List of appearances with comment: only bottom half

List of appearance comments
Found one story.

Horace HorsecollarZS 40-10-20 (1940)br/MK 357d, br/SSY 2fi, cl/DIS 409c, cl/FAN 217b, cn/MC2005-02p12, co/DL 407c, dk/AE1984-12e, es/DB2 12l, es/DB2R 36al, es/DBEL 4m, fi/AA2003-30f, fi/AANV2003-3ef, fi/M 1996p159b, fi/S1941-14a, fr/ALJMAGC 3iaa, fr/JMAG 328aa, it/BIG 17hp, it/CGD 188at, it/CSM 51bb, nl/DD1983-19c, no/DD2003-30o, no/KVART15eo, no/MM1984-12e, pt/MPT 30g, rs/MM2011-03l, ru/MM2005-02c, se/MP1984-12e, uk/MM 40k, uk/MMW 264ab, us/MATG 1p192b, us/MATG 2ap192b, us/MM 104-03, us/SSSC 3p108, us/WDC 24-48, us/ZZ1940k20S, yu/PZA195b, yu/PZBC 1339b

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