List of appearances with comment: this is -apparently- not the Tuffy we know!

List of appearance comments
Found one story.

Tuffy the BullyKing of the Alley (W SC 6-07, 1958)au/GS 171g, br/PD 467d, cl/DIS 535g, dk/AA1969-44h, es/DB1 522c, fi/AANV1970-4ff, fi/AAVSK1970-2rf, fi/AN1970-2p569, gr/MM 165p35, gr/MM 694e, gr/XIN 48f, gr/XIN 178p27, it/ADZ 10c, mx/CWD 193h, no/AAR 104ih, no/DD1969-45h, se/DKAA1969-05jh, se/KA1969-44h, us/SC 6-07, us/SCGK 6-05, us/SCGK 33-04, yu/MA 43e, yu/MA 123f, yu/MZC 207e, yu/MZS 207p39

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