List of appearances with comment: portrait on screen

List of appearance comments
Found 2 stories with appearance comment portrait on screen.

Grandma GoofyTopolino e il detective elettronico (I TL 921-B, 1973)br/DE 173p034, br/DE2 191c, br/MK 353b, br/SD 12d, co/MKA 150b, dk/AE1977-05d, fr/ALMPC 5bf, gr/MM 891p03, gr/MM 1469p35, it/CD 106f, it/GTL 1h, it/GTL2 1bh, it/TL 921h, it/TM 13f, no/DS1977-05d, no/EE 15g, pt/MPT 27b, pt/SO 40p07, se/WDS1977-05c, se/WDSA 6g
Grandma GoofyIC AR 1262 (1979)es/DD 5a, it/AR 1262a

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