful Lamp (D/WIN 479, 1989)fi/NP2009-04d
Pig mayorTimboektoe 1 (H 99013, 2002)fi/AA2009-13e
Gyro GearlooseDe grote vangst (H 22219, 2003)fi/AA2009-19e
PlutoThe Protector of Shambor (D 2001-073, 2006)de/MM2007-01h, dk/AA2006-43h, dk/AA2006-44h, dk/AA2006-45i, fi/AANV2006-4eg, fi/AANV2006-4fd, fi/AANV2006-4ge, fr/GHLM 1p063, fr/SPG 150p122, id/DB 1415p035, is/AO2006-41e, is/AO2006-42e, is/AO2006-43e, no/DD2006-43j, no/DD2006-44j, no/DD2006-45l, no/KDD 17c, no/KVART28ej, no/KVART28fj, no/KVART28gl, pl/KD 2008-25b, se/KA2006-44k, se/KA2006-45l, us/WDC 675g, us/WDC 676e, us/WDC 677d
The CatPrisoners of Zartac 2 (D 2006-118, 2008)fi/AATK337p215
Huey Dewey and LouieVrienden van Van Gans (H 26143, 2008)de/MM2017-26p34, nl/DD2008-34h, no/DDE2009-01e
Witch HazelTakkenwijf (H 27260, 2008)fi/AAX2009-07e, nl/DD2008-39d
BolivarThere Goes The Neighborhood (D 2004-233, 2009)br/PD 2415e, de/MM2009-46b, dk/AAC2017-16h, fi/AA2009-12c, fr/ALJM 229bp42, fr/JM 2977p42, gr/KXB 116p05, nl/EDE2016-11j, no/DE2012-05e, ru/MM2009-27d, se/X 2012-05d
Daisy DuckMesses of Tresses (D 2009-206, 2010)fi/AA2011-06c
Donald DuckPaperino e l'incombenza natalizia (I TL 2874-1P, 2010)fi/AATT 27p114
Mickey MouseLook Me in the Eye (D 2009-090, 2011)fi/AA2011-05e
Huey Dewey and LouiePaper Tiger (D 2008-370, 2011)br/BEMC 1p104, de/MMC 2f, de/MMT 19p018, dk/AA2011-07i, dk/AA2011-08j, fi/AL2012-1p105, gr/SMB 96p069, gr/SMB 96p076, id/DB 1532p11, id/DB 1532p35, it/PMGM 1g, nl/DDVB 2013k, no/DD2011-07i, no/DD2011-08k, no/DSP2021-04d, no/DSP2021-04h, se/KA2011-08k, se/KAMP2021-04d, se/KAMP2021-04h

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