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Default language: Hungarian.
No category has been defined for this country- Aladdin (1 issue, 1993)
one-time publication
- Atlantisz, z elveszett birodalom (3 issues, 2001)
- Böhöm Könyv (3 issues, 1993-1994)
- Buksi (28 issues, 1957-1959)
children's magazine
- Dagobert Bácsi élete (2 issues, 1997)
Hungarian version of "The Life and Time of Scrooge McDuck"
- Disney Hírlap (26 issues, 1992-1993)
weekly, newspaper strips, 1992-1993
- Disney képregények (11 issues, 2002-2003)
comic film adaptations
- Disney Magic English (1 issue)
learn English with Disney
- Donald Kacsa (43 issues, 1989-1994)
- Donald Kacsa - Zsebkönyv (14 issues, 2009-2012)
ISSN 2061-165X
- Donald Kacsa Kincses sziget (1 issue)
- Donald Kacsa Magazin (326 issues, 1995-2008)
issue is bi-weekly
- Donald Kacsa Magzin Nyár (1 issue, 1998)
special summer edition of DK
- Donald Kacsa Zsebkönyv Különszám (1 issue, 2010)
Pocket book
- DuckTales (24 issues, 1990-1993)
- Dumbó (1 issue)
a magazine for children
- Hercegnok (1 issue)
magazine for children
- Kalandok (2 issues, 1998)
- Karib-tenger kalózai (1 issue, 2007)
"Pirates of the Caribbean", one-time publication
- Klasszikus Album (3 issues, 1987-1988)
- L'Ecsó (1 issue)
Ratatouille magazin
- Micimackó magazin (70 issues, 1998-2014)
Winnie the Pooh magazine
- Mickey Mouse - Magyar nyelvü kiadás (47 issues, 1991-1994)
- Mickey Mouse: Gyöngy karácsonyi melléklete (1 issue, 1994)
special Christmas issue of "Mickey Mouse"
- Micky Magazin (2 issues, 1987)
- Miki egér (27 issues, 1988-1990)
- Ország-Világ (2 issues, 1960)
they published some ZM and ZD strips in 1960, see https://kepregenymuzeum.blog.hu/2019/10/20/donald_es_miki_az_orszag-vilagban?token=405a3e2c6bf0669517cd43b666b9a651
- Pesti Hírlap Vasárnapjából (1 issue, 1932)
- Phinéas és Ferb (4 issues, 2011)
- Szörny Rt. (1 issue, 2002)
"Monster Inc." comic, one-time publication
- Tigris színre lép poster magazin (1 issue, 2000)
one-off magazine
- Tündérvásár (1 issue, 1939)
children weekly
- Ünnep (2 issues, 1943-1944)
- Verdák (117 issues)
Canceled in 2022
- Walt Disney classic mesék (1 issue)
Comic book adaptations
- Witch (56 issues, 2002-2006)
- Witch (maxi) (8 issues, 2007)
special edition of "Witch"
- Witch különszám (5 issues)
special issue "Witch"
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