List of appearances with comment: silhouettes

List of appearance comments
Found 8 stories with appearance comment silhouettes.

Huey Dewey and LouieCampfire Songs (W VP 1-08A, 1950)it/UACK 38ka, us/VP 1-08A
Morty and FerdieAerial Acrobatics (W WDC 375-03, 1971)br/AD 16ba, gr/MIK 66p02, us/WDC 375-03
Huey Dewey and LouieIC CD 22C (1978)at/MML 1997-01cac, de/LTB 64ac, fr/ALMPA 3bac, fr/MPP 1372ac, it/CD 22ac
The Beagle BoysQuem Tem Medo de Fantasmas? (BC TP 265, 1987)br/TP 265a, co/TRA 111a, pt/TP 26a
Huey Dewey and LouieTema: Pengebinge, kjære pengebinge (Qno/DD2007-18A, 2007)no/DD2007-18e, no/KVART30fe
Huey Dewey and LouieSpringtime for Scrooge (D 2016-283, 2017)fi/AA2022-21h
The Junior WoodchucksThe Blind Date (D 2019-041, 2020)de/MM2020-04p29, dk/AA2020-07e, ee/MHE2020-01c, id/DB 2000p03, is/AO2020-07d, nl/DD2021-02j, no/DD2020-07e, se/KA2020-07d
The Beagle BoysD 28221 (2020)br/PDCL 33a, fi/AA2021-49bx, fi/AA2021-49bxb, fi/AA2022-12bi, nl/KERST 2023b, no/DD2024B49a, no/DJUL2020a

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