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50 reports on this page.
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1  Pavlos main 98486
söndag 29 april 2018 13:49:08 not a bug (Pim) (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
This is about the inducks blog. Why bother to make a blog if no user can read it. If it is only for members, it's wrong because inducks belongs to all. We are volunteers for participating, for 1 or for 1.000.000 info. The volunteers are for all the world, simple comic fans. We are not members of a closed group.
If the induckers team has something to take about in secret you already have the secret way for many years now. You dont need another.
If the inducks team wants to create something else for members there are other types, f.e. a forum, completely independent from the inducks server.
Inducks belongs to everyone, and it is a mistake not to include everyone. Inducks is a database and has nothing to hide.
Announcements about inducks should be free for everyone.
Inducks is from everyone's efforts.
― Pim status changed to not a bug måndag 30 april 2018 06:42:57
There was a technical error which causes that all blog post messages turned into a '1' and a new blog post was posted with a '1'. This causes the announcement on the front page. The situation was not intended.

Before the situation, the Inducks blog was not secret or closed, but open for everyone and free, so your message does not correspond with the reality.
― Pavlos tisdag 1 maj 2018 07:26:09
Most of the time the main page is like today, Blog page is invisible. This aplies only for simple users.
Others like, members, users with cvs, inducksers, team, can read all the invisible parts.
I know that there are also other sections that are not available, like some stories. We see only the first page but someone informed me that there are complete stories to read in inducks.
Even if this is not true, in coa are some of my reports with this label "This report is shown to Pavlos and Inducks members only".
If inducks wants to have sections for the elit team it is understandable. But inducks's database and info is for everyone. And for everyone's availability to have them we all participated.
Also, I think it is time for inducks to reward those who participate.
― Pim tisdag 1 maj 2018 13:04:40
"Most of the time the main page is like today, Blog page is invisible. This aplies only for simple users.
Others like, members, users with cvs, inducksers, team, can read all the invisible parts."
This is not true. When clicking on 'Inducks links' on the main page, you see a page with links. Under the section 'Special COA pages', you see a link to the 'COA blog', which directs to the COA blog. Since some days this page is closed for *everyone* due to technical security reason, but before, the page was open for *everyone*, and everyone could read all messages posted there, and post, as you did there.

"[...] in coa are some of my reports with this label "This report is shown to Pavlos and Inducks members only"."
That is right. Some users want to share information without their name public. We than make the report only visible to the original sender and Inducks members, to share the name of the sender with as less people as possible, as requested by some users.
Other reports which are not visible for everyone are reports like new indices, better descriptions and better scans. These reports only need to be approved. In order to hold COAzilla readable for rare visitors, these reports are only visible to the Inducks team.

"But inducks's database and info is for everyone. And for everyone's availability to have them we all participated."
Did you already visit the following page: ? You can download the Inducks database there and see log messages about the database. The files are daily updated and you are free to distribute the data from the Inducks database, as long as you follow the license ( ).
2  cacou legend-creator?start=P&sortby=&filter= 96259
torsdag 11 januari 2018 20:26:33 solved by nielshh (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi,PHm,NHH
Very few creators are listed
― Pavlos fredag 12 januari 2018 06:18:02
The creator's biographes disapperaed, Most of the creators vanished. Only 1-3 names are in each letter.
― nielshh status changed to solved måndag 15 januari 2018 10:23:24
I uploaded the file twice last Friday, and it didn't work. Now I've uploaded it again, and it worked. The only difference was that I used Explorer last Friday and Firefox today.......?????
― Pavlos måndag 15 januari 2018 11:02:33
Thank you.
The creator's gallery is ok.
Sometimes a browser makes auto adjustments without us knowing. Lately it seems that they are more and more frequent. It is better to have/use more than one browser.
3  Pavlos main 87058
fredag 10 mars 2017 09:55:34 solved by Pim (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
Gallery covers of countries cannot be shown.
Maybe something is wrong with outducks.
― Pavlos fredag 10 mars 2017 16:10:12
searching for outducks thru any inducks code-page this is what opens
"Not Found
The requested domain name was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.14 OpenSSL/1.0.1f Server at Port 80"
― Pavlos lördag 11 mars 2017 19:15:57
Outducks opens now as https.
I guess that it needs the same 6month renewal.
― Pim status changed to solved söndag 26 mars 2017 19:36:11
This is solved.
4  rorschach24 story?c=IC PK   65 83573
måndag 5 december 2016 03:03:09 solved by mje (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
This cover is by Lorenzo Pastrovicchio
― Pavlos måndag 5 december 2016 07:56:15
Yesterday Fabio Celoni was in Greece. Someone gave him a greek issue to sign after seeing in inducks that it is his. The code is IC PK 65. But Celoni told this person that this cover was NOT his. Maybe it is Pastrovicchio's.
― mje status changed to solved söndag 12 november 2017 20:12:03
It's there with a question-mark.
söndag 18 september 2016 06:47:00 duplicate (HF) (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi,HF
Every day new scans disappear and no new issues appear since 13/9. Supplements cannot be added in issues.
― HF status changed to duplicate söndag 18 september 2016 10:14:31
We know.
― Pavlos söndag 18 september 2016 13:58:30
Duplicate of which report?
Is it because https creates the same problems as last year?
― HF söndag 18 september 2016 17:45:13
No, it is because some Greek publication had the wrong syntax and our software could not handle that. It should be fixed now (19:12 MET).
― Pavlos söndag 18 september 2016 21:51:10
Thank you
6  Pavlos main 81468
tisdag 13 september 2016 07:07:08 solved by FWi (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
Inducks has again invalid certificate. Browsers have problem openning inducks.
― Pavlos onsdag 14 september 2016 13:46:00
Thank you
7  Pavlos story?c=I AO 55034-A 81249
söndag 4 september 2016 06:53:44 solved by cacou (full view, add comment) maintained by MBa
Appearances: (incomplete) Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
The name of Scrooge;s brother is Papirone De’Paperoni and he has no index, yet. This is his only appearance.
― Sheamus McPicsou måndag 5 september 2016 14:29:12
indeed you'r right, He's is Scrooge's twin brother. Do you have à scan Papirone De' Paperoni you can send me please ? :)
― Nectaria måndag 5 september 2016 14:58:42
So, why are you asking him to send a scan of US's twin brother? I don't think he is really interested in sending scans to characters' pages because I never saw him doing that. I'm also not sure if he can answer you about the scan that you're talking about.
― Pavlos fredag 9 september 2016 13:04:08
This story has images available from the link. The character is in the first page, the very first panel of Ι AΟ 55034-Α. No scan can be uploaded because there is no index for him. That is why "appearances" are marked "incomplete".
Nectaria, why do you take for granted what someone (you don't know) will or will not do?
This is not the place for this kind of messages.
― Nectaria söndag 11 september 2016 21:09:06
He asked you if you can send a scan that is related to that character to him because he wanted to upload a scan to Papirone De Paperoni's page if it was made. If you think that my previous message was not the right place for this report then Sheamus' message was not the right place for the report either. He should ask that question in a private message instead of a report. If he never send this message to your report then I would never send a reply to his message. Actually, I didn't want to send a message to your report until I saw Sheamus McPicsou's message. Maybe it's okay to create a page for this character because he also appeared in a cover that is related to the story. Leopoldo Barrytone have sent a report about adding Papirone De Paperoni/US' twin brother to the xapp of the cover but the report haven't been solved yet: https://coa.inducks.o...lved=44680 .
― Pavlos måndag 12 september 2016 15:12:05
Coazilla is ONLY an error report base. Also to complete the data base of inducks. New charactes that are not yet indexed are still to be found. But only main staff inducksers can solve these reports and fix problems.
What SMcP asked couldn't be answered. This is not a forum, group, page, blog. There is no way to send him here an image. So, his request was out of place. Also there are no other unknown images of that character besides the story. The image seen in the code is very good, no other needed.
Also you were out of place. Was he refering to you? Are you Pavlos? No, I am. You have no place to measure what I can or cannot do. You cannot see me not doing something? So what? Inducks is not only what you can see in it. There is more that only members and the head inducksers can see.
Also you no idea what my contribution in inducks is. I know inducks from the very first day. Even from the days of DCML. Look at Miky Maous No1. I gave data from the beginning to complete half of the greek gallery. I still do. You can ask fraply.
Our part is to give data and images, give error reports. And it stops there. If inducks wants to create his own forrum it is their decision although they need the available space for all the new indexes. There are maaany places in internet that we can comment about anything.
What anyone does in inducks is voluntary. There are no metals or awards for the one that gave the most data. All volunteers are important. It'a just a data base, a catalog, a list of something we all love as a hobby. I gave my index because I found others that love disney comics as much as I do. And now it feels good to see it complete.
― Nectaria måndag 12 september 2016 17:00:13
Yes, I know that CoAzilla is only a place to report errors and but in this last message that you replied to me, you act like that I'm completely new to Inducks but that's not true. I first came to Inducks in 2007 and became a member in 2008 but I didn't sent my first report until in 2009. I know all the indexes of the greek magazines very well and I know what stories are in the issues (the ones that are completed not the incomplete ones). Same with other countries too. If you think that I have no idea what your contribution in Inducks is then you have no idea what is my contribution in Inducks either and my contribution is very different from yours. You haven't checked all my reports to see that I'm not a new member at all. Also, saying to someone "You have no idea" isn't nice because it makes you sound like you're a mean person. You also just have broken my heart because you made me very upset. Well, Inducks used to have its own forum called "Disney Comics Forum" and I was a member here before the forum have been closed. Please don't sent me another harsh message and If you continue that then I will never send message to you again. I wanted to talk you about Papirone De Paperoni's other appearance in a cover that is related to the story and you ignored this message. I still think that it is okay to create a page for an oneshot character like the ones who are related to the Ducks or the Mice or other characters from other universes. For the story page (this story), I know that is still incompete just like many of the pages that have incomplete xapps ( like the newspapers comic strips for example). I also have seen some S-coded story pages with incomplete xapps (not counting the ones that have never been published in any countries). If you own this story, do you know if there is another character who is missing in the xapp or is Papirone De Paperoni the only one who should be added?
― Pavlos måndag 12 september 2016 21:28:37
I wish I never made this report.
― Pavlos måndag 12 september 2016 23:49:52
The issue Albi d'oro # 55034 has a re-used art (from panel 3 of page 21). It has a note given from indexer ABo or NRa.
Papirone De’Paperoni is one of the main characters in this story. Secondary charactes are many in every disney story but there is no index about them. Some have names some not. This is a unique story. It already has "incomplete" therefore it asks for attention. I saw it as all see it. I happened to be the one to make a report, nothing more. I cannot make an index. Only members from the inducks team can.
I searched in advanced search but no result was given. Advanced search uses open links or any word. An index needs a starting point. This story is a start. If there is another appearance someone else will see and report it.
Guido Martina is the writer of the story. He has a facebook page. For some time now he gives links to many of the stories he created. I have asked him to upload this one too. And if and when he does, I hope you all will find what you want.
I cannot help anymore. My part stop here.
― Pavlos tisdag 13 september 2016 13:41:31
Guido Martina's team answered me that it is in their plans to add this story to their page in the near future.
Like the fb page and you will see it soon and will get images and answers to your guestions.
I hope this will satisfy all.
― Pavlos lördag 24 september 2016 06:33:10
From inducks page for characters
"There are 8810 official characters in Inducks (5647 of them are one-time characters, 3163 appear in several stories)"
Papirone may become one more one-time character only if an induckser makes the first index. We are users in inducks and cannot perform this action directly.
― Pavlos fredag 7 oktober 2016 21:37:04
By the way, I have this story from a recent italian issue. If an index opens I will upload 1 (or more) image of this character in the gallery from any page of the story.
But since it is still unsolved I cannot do anything.
― Pavlos söndag 1 januari 2017 07:39:20
No index is made. Still unsolved.
― Mankkop torsdag 29 juni 2017 13:41:24
Papirone de' Paperoni? In Italy name of this character is Paperon de' Paperoni (yes, the same as US!), but he's the "TIC" brother while US is the "TAC" brother (from the "tick-tock" clock). This character however has a nickname: Mani buche de' Paperoni ("Pothole McDuck"). Yes, Italian name is the same as one given to US' uncle Pothole! This happened probably because writer of this story and translator of Barks' story were the same person: Guido Martina. Someone (FWi?) years ago added this character to a French issuefile as "US' twin brother": maybe is it a too generic title?
― cacou måndag 30 oktober 2017 06:16:31
I've added the character as "US twin brother Mani Buche".
― Pavlos söndag 24 december 2017 10:17:02
Very Good
8  Pavlos sendscan?c=gr&s=MVD&i=MVD  42 80589
lördag 13 augusti 2016 07:59:29 solved by GNt (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
Αυτα γραφει για τον τομο 42.
Sorry - it is not possible to send any scan from this issue right now because it is incompletely or incorrectly indexed in Inducks (entrycode(s) MVD 42p012 MVD 42p014 MVD 42p050 MVD 42p050 MVD 42p050 MVD 42p062 MVD 42p062 MVD 42p062 MVD 42p062 MVD 42p062 MVD 42p062 MVD 42p062 MVD 42p062 MVD 42p074 MVD 42p074 MVD 42p074 MVD 42p086 MVD 42p086 MVD 42p086 MVD 42p086 MVD 42p086 MVD 42p086 MVD 42p086 MVD 42p086 MVD 42p098 MVD 42p098 MVD 42p098 MVD 42p112 MVD 42p112 MVD 42p112 MVD 42p126 MVD 42p162 MVD 42p162 MVD 42p162 MVD 42p175 appear at least twice). Put up a request for it so that we can fix the index first!
Δεν μας επιτρεπει να προσθεσουμε σκαν.
― Pavlos lördag 13 augusti 2016 08:00:34
This report is for the vol.42 which doesn't allow us to upload the scans for the cover and the stories.
― Pavlos söndag 14 augusti 2016 05:51:33
― Pavlos fredag 26 augusti 2016 05:46:13
The Same for 44.
9  Pavlos s?c=I TL 2845-2 73769
fredag 6 november 2015 07:01:45 not a bug (HF) (full view, add comment) maintained by TRi,TRi,FAa,FGe,FGe,HF
New description of story I TL 2845-2. Language: en.

Parody of the 1959 movie "Plan 9 from Outer Space"

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
― FAa fredag 6 november 2015 12:59:06
The American title is a parody of the movie title. And the translator might have inserted some other references to the movie in his dialogue too (he likes to do that a lot).

But the story itself have no similarities to the movie as far as I can see.
― FAa status changed to not a bug söndag 8 november 2015 21:41:22
― Pavlos onsdag 11 november 2015 16:37:47
Why my report is cataloged as a BUG? What does this means?
I just see the title I saw in the "Mickey Mouse 315A (2015) Plan Dine from Outer Space!" If it does have anything to do with teh movie fine. Why all this technical talking?
This report was made during the period of the problematic function of inducks for many days. If it was corrupted I had nothing to do with it.
― HF onsdag 11 november 2015 19:33:12
Pavlos, surely you know that "not a bug" means that this is NOT a bug. :-)
― Pavlos torsdag 12 november 2015 09:35:05
This is not an ANSWER. I remind you that I cannot see all you see in inducks, I cannot see all the explanations. If you dont what to answer, then dont.
By the way descriptions are erased all the time. Just erase the description.
― FAa torsdag 12 november 2015 10:14:40
Pavlos: I changed the status from "unsolved" to "not a bug" because there is nothing that needs to be done. It's just a matter of keeping track of which reports needs to be dealt with and not. And as the story is not a parody of the movie, there is nothing to be done about this report.

If we had a status that said "not a description", "wrong description" or "bad description" I probably would have used that. But to simplify things, we just have "not a bug" for everything that can't be changed, added or fixed.

There's no hidden explanation about this.
― HF torsdag 12 november 2015 19:11:06
"Why my report is cataloged as a BUG? What does this means?"

Answer 1: your report is not catalogued as a BUG, it is catalogued as NOT A BUG.
Answer 2: a "bug" is a technical term for an error. So "not a bug" means "this is not an error".

Does this make things more clear?
Do you now understand why I put a smiley :-) in my previous answer?
10  Pavlos publication?c=us/US&pg=img&num=1 73378
fredag 23 oktober 2015 10:52:27 unsolved (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
The small covers scans does not opern in any cover gallery. But the enlarged covers open normally. This narrows the problem to the thumnails that still vanishes from all new and old scans after a while they are uploaded.
― Pavlos torsdag 29 oktober 2015 07:30:49
Uploaded Thumbnails appear and disappear from new scans. Now they disappeared after 27/10.
― HF tisdag 2 februari 2016 16:27:28
Changed maintainers to FWi (previously was: FGe,HF,FWi)
11  manoliskok main 73311
söndag 18 oktober 2015 07:51:58 informative message (figolfin) (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
Το τεύχος 9 του Super Μίκυ στην Ελλάδα έχει εκδοθεί εδώ και 5 μέρες και ακόμη δεν έχει αρχειοθετηθεί! Το αρχειοθέτησα αλλά ακόμη δεν έχει αλλάξει τίποτα!
― Mr. Zuppik söndag 18 oktober 2015 21:42:26
Send please to GNt
― Pavlos måndag 19 oktober 2015 06:58:08
Ειναι μεσα στα προβληματα που εχει τωρα το ιντακς. Ισως χρειαστει να το ξανακαταχωρησετε.
― pavlos onsdag 21 oktober 2015 14:06:16
appeared with the greek images
― spe onsdag 28 oktober 2015 12:31:35
Changed maintainers to GNt (previously was: FWi)
― figolfin status changed to informative message söndag 8 november 2015 10:26:26
12  Pavlos story?c=I TL 3079-1P 73115
fredag 2 oktober 2015 15:26:23 duplicate (LPJ) (full view, add comment) maintained by MBa
There are 2 mistakes.
This story is 32X3 and
in 3081 it is part 3 not part2.
― Pavlos lördag 3 oktober 2015 06:52:48
Solved for the 2nd mistake.
The first mistake for 32X3=96 pages is still not corrected.
― sma lördag 3 oktober 2015 12:32:54
It has been solved as far as currently possible. We all are waiting for the (un)famous Italian storyfile to get updated.
― Pavlos tisdag 6 oktober 2015 12:51:30
This is not the only time there is a wrong indexing of pages for 3-part stories. The mistake is that in in the box for total pages in not the total but always the part-1 pages.
― LPJ status changed to duplicate fredag 16 oktober 2015 14:13:00
― Pavlos onsdag 11 november 2015 16:40:39
13  Pavlos publication?c=us/CBDL 72910
fredag 25 september 2015 14:26:01 solved by HF (full view, add comment) maintained by FGe,HF
According to this article https://en.wikipedia....ey_Library, the strange numbering without 1-4 and 10 is not the originals that the publishers had.

If inducks will keep this type of indexing, there have to be an explainating list in the gallery at least to inform us not to search internet what 1-4 and 10 looks like, not knowing there have another number!

There is a list in the article but since I cannot upload it here, I am adding the inducks numbers (A) as there are now and next (B) the originals (release order and date) from 1-9.

A=B : 5=5, 6=4, 7=1, 8=6, 9=8, 11=3, 12=2, 13=9, 14=7.
Why the numbering wasn't like B from the start, it is something only the publishers can answer.
― Pavlos fredag 25 september 2015 14:26:42
You could also add the link of the article in the gallery for explanation
― HF status changed to not understood fredag 25 september 2015 15:55:12
The books have only one number and that is the number that is used in Inducks. I do not see any problem with that.
(The "B" numbers that you list are not real numbers, only indications about the order of publication.)
― FAa status changed to solved fredag 25 september 2015 15:55:39
The first print of "Lost in the Andes" didn't have any information about a volume number inside, so we actually started listing the books in the published order. But the rest of the books have the volume number we list printed inside the books. And that's also what Fantagraphics use on their webpage and what online bookstores like Amazone use.

So lising them in the published order only led to a lot of confusion and error reports requesting us to change it to how it is now.

But I added the text "The Books are not published in the same order as the volume number" to the gallery page.
― Pavlos lördag 26 september 2015 06:20:10
Thank you FAa.
At least there is a typical note about it. As I explained above, it is not a problem of inducks but of fant/cs. And for someone who doesn't know what going on a note was,is,will be needed. It will help those who bought it or will buy it. I hope that in the near future Fant/cs will go back to the printed number.
― HF lördag 26 september 2015 11:49:22
"As I explained above, it is not a problem of inducks but of fant/cs"

No, as *I* tried to explain, it is not a problem at all. The "B" numbers do not exist.

"I hope that in the near future Fant/cs will go back to the printed number."

This simply does not make sense at all.

Never mind.
― Pavlos lördag 26 september 2015 13:53:21
It is your oppinion this is not a problem. For others it is a problem and the indexing of inducks did not help. I have a friend who has these volumes and wants to continue to buy all of them. But after we saw the wikipedia article and saw the release dates (B) it made sence to check them by the printed number and be sure there is no volume missing!! And this makes much sence.
― HF lördag 26 september 2015 22:31:57
You still don't understand what this is about, since you keep talking about "the printed number". The ONLY printed number on the issues is the number that Inducks is using.

But as I write before, never mind. If you don't understand it, too bad, I can't make it more clear than I tried before.
― Pavlos onsdag 30 september 2015 14:23:23
If there was a place in coazilla to upload images of what the article has it would be more clear. I will have these volumes in my hands in a few days and I will check them here and write what they have as numbers.
― HF onsdag 30 september 2015 19:48:00
"I will have these volumes in my hands in a few days and I will check them here"

You can do that, but I already *know*. I had the volumes in my hands when I wrote the previous message. Why don't you simply believe me? :-(
― Pavlos fredag 2 oktober 2015 06:58:17
It was never about believing or questioning inducks. It is about the someone wanting to order missing volumes and not end up getting the wrong ones! That is why along with the printed number it will be necessary to know the release date and any other info the volume has, just to be sure. and why not checking them from the original volumes if a friend has them? And all this is because this publication of the complete works of Barks is very popular since it is the only recent in english. And it was a mistake from Fantagraphics part to not understand this and just start normallly, like any other publication, with No1. It is not something personal about you, me or another induckser. It's just a need about the correct info 100%.
― Cacou fredag 2 oktober 2015 08:19:34
Hey Pavlos,
You have the right to invent numbers and ask that we use them in Inducks. However, we will give them as much importance as they really have...
― HF söndag 4 oktober 2015 18:53:02
"why not checking them from the original volumes if a friend has them?"

I wrote before:
"I had the volumes in my hands when I wrote the previous message."
Which part of that sentence do you not understand?
Either you have no idea what I wrote (or did not care to read it carefully or ask me what I meant), or you do not trust me and want to check the original volumes AGAIN.
― pavlos måndag 5 oktober 2015 15:04:12
Cacou, I didn't invent any number. You should read all the comments. In the very first sentence I gave the link which has this list. I only did what everyone does when finds something useful. And it was useful to find out the dates according to the number in one list. And from that I wrote A=B. It what I will use to order them for myself.
― Pavlos måndag 5 oktober 2015 16:23:38
This is according to the article from wikipedia which is in columns I cannot paste here. Who ever made this article made this list which shows what volume was published (with or without printed number) according to the released day "number". A = B. This list helped those of us couldn't understand all this confusing marketing idea of fantagraphics and wanted to place an order to someone (who does know inducks) that sells them.
5 = 5: 2013-11-10
6 = 4: 2013-05-16
7 = 1: 2011-12-05
8 = 6: 2014-05-02
9 = 8: 2015-05-15
11= 3: 2012-11-07
12= 2: 2012-07-17
13= 9: 2015-10-17
14= 7: 2014-11-05
― HF måndag 5 oktober 2015 18:42:35
For Pavlos: thank you for completely ignoring my texts. And for having the nerve to tell someone else "You should read all the comments"...
I still think your English is much worse than you think it is, since you misread and misinterpret the wikipeda article AND all my texts.
Since you ignore my texts, I will ignore yours in the rest of this subject.

For anyone else: the wikipedia page talks about "release order" (this is in the part that Pavlos did NOT quote), which is obviously not the same as "printed number", as Pavlos suggests. So the indexes do not need any change anymore.

Case closed.
― BarkScarpa tisdag 6 oktober 2015 13:59:43
Let me explain something.
I asked Pavlos to help me (with info) to buy volumes of the Bark's Library. One seller was using only the wikipedia article "numbers" by the "release order and date" and didn't care at all about inducks. We couldn't agree about the correct numbers and finally we solved the problem by the cover-volume and ignored any kind of number! (I know that others doublecheck any volume they want to buy.)
Inducks is not so well known as you may think it is. And for your information, Pavlos is the only one I know who uses it to help disney fans (not only greeks) find out informatiom about issues. You shouldn't be so rude to someone who advertized (and taught how to use) inducks to many disney fans.
Still cann't understand why the publisher couldn't release the volumes from number 1 like any other publication. It's Barks, in the original english, it will be a big success!
Case closed for me.
Case open for Fantagraphics.

p.s. there should be in COAzilla a way to edit or delete a message/comment after it is send.
― HF tisdag 6 oktober 2015 18:06:46
BarkScarpa: I think Pavlos is the one being rude when he ignores my messages and questions.
Fantagraphics is not the first to publish "out of order". It is done quite often. Remember the Carl Barks Library from the 1980s?
― BarkScarpa onsdag 7 oktober 2015 08:18:39
-Just because someone editor did something not usefull it doesn't mean it will work better in the future. It's bad business. It is the worst thing to bother the buyer with bizarre marketing ideas. They messed up my whole planning to buy these volumes.
-I know of any Barks (or Scarpa) publications from inducks but I know also they are out of market or they cost too much and many not be in good condition. Also I didn't want to have them in b/w.
I am trying to find the lowest price for the new ones. I bought the new italian and greek publications but the english pub/tion has additional interesting material and articles.
-The way I read the messages here, I see that you also ignored everything and only cared defending the inducks indexing.
Cacou even wrote that Pavlos inveted (lol) numbers!!!
Hey people it's not war, it's just comcis!! Cool it down.
-You should add the release dates in each volumes, etc. You have done this in many other publication, here it is muuuch more useful.

-Think seriously about allowing editing these messages by each writer. It will allow those you accuse about their poor english to correct them!
-And another thing, since I cann't write it anywhere else. Inducks has frequently serious technical problems (server, etc). Somewhere Cacou wrote about needed space. Since inducks cann't function as a foruum, facebook group, blog etc, you could put all of this way and have more space for the database, which is the reason we visit this website.
― HF onsdag 7 oktober 2015 18:34:00
It looks like everything we write is misunderstood or misinterpreted...

"They messed up my whole planning to buy these volumes."
I really don't understand the problem. Simply order your volumes by title (NOT by number) and keep track of the advertisements.

"I know of any Barks (or Scarpa) publications from inducks"
I only mentioned the Carl Barks Library as an example of issues that are published OUT OF ORDER. Because THAT is what the discussion was about.

"The way I read the messages here, I see that you also ignored everything and only cared defending the inducks indexing."
Then I think you read my messages wrongly. I keep trying to tell Pavlos (and now you) that you do not understand the wiki page and that you do not understand what I write. Or that you simply ignore what I write. I asked a question in an attempt to help make myself more clear ("Which part of that sentence do you not understand? ") and I got no answer, so if that is not "ignoring", then what is?
(BTW, it is quite frustrating that my texts seem to be misunderstood and that I don't understand some of your texts. That has an influence on the tone of my texts.)

"Cacou even wrote that Pavlos inveted (lol) numbers!!!"
Pavlos interpreted a publication ORDER as a NUMBER. While we kept saying that there ARE no such numbers.

"You should add the release dates in each volumes"
I fully agree! Don't we do that already? I just checked: every CBDL issue has the publication date in its index. So what is the problem here?

"Think seriously about allowing editing these messages by each writer. It will allow those you accuse about their poor english to correct them!"
I think everyone can edit his own texts. I will try to edit this text after sending it.
--> and this line is added later! Simply go at the COAzilla page again and press the "edit" icon. <--

"you could put all of this way and have more space for the database"
These extra features really don't use much space. Probably less than 1%.
Anyway, we are working on server issues, it will only take some time.
― BarkScarpa fredag 9 oktober 2015 08:35:00
-Pavlos is abroad, with limited interet access.
-I found the edit box next to the name. Thanks. I am still learning of inducks functions. I was searching for it on the right side while writing the new message. I also saw the delete choice.
-FAa's comment at the gallery made it more clear afterwards. The date needed a special note there is a problem with irregular release date.
-You didn't understand what happened. By seeing a volume without No1 made me not ordering it until I find out what happened. I am not an american to see any inner country explaining or advertizing. After seeing that there is no 1,2,3, it was better to buy some volumes cheaper from individuals. This time he was a very difficult one to communicate. I wanted to be sure he was not going to send me something else because he would not except any returning, very serious problem! Anyway it went well by the cover method.
-Still see it a very bad idea not to have a publication so important as this by 1,2,3... And it will be a very bad idea for any kind of publication. Whenever a publisher did something like that, I as a buyer am wondering where the other numbers are and start search for nonexisting issues. It can mees up you buying plans if you have a limited bugget. Ones there was just a disney toy but with no issue (a publication like the italian classicci) and everyone was searching in the shop if the issue fell off! The publisher after hearing many complains explained it was just an "idea"!
Inducks part here can be to add as many helping info as possible if there is something different from the ussual type of publication so that anyone will see it with the first glance.
― Pavlos fredag 9 oktober 2015 13:59:29
My friend Andy bought 2 volumes twice because he couldn't remember which ones he had already bought. For the brief time (for now) I could look at 1 of his volumes I couldn't find a number at the side of a volume. Didn't have the time to check the small letters in the inside pages. With the help of the inducks cover gallery he knows the missing volumes he can order. Unfortunately 9 is one of them.
With Gottfredson it was the easiest thing, he has 1 & 2, he will order 3-6.
― BarkScarpa fredag 9 oktober 2015 14:28:04
HF wrote = Fantagraphics is not the first to publish "out of order". It is done quite often. Remember the Carl Barks Library from the 1980s?

There are 20 titles only in inducks-USA about Barks. If they are older publications I only look at the general information. I was more interested for the 90's albums I saw in a friend's house. Unfortunately he had a few.
As for the 80's, you probably mean this one, http://coa.inducks.or...?c=us/CBL. After you mentioned the dates I noticed them. But in the gallery I see 1-10.
If a publication is an exception it is always helpful to know about it from a note in the gallery. But this one has "note - page numbers are listed". How could I understand to check the dates!?
― pavlos lördag 31 oktober 2015 08:36:15
Andy (in inducks is Andros) has 6 volumes (5-8,11,12). As an info for all users that may read this, only Vol 5,6,8 have in the info page the numbering of the volumes. Vol. 7,11,12 were released first and they have only the info of the other volumes, no numbers. Since all this may continue, the other method to have them in our shelves is to put the by year. This maybe done also for the greek publication for the Barks volumes.
14  Pavlos story?c=W WDC 249-01 71708
söndag 26 juli 2015 09:29:21 duplicate (spe) (full view, add comment) maintained by FGe,HF
For W WDC 249-01 there is an addition in refer. I TL 693-A which has the reference not in the refer section.
― spe status changed to duplicate tisdag 28 juli 2015 14:20:57
Dupe of #71709.
― Pavlos tisdag 4 augusti 2015 09:25:45
I made another report because in this code there is more refer which can help the linking. It is not just a duplicate.
15  Pavlos publication?c=it/GSD 68733
tisdag 24 mars 2015 09:22:45 unsolved (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
The index of "Italy: Le grandi storie Disney - L'opera omnia di Romano Scarpa" is not complete for too much time.
Someone said that the index is complete in Papersera. At list add this link to the gallery for those of us who cannot find it. (Also, for parersera's indexers, please add an english selection of your very interesting website. Auto translation is not good.)
Our italian inducks friends could help with that. It is not only for the head indexer to contipute.
― Pavlos lördag 15 augusti 2015 05:33:13
Sometimes non-italians can help, sometimes the indexing is locked (maybe for italians also) and they cannot help. f.e I couldn't upload the cover of a recent topolino. For now there is indexing of all issues of this publication.
Therefore is is solved partly.
― Pavlos lördag 15 augusti 2015 07:40:14
grammar correction " At list..." is "At Least"
16  sknatasha maccount 67628
söndag 8 februari 2015 18:43:26 solved by GNt (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
Hello.Glad you came back.
I notice some wrong dates Greece Μίκυ Μάους Β' Περίοδος:
Μίκυ Μάους Β΄ Περίοδος # 31 Ημερομήνια: January 16, 2014.....Its 2015
Μίκυ Μάους Β΄ Περίοδος # 32 Ημερομήνια: January 23, 2014 ......Its 2015
Μίκυ Μάους Β΄ Περίοδος # 33 Ημερομήνια: January 30, 2014......Its 2015

Thank you.
― LPJ söndag 8 februari 2015 21:55:32
Changed maintainers to GNt (previously was: FWi)
― pavlos måndag 9 februari 2015 15:20:34
This is a duplicate of 67625.
It marked "solved" but it is not. Until now these 3 issues still have date 2014 not 2015.
If the correction is made thru coa2 it may need to be corrected again.
― figolfin måndag 9 februari 2015 15:23:36
Please be patient. The changes were made last night and they require one day.
― Pavlos onsdag 11 februari 2015 10:39:52
Today all work ok. Corrections ok.
17  pavlos issue?c=gr/MMB  31 67625
söndag 8 februari 2015 05:52:26 solved by GNt (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
The DATE for issues 31,32,33... is wrong.
It is not 2014, it is 2015.
― Pavlos onsdag 11 februari 2015 10:40:22
Correction ok. MM34 ok.
söndag 8 februari 2015 05:44:53 solved by FWi (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
Welcome back
Inducks is having technical problems, was the message in the inducks facebook page. From the reports here it shows that it was opened from yesterday. How I don't know because the original link continues to be non existing in all internet searches. Someone send me a message with the link that others and I could see it again.
You meed to make a report to notify all users and inducksers that it is available again here. And if this is the new link you need to change it to the internet searvh report that still show inducks as a dead link.
― pavlos söndag 8 februari 2015 05:45:59
― pavlos söndag 8 februari 2015 05:47:29
― pavlos söndag 8 februari 2015 07:23:22
Also new scans do not appear from 6+7/2.
― pavlos måndag 9 februari 2015 15:24:11
welcome back
All new scan after 4/2 until today are gone
lördag 31 januari 2015 18:52:24 not currently solvable, to keep for later (figolfin) (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
This greek issue is listed in the Category 'Supplements' (Ένθετα), while I think it should be listed under the Category 'Independent publications' (Αυτοτελείς εκδόσεις).
― pavlos måndag 2 februari 2015 18:00:31
Το ενθετο δεν ειναι ενα ανεξαρτητο τευχος για να θεωρηθει αυτοτελες. Κυκλοφορησε ως εξτρα τευχος ΜΑΖΙ με καποιο αλλο τευχος. Η υπαρξη λιστας "ενθετα" ειναι σωστη.
― pavlos måndag 2 februari 2015 18:04:29
A supplement issue is not an independent issue to be added to the independent publications. It is sold as an extra (free) issue WITH another issue. The category "Supplements" is correct to be in this gallery.
― tisdag 3 februari 2015 13:08:37
Εξ όσων γνώριζα, το τεύχος κυκλοφόρησε ως μία έκτακτη έκδοση του Τερζόπουλου, με δικό του ISBN, για την προώθηση της ταινίας (βλ. επίσης και παρουσίαση στο GC).

Εάν είναι όντως ένθετο, μήπως γνωρίζεις μαζί με ποιο τεύχος έχει κυκλοφορήσει?
― fraply tisdag 4 augusti 2015 10:08:41
Σύμφωνα με σημερινή καταχώρηση(4-8-2015) του cydisneyman στην παρουσίαση του τεύχους Μπαμπούλας ΑΕ στο Greek Comics (post #10), το περιοδικό κυκλοφόρησε μαζί με το Μίκυ Μάους # 1879. Για να γίνει όμως η καταχώρηση στο INDUCKS πρέπει να διασταυρωθεί και από άλλες πηγές
― tisdag 4 augusti 2015 11:35:26
― figolfin status changed to not currently solvable, to keep for later måndag 25 juli 2016 08:19:34
20  Pavlos coveradditions?pg=5 67545
lördag 31 januari 2015 07:55:35 solved by Pim (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
Today most of the new scans from 29/1 and after are gone. Yesterday the were a few gone. Tomorrow?
― Pavlos lördag 31 januari 2015 21:51:59
― Pim status changed to solved onsdag 2 maj 2018 15:31:06
Seems to be solved.
21  Pavlos story?c=I TL 3024-1P 67507
onsdag 28 januari 2015 09:26:17 duplicate (LPJ) (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
Pages 36 is wrong. All the story is 139 pages. 36 pages is part 1 which does not appear in both countries.
― Pavlos onsdag 28 januari 2015 09:31:14
This story was printed in greek KOMIX 7 and we see from the new index that automatically the greek index is mistaken also, for part 1. The pages 36 must change to 139 and then check if 36 went to part 1 for all countries.
― LPJ status changed to duplicate onsdag 28 januari 2015 10:22:28
― Pavlos onsdag 28 januari 2015 16:20:00
Duplicate or not, the story has a mistake which affects all other indexing.
Also since it is duplicate, you could report the number of the older one just to see how long it is unsolved.
AND, an idea for inducksers, to avoit duplicates, can you add an "alarm" the second a report is going to be sent ?
― Pavlos onsdag 28 januari 2015 21:30:22
I have tried to find the first report with many filters but only mine opened.
― spe torsdag 29 januari 2015 14:11:22
The other report is report #65435 (reported in October last year).
― Pavlos torsdag 29 januari 2015 15:00:46
65435 is not visible to all users.
― Pavlos tisdag 24 mars 2015 08:40:22
still not corrected
― Pavlos onsdag 24 juni 2015 21:06:01
still not corrected
22  pavlos issue?c=gr/GX  355 67443
fredag 23 januari 2015 19:30:18 solved by GNt (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
the code of the f story with Goofy is W OS 427-01.
― pavlos fredag 23 januari 2015 19:31:03
for Γέλιο και Χαρά # 355, in case it does not open it
23  pavlos issue?c=gr/ALM 100 67414
onsdag 21 januari 2015 19:12:08 not solvable (figolfin) (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
Attached: Φάντομ Ντακ Για Πάντα # 1
In the presentation of Almanako 100 the attached does not open because the issue is titled without the number. It need to be "Φάντομ Ντακ Για Πάντα"
― pavlos torsdag 22 januari 2015 08:14:13
the same is for Almanaco 107. The attach open only for "Ινδιάνα Γκούφυ" without the number.
― figolfin torsdag 22 januari 2015 09:33:01
I didn't have any issues opening the attached issues. Both links work fine. I was able to go to the page of both "Φαντομ Ντακ για Πάντα" and "Ινδιάνα Γκούφυ"
― pavlos fredag 23 januari 2015 15:01:32
Then it is an inducks problem because it opens first "There is a problem with this website’s security certificate".
― figolfin status changed to not solvable måndag 9 februari 2015 09:51:52
24  Pavlos story?c=F PM  168-2 67355
lördag 17 januari 2015 18:42:57 solved by FWi (full view, add comment) maintained by AMq,FWi,GGg
image of what ???
― pavlos onsdag 21 januari 2015 19:13:30
there is am image that does not belong in inducks
25  Pavlos publication?c=fr/MP 65260
tisdag 7 oktober 2014 13:53:39 unsolved (full view, add comment) maintained by AMq,FWi,GGg
France: Mickey Parade / Mickey Parade Géant
As it happens in some other issues (f.e new greek issues) this period, in many issues from this gallery the cover is in the box-code not at the top. An outducks error.
― pavlos fredag 10 oktober 2014 10:42:18
Everyday I see issues, new and old, especially from Greece, the cover is in the wrong place. Francois please fix the program because they are too many to be fix 1 by 1.
― pavlos fredag 10 oktober 2014 11:01:46
Mostly the covers with GREEK codes have the problem. To whom it may concern, the greek codes are valid.
― Pavlos fredag 7 november 2014 10:28:22
Italy: Topolino (libretto) # 243
26  Pavlos issue?c=gr/MMB  10 64503
söndag 24 augusti 2014 06:31:06 duplicate (figolfin) (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
Το νεο τευχος Μικυ Μαους 10 εχει δυο λαθη:
1- στη ιστορια I TL 2959-5P για την Κυπρο, το ονομα δεν ειναι ΠΥΓΜ(Ω)ΛΙΩΝΑ αλλα ΠΥΓΜ(Α)ΛΙΩΝΑ. In the story I TL 2959-5P about Cyprus there is a mistake in the name,from ΠΥΓΜ(Ω)ΛΙΩΝΑ to ΠΥΓΜ(Α)ΛΙΩΝΑ.
2- στην ιστορια με τον Ιντιανα γκουφυ δεν ειναι σωστος o κωδικος. Ειναι I TL 2959-3 κι οχι I TL 2951-2P. The story with Arizona Goofy has a wrong code. The correct is I TL 2959-3.
― figolfin status changed to duplicate söndag 24 augusti 2014 07:53:56
― Pavlos söndag 24 augusti 2014 08:58:06
Μεχρι αυτη τη στιγμη δεν φαινεται καμμια διορθωση ουτε στο ονομα ουτε στο κωδικο. Η αναφορα μου δεν ειναι duplicate γιατι αναφερω ΔΥΟ λαθη οπου το δευτερο, ο λαθος κωδικος εχει αλλη σοβαροτητα λαθους απο ενα απλο ορθογραφικο λαθακι.
― figolfin söndag 24 augusti 2014 09:18:18
COAzilla 64501 και 64488. Τα συγκεκριμένα λάθη είχαν ήδη αναφερθεί.
― Pavlos söndag 24 augusti 2014 14:17:43
― Pavlos måndag 25 augusti 2014 13:35:44
στην αναφορα μου 64518 γραφω οτι υπαρχει κι αλλο λαθος στο τευχος ΜΜ10. Νομιζω οτι μια γενικη επαληθευση θα ηταν επιβεβλημενη.
― Pavlos söndag 12 oktober 2014 07:09:23
Υπαρχει ενα σοβαρο προβλημα μετακινησης της θεσης του εξωφυλλου σε πολλλα τευχη αλλα εχω παρατηρησει οτι κυριως οπου εχω δει ελληνικο κωδικο εξωφυλλου εχει υπαρξει μετακινηση. Αυτο συμβαινει εδω και πολλες βδομαδες. Οποτε γινονταν το ιδιο στο παρελθον αυτο οφειλοταν στο outducks. Ειναι προφανες οτι υπαρχει καποια αλλαγη στο προγραμμα του inducks/outducks. Το προβλημα ειναι οτι δεν γνωριζουμε ποτε θα ασχοληθει καποιος induckers (ο γαλλος), ουτε μηπως καλου κακου στο μεταξυ να τσεκαρουμε και (στα τευχη με το προβλημα) τους κωδικους ιστοριων κλπ κλπ. Δυστυχως για εσας που εισαστε στην ελληνικη ομαδα, εχει δημιουργηθει ενας εξτρα ογκος εργασιας που δεν ηταν καθολου αναγκαιο να υπαρξει. Περιλαμβανω και τις προσπαθειες διορθωσης και την επιμονη του προγραμματος να τις ξαναλλαζει στο λαθος. Και ο καθε απλος επισκεπτης μπορει να κανει ελεγχο τευχων αλλα ειναι καλυτερα να υπαρξει συνεννοηση με την ομαδα για να μην γινεται διπλος ελεγχος και για να μην παει ο κοπος του χαμενος.
Γραφω εδω αυτο την αναφορα μηπως και καποιος απο εσας μπορεσει να μαθει τι θα γινει.
27  Nectaria story?c=H 2013-119 64490
lördag 23 augusti 2014 00:04:12 solved by HF (full view, add comment) maintained by DVr,HF
Please replace BRB.BRF with Brer Bear and Brer Fox.
― Pavlos söndag 24 augusti 2014 14:39:39
because it doesn't open their index as BRB.BRF
― HF status changed to solved söndag 24 augusti 2014 20:21:17
torsdag 21 augusti 2014 14:44:14 solved by FWi (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
I scaned a cover of Paperino di Barks Collezione ANAF 41, but it isn't on the top.
― Pavlos måndag 25 augusti 2014 13:27:34
Also for 39
29  Pavlos main 63987
tisdag 22 juli 2014 09:56:41 solved by FWi (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
There are still some problems with the presentation of covers in galleries. When I press to see ALL covers f.e for Spain: Dumbo 1ª (ERSA) from this 1-100 (http://coa.inducks.or.../DB1&num=1) it appeared this (http://coa.inducks.or...g&c=es/DB1) which is the last hundred. Maybe this is only for this index. So far I didn't see this in other galleries today.

― Pavlos onsdag 23 juli 2014 12:20:34
Today I tried it again but it still showing the same.
Instead of showing [all] the covers it is still showing from [501-546]. It takes a few seconds.
― Pavlos torsdag 31 juli 2014 07:27:20
the spanish gallery of Dumbo has still the same problem. It does show all the covers but only the last hundred.
― Pavlos fredag 15 augusti 2014 09:30:26
Today I opened from new scans to see covers of Netherlands: Donald Duck Pocket (3e reeks). 1-100, 101-200 was ok but the other and ALL does not work. It shows only a few covers. The same happens in some other galleries also but most of them work with ALL. This started when the box for numbers went also to the bottom of the page.
― Pavlos fredag 29 augusti 2014 13:29:16
30  Pavlos main 61461
måndag 7 april 2014 09:20:39 solved by GNt (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
In Komix issue 282 the 6b may get code XUS CBDL 1 when they use it in the american issue.
― Pavlos måndag 7 april 2014 09:23:42
I do not know why it has it on main. I open coa from 282.

Στο Κομιξ 282 το 6β μπορει να παρει κωδικο οταν τον γραψουν στον αντιστοιχο τομο.
Δεν ξερω γιατι δεν παραπεμπει στο κομιξ 282 και βαζει main.
― spe måndag 7 april 2014 14:59:18
Changed maintainers to GNt (previously was: FWi)
― Pavlos onsdag 9 april 2014 09:39:15
Πηρε κωδικο XUC CBDL 1
31  Pavlos issue?c=it/TL 1854 61018
fredag 21 mars 2014 07:45:29 solved by LPJ (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
By mistake the cover of issue topolino 1854 was replaced by image of first story. User Oyster can replace it very easy just by uploading the cover of 1854.
― Pavlos söndag 23 mars 2014 08:02:13
fixed by oyster.
― LPJ status changed to solved lördag 31 januari 2015 17:41:11
32  Pavlos comp2?code=&keyw=&keywt=i&exactpg=&pg1=&pg2=&... 55630
söndag 22 september 2013 06:48:12 solved by Cacou (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
This is the first pafe of the covers for "Li'l Bad Wolf". When I press "next 200" it asks to submit a name for "Li" from a long list inwhch li'l bad wolf is NOT included! Therefore I cannot see the rest of the covers search results, which must be 1-2 pages more.
The same happened with any other search which I tried with "Li'l bad wolf". It doesnot regognize "Li'l" as 1 word-name. One solution is to add "LBW" in the list of names for LI.
― Nectaria söndag 22 september 2013 07:40:43
It works fine if you search "LW" instead.
― Pavlos söndag 22 september 2013 11:55:52
Yes, I just saw that it works with LW and BW for Big Bad Wolf. It used to work with LBW and BBW instead. But not everyone knows these details, or knows where some are writen.
But when inducks has a method of search f.e. to submit a name otherwise you cannot proceed, it can be corrected to give more obtions.
― Nectaria söndag 22 september 2013 23:18:21
Have you searched "P'tit Loup"? It doesn't works either.
― Cacou status changed to solved söndag 27 oktober 2013 14:22:14
33  Pavlos comp2?code=&keyw=&keywt=i&exactpg=&pg1=&pg2=&... 55557
tisdag 17 september 2013 08:02:39 solved by Pim (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
Search unidentified stories

For Gyro, Goofy and some others, the search for unidentified stories (covers etc) which appears at the bottom of the search results page, if there are more than 200 it does not have a "next" button to continue. It stops.
― Pavlos tisdag 17 september 2013 08:19:47
I was searching for the covers of these characters thru the advanced search for covers and illustrations.
And yes I know that there are missing pages because the list is alphabetical by country code.
― Pim status changed to solved onsdag 2 maj 2018 15:30:49
I added the 'Next 200' button.
34  PhantomDuck issue?c=gr/MM 2460-61 55275
fredag 6 september 2013 17:47:25 solved by figolfin (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
The issue was indexed by me and Greek user at the same time, I think we broke it :P Can someone make it appear only the latest cvs ? It even shows my name two times.
― Cacou status changed to solved söndag 8 september 2013 10:41:58
― Cacou söndag 8 september 2013 10:45:48
I've made some changes, let's see if that works as expected.
― PhantomDuck söndag 8 september 2013 12:20:01
Until now, no, it is not working. Even though the CVS is ok, it doesn't appear the same. Maybe it's a sign, because it's the last indexed Mickey Mouse. Maybe we should delete it and create a new field from the beginning (I backed up the cvs in case you choose this solution).
― pavlos måndag 9 september 2013 13:12:49
Until now the issue appears double with wrong indexings. the solution of deleting it and only one makes the index I think it maybe the best solution.
It the end of an era. At least inducks continues to give us a reason to look at new issues from other countries, and maybe buy them.
― Pavlos tisdag 10 september 2013 07:32:37
Just saw it. Appears correctly indexed.
― figolfin status changed to solved tisdag 10 september 2013 09:26:44
The issue has been fixed since yesterday. All is well now.
35  Pavlos comp 54621
torsdag 15 augusti 2013 12:43:39 solved by Cacou (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
There is a problem with the Advanced Search. Whatever we ask to search, from the second page it ignores it and starts from the A-codes in general.
― ro455 torsdag 15 augusti 2013 13:56:31
Works Fine here...
― Nectaria torsdag 15 augusti 2013 14:48:30
I notice the same problem too when I search covers for Duck Characters. Note: It works fine if you search in the Universe box like "Forest".
― Pavlos torsdag 15 augusti 2013 17:18:05
I tried "covers" with "Mickey", Grandma Duck" and it's still the same. The second page is always the same, from ARC codes.
― Nectaria torsdag 15 augusti 2013 17:43:50
Please try to search "Universe: Mice or Ducks" or different universe like "Forest". I tried this many times before I saw this problem with Advanced Search.
― Pavlos torsdag 15 augusti 2013 19:30:01
I am searching for covers of some specific characters, mostly from the universe of Ducks. This problem appeared 1-2 days ago.
Advanced search is the only way to find whatever you search.
And if you try the character index and the title "covers", it has always much less results than A/S.
― Nectaria fredag 16 augusti 2013 02:58:47
It seems there is a problem with characters pages too not only with Advanced Search. Same if you search for stories on Donald Duck's page and it will show stories in the second page where he does not appear.
― Pavlos fredag 16 augusti 2013 09:45:48
The problem still remains.
I have tried "Grandma Duck" with Stories, covers, etc and every time the second page ignores what we ask.
A part of the problem I think is the two words that it recognizes as two parts of search. It does not recognize "grandma duck" but "grandma" and "duck". I also tried April, May and June and removed the "and" because it also regonnized it as different word. It didn't work.
I don't know techical turns (if a bug is to be blamed) but a few days ago all was fine. Therefore the problem must be found in what happened in inducks the past 4-5 days.
― Pavlos fredag 16 augusti 2013 09:47:06
The boxes I used were "character" and "kind".
― Cacou fredag 16 augusti 2013 12:56:49
I changed a few days ago some old PHP code that was completely unsafe.

I tried to search for Grandma Duck stories and from teh results the "next" button worked ( http://coa.inducks.or...sort1=auto )

Can you send me the URL of a search with the "next 200" button that
doesn't work? or describe exactly what you did? Thanks.
― ro455 fredag 16 augusti 2013 15:56:55
To me, Cacou's link open a list of B stories

― Pavlos fredag 16 augusti 2013 20:59:23
I have tried the same search for "Grandma duck" for "covers & ill/tions" and every time and the same second page and the next pages continue from that. (I hope this is the url that will help)
― Pavlos lördag 17 augusti 2013 14:44:44
I have tried to open the index of Daisy with "Date of First publication" to see the first 200 results. They were all those which had no date. It does that anyway. But the second page is the following.
― Cacou status changed to solved söndag 18 augusti 2013 13:38:54
OK, fixed.
― Pavlos söndag 18 augusti 2013 15:35:22
Have just tried "Fethry" (not Fethry Duck) covers and it is ok.

But check the index (by 50 results) of Fethry, first page, no8-11, there is no Fethry in the indexing.
― Nectaria söndag 18 augusti 2013 22:02:52
In Tabby's page, you can see some stories with Black cat and the story with other Tabby from W WDC 65-02.
― Cacou måndag 19 augusti 2013 10:26:45
This is because Fethry was added to some versions of the covers.
For instance "DDF(R)appet 18 p. 020a (2011) [1/2 pg.] [Background is a grass field and FE has been added to the foreground]" in W OS 450-00. This is the same for Tabby vs. black cat (but in that case, this is probably due to an error in the data not in the search engine itself. These differences are automatically reported and slowly corrected).
36  Pavlos story?c=Qit/NAT1993l 54577
måndag 12 augusti 2013 18:46:50 unsolved (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp,PHm
Similar to IC TL 1984. One is 11/1993, the other is 12/1993.
― Pavlos tisdag 17 september 2013 05:21:22
needs refer
37  Pavlos main 54162
lördag 6 juli 2013 07:04:52 unsolved (full view, add comment) maintained by PCa,FSp,MBa
For story I TL 2954-1P
CORRECTION pages. It is 110 pages, not 30.
― mje lördag 6 juli 2013 09:01:00
Changed maintainers to PCa,FSp,MBa (previously was: FWi)
― Pavlos tisdag 17 september 2013 05:24:26
Still unsolved. It has the pages of part 1, not from all parts (30+25+25+30 pages)
38  pavlos main 54086
fredag 28 juni 2013 13:42:58 solved by FWi (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
This issue has a special style. It has 2 pagings. It has one 1-68 and another 1-32 inside with red coloured pages for the Rosa stories. The indexing of these stories has mistakes. First the story is 28 not 18 pages (was fixed earlier) and second yellow is for covers not for stories. 34c (D96325) and 34d (H87173 1-paged) are stories, not centerfolds (pictures,drawings). Also it is not page 34 because 34 has the barks page. If someone removes the 32 pages of the red inner issue the barks story goes from 34 to 35 like nothing was there. Unfortunatelly the publisher had this "idea" without thinking that indexers will have an indexing problem!!!
The presentation may obtain another type of indexing style. Instead of "pg34abcd" it can become f.e. "pg 1-32abcd" explaining in one of the boxes that it is not part of the normal paging but a separated "issue within the issue".
This issue is dedicated for the 25 years of Komix and the first page (34a) of the inner issue has a known Rosa cover, correctly indexed.
― pavlos fredag 28 juni 2013 13:44:48
Since it has "main" I am writing here that it it about the greek issue Komix 301 and will make another report.
― pavlos fredag 28 juni 2013 13:47:39
I won't make another report with the same text since it doesn't open it to this issue but remains to the main.
― PhantomDuck lördag 29 juni 2013 14:38:45
The p 34abcd have yellow color because they are in the center of the issue and have been flagged as "centerfold". Because... they are in the middle of the issue with different numbering. As you said, if someone removes them, the story goes from 34 to 35 like nothing was there, so the 32 pages are "centerfold / κεντρικό σαλόνι". The centerfold however is marked with yellow, even if is about a story.

"pg 1-32abcd" does not fit in the box anyway, but also doesn't make clearer than "pg 34abcd". If we were indexing the pages with a,b,c, etc, we could be able to solve it easily, but since we are using pages, we have to name it as a page, or else it will go in the end of the index. So, we number it with a nearby page and a,b,c, etc. Hence the "p 34abcd" indexing I used.

However, I made some notifications at the heading of the issue and after those 4 stories, so it can be clear to everyone.
― PhantomDuck söndag 30 juni 2013 19:11:26
The issue now is corrected (issue.php?c=gr/KX++301), it can't get clearer than this :)
― Pavlos måndag 1 juli 2013 21:36:50
"Παρεμβάλλεται μεταξύ των σελίδων 34 & 35" can give the idea of the special printing style of this issue.
I don't know if this "idea" is used in issues in any country, but now they have 301 as an example.
― Pavlos fredag 19 juli 2013 17:14:30
39  pavlos story?c=Qgr/MM 2335-36A 53990
måndag 24 juni 2013 15:19:15 duplicate (figolfin) (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
The page has an image from IC TL 2713 and the Qgr is for reference to it.
― figolfin status changed to duplicate lördag 29 juni 2013 10:52:11
Qgr/MM 2335-36A has already a reference to IC TL 2713
― Pavlos tisdag 17 september 2013 05:25:57
now it is ok
40  Pavlos story?c=IC TL 2000YR&search= 53445
fredag 31 maj 2013 14:49:55 unsolved (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
This poster of Scarpa is very good.
There are more characters to be added.
Also there are items that can be identified but there is no place to add the info.
Anyway, one more character from the bottom is "Re Arbor" (I TL 1571-A and 1622A) and the 2 little ducks have no "blue" name but I think they are from I TL 1705-1712 parerolympiad 1988.
― Pavlos fredag 31 maj 2013 14:51:20
I TL 1705-AP Paperolimpiadi
41  pavlos story?c=D 2006-170 52597
tisdag 7 maj 2013 18:25:24 solved by HF (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi,HF
"see OCR'ed text"
WHY ? what does it say which is so important to be a part of this code?
― pavlos tisdag 7 maj 2013 18:41:09
I think it is a german (?) hacker and writes diffenent text in codes I opened.
― pavlos tisdag 7 maj 2013 18:49:15
It is not in every code, it is in D-codes, H-codes. It has a blue "see OCR'ed text" under refer and it is not the same text each time. Maybe he found a "door" thru voting.
― HF tisdag 7 maj 2013 18:57:11
FWi, this is a software bug. Please fix it.
― DonHergeFan tisdag 7 maj 2013 18:59:00
Looks like massive spam ...
― Greek User tisdag 7 maj 2013 19:18:15
The text of the scans is being converted automatically into text: https://coa.inducks.o...1367146857 The software of course cannot process anything correctly, that's why the text is not readable.

It is useful for search purposes: https://coa.inducks.o...php?mode=8

― Cacou tisdag 7 maj 2013 21:06:45
Yes, this is indeed not a software bug. Our OCR engine is unfortunately not very smart (for now) so it doesn't catch a lot of words correctly.
― HF tisdag 7 maj 2013 21:59:59
I consider the fact that everyone can see the OCR texts a software bug. If this was intended, some explanation is needed on the site.
― Cacou onsdag 8 maj 2013 06:20:59
My intention was to show this text to indexers only, but somehow it was visible to anyone. I've corrected that. I don't think a lot of explanations are needed if it's not public.
I think it is useful to see the OCR text for debugging purposes. But there is little use to "normal" users.
― Pavlos onsdag 8 maj 2013 08:43:50
Now the codes appear ok.
― HF status changed to solved onsdag 8 maj 2013 18:08:06
> My intention was to show this text to indexers only
Yep. Bug fixed.
42  pavlos issue?c=gr/MM 2435 51196
måndag 18 mars 2013 08:56:47 solved by figolfin (full view, add comment) maintained by GNt
The greek issue has no title stories.
The p.7 story has wrong image.
The p.44 1-paged is wrong. It is I TL 2313-03
― pavlos lördag 23 mars 2013 02:50:15
Απο τα σκαν στο τευχος διακρινονται οι εξης τιτλοι
― Pavlos tisdag 26 mars 2013 18:07:19
solved today by phantom duck
― figolfin status changed to solved tisdag 26 mars 2013 18:20:38
43  Pavlos story?c=D 90026 50600
söndag 3 mars 2013 20:08:45 duplicate (sko) (full view, add comment) maintained by SKO
the yukoslavian image is for another code in their issue and was probably uploaded by mistake. I hope the indexer knows that he can delete it and upload the correct one.
― Nectaria söndag 3 mars 2013 21:03:59
Pavlos, Kriton already reported this error.
― sko status changed to duplicate onsdag 6 mars 2013 13:41:36
― Pavlos fredag 20 september 2013 09:49:50
I used D90026 with the coa filter and it didn't open any report.
It would be helpful to note the number of the other report if there is a duplicate.
In any case, this error remains unsolved. Maybe an induckser could just erase it thru cvs.
― Pavlos fredag 20 september 2013 12:23:31
After search with various filters I found that the other report is 50598.
44  Pavlos issue?c=us/90086 A 49574
onsdag 16 januari 2013 15:27:43 solved by Cacou (full view, add comment) maintained by HF
The original cover OS 442 does not appear allthough it is present in the code OS 442-00. There is an X in its place.
― Pavlos onsdag 16 januari 2013 15:29:26
khmmm... for some reason, the cover appeared after my report!!!
― HF status changed to not solvable onsdag 16 januari 2013 15:44:45
Very puzzling text: "There is an X in its place".
It seems to mean that the web browser is not showing a picture.
That can be network probems, slow internet, or a computer not connected.
Nothing to do with COA or Inducks.
― pavlos söndag 20 januari 2013 10:30:36
Whitman one shots 90 # 086 A
The problem is here. The cover does not appear with any browser although it exists in the code. There is an X where the cover picture should be. My guess is there is a problem with the file of this cover in outducks, maybe it is lost or it needs to be uploaded again.
― pavlos söndag 20 januari 2013 10:35:53
And like it happened 16/1 after this report... the cover... appeared!
No network, internet, browser or connection problems. All other data from inducks and other websites appear normally.
It least I saved it with the cover.
― Cacou status changed to solved söndag 20 januari 2013 14:39:24
45  Pavlos main 49508
lördag 12 januari 2013 10:31:53 not a bug (Cacou) (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
topolino 1370 does not appear
― Cacou lördag 12 januari 2013 10:34:53
Which page are you talking about?
― Pavlos lördag 12 januari 2013 10:49:44
All the issue is missing.
From my files from some years ago, I copied this. The columes cannot be copied correctly here.


IC TL 1369 Paperina, Paperino W il carnevale 1 p. cover Writing: ?
Art: Marco Rota Appearances: Daisy Duck, Donald Duck DD and DA dancing at a party

I TL 1369-A Topolino Topolino e il mistero degli orologi stonati
31 p. 3 rows per page Writing: Staff di IF Art: Sergio Asteriti
Also printed in: RCD 2, CD 147, TM 2, GCD 168, GTL 13+ Appearances: Chief O'Hara, Goofy, Mickey Mouse

S 80137 Paperino Paperino e la baia "segreta" 14 p. 3 rows per page Writing: Ed Nofziger Art: Jaime Diaz Studio Also printed in: RCD 19, CD 192, PM 169, RCDMF 1 Appearances: Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Gladstone Gander Secret beach

S 78095 GM Le GM e la ricompensa... potabile 12 p. 3 rows per page Writing: Ed Nofziger Pencils: Tony Strobl Ink: ?

S 79191 Zio Paperone Zio Paperone e l'impossibile ritorno 13 p. 3 rows per page Writing: Ed Nofziger Pencils: Jaime Diaz Studio
Ink: ? Appearances: Billy Goat, Grandma Duck, Uncle Scrooge

I TL 1369-B Paperino Paperino e la perla delle beffe 22 p. 3 rows per page Writing: Bruno Mandelli Art: Giuseppe Perego, Roberto Marini
Also printed in: RCD 13, CD 170, GCD 178*, CD 351 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Rockerduck, The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge

Qit/TL 1369g Nessuno (Avviso) 1/2 p. text Writing: ? Art: ? Appearances: No one This list may be incomplete
Avviso della mancata uscita del prossimo numero per sciopero
― Cacou status changed to not a bug lördag 12 januari 2013 11:36:22
See comment
issue 1370 was never printed for a strike
― Pavlos tisdag 15 januari 2013 09:25:37
all other topolino issues appear correctly
46  Pavlos issue?c=it/TL  390 49471
torsdag 10 januari 2013 10:35:22 unsolved (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
The index box o the cover of topolino 390 is missing. I have the image from an old outducks file and it had code IC TL 390 (rp AA 1963-36). I can upload it.
― Pavlos lördag 12 januari 2013 08:36:55
― Pavlos lördag 12 januari 2013 08:41:40
The image is there now but it needs the code IC TL 390. This is what it had written in the old files.
47  pavlos coveradditions?pg=1 49098
lördag 22 december 2012 09:50:27 solved by FWi (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
All new scans are deleted after a while for some days now
― pavlos söndag 30 december 2012 10:28:12
Since I cannot write on 49147, I am writing here.
The problem for 49147 is solved, the pages and codes appear correctly, and if the above "website unavailable..." was not there, all the pages I see are ok.
If any info is lost in a inducks-greek page we will index it again.
― Pavlos måndag 4 februari 2013 15:26:46
Today 4/2/2013 inducks didn't open.
Now it is open but there are errors as it writes at the bottom of every page we open.
Also, all new scan do not appear.

Maybe you should check what you changed these few months in the programming (a command that does not work correctly) before this problem appeared. Also, after you fix the present problem, just in case, please check if the connection of inducks-outducks works correctly.
― Pavlos måndag 4 februari 2013 15:29:33
No image appears in any issue, or in any index.
The index of creators is still anavailable because of CPU problems as it writes.
― Pavlos tisdag 5 februari 2013 08:13:18
All data in inducks appear correctily. Creator's index still closed.
48  Pavlos issue?c=yu/MZS 778 48945
tisdag 11 december 2012 10:01:46 solved by delboj (full view, add comment) maintained by MDa
the code IC CD 26 in this issue is not for page 43 but for page 44
― delboj status changed to solved tisdag 11 december 2012 15:27:34
Report for Slovenian Mikijev zabavnik issues must be sent using this page https://coa.inducks.o...lved=47329
― Pavlos fredag 14 december 2012 15:53:09
47329 does not exist/appear in (my) coa list, therefore I don't have any other place to report this.
Also, this report is not solved because the mistake for image on 43 haven't been corrected to 44 and the wrong image still appears in all references, from which I saw it.
― Cacou lördag 15 december 2012 09:45:55
The yu/MZS index is periodically imported into Inducks from another database. We have to send corrections to the maintainer because we don't edit the source files ourselves.
For this we put all corrections together, and when we have enough of them, we ask for an update. Your request for changes has been noted by Marko. The update will come later; it can take months because this is not done automatically.
The scan problem will be automatically solved when the code has been updated.
― Pavlos onsdag 2 januari 2013 10:48:45
You mention "another database". If there is a link, it can be added in the country's openning page, like it is done in other countries where there are links about disney comics. Sometimes they are useful for the users. Some still open, some other are closed or not updated.
49  pavlos story?c=I TL 2867-02 47286
onsdag 5 september 2012 09:15:30 not a bug (LPJ) (full view, add comment) maintained by MBa,FSp
In appearance is not Gus but Donald and Fethry
― pavlos onsdag 5 september 2012 09:17:32
please erase this. It is correct. Gus is alone in this story. The first -title- panel confused me.
― LPJ status changed to not a bug fredag 7 september 2012 08:10:01
50  pavlos story?c=I TL 2867-01 47285
onsdag 5 september 2012 09:13:11 solved by bipbip (full view, add comment) maintained by MBa,FSp
In appearance is not Gus but Donald and Fethry
― Pavlos onsdag 22 maj 2013 18:07:52
― bipbip status changed to solved onsdag 22 maj 2013 21:34:49
1 2 3 4 ... 7 next page

The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.