List of appearances with comment: pirate

List of appearance comments
Found 4 stories with appearance comment pirate.

Cap'n KrukSeafaring Daisy (W MD 8-02, 1970)au/GS 481c, be/ALJM 62bp37, br/ZC 973e, cl/TB 100e, co/TB 98e, es/DB2 108d, es/JP 69r, fi/AA1972-39e, fi/AANV1972-3ne, fi/AAVSK1972-2me, fi/AN1972-2p407, fr/ALJM 62bp37, fr/JM 1142p37, gr/MIK 94p31, gr/MIK 224p35, gr/MM 252c, gr/MM 680f, gr/MM 1562p059, it/GCD 281n, no/AAR 118de, no/DD1971-40e, se/KA1971-39e, us/MD 8-02, yu/MIKIR205i
Jelly RogerThe Jelly Roger (W MD 13-03, 1974)au/GS 616e, br/MK 273f, de/DD 103d, de/DDZ 103ad, de/JC 21Bcd, dk/OJ1980-10d, es/DM 73c, gr/MIK 115p35, gr/MIK 322p74, gr/MM 1050d, it/CTS 27ee, no/SP 28d, uk/DAM 185m, uk/DAM 186n, us/MD 13-03, yu/MZC 53e
Peg-Leg PeteÉnigme (F JM 19022, 2019)fr/JM 3502p82, no/KRI2023-01d, se/MPD2023-01d
ScuttleÉnigme (F JM 19022, 2019)fr/JM 3502p82, no/KRI2023-01d, se/MPD2023-01d

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