List of appearances with comment: only the eyes

List of appearance comments
Found 2 stories with appearance comment only the eyes.

NerissaIC W 17C (2002)br/WIT 27ca, de/W2003-05a, es/WIM 10p04, fi/W 17b, fi/WAK 6p010, fr/WIT 92p075, gr/W 19b, it/PBSS 14p072, it/W 17c, it/WR 17ac, it/WRS 6e, nl/WITCH 17b, no/WIP5e, no/WIS 5d, pl/WIT2004-09a, se/WB 5d
NerissaΜην Κλείνεις τα Μάτια! (Qgr/MIK 441A, 2004)gr/MIK 441p044

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