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This indexer is a member of the teams D-coded stories, Denmark, various Europe, Newspaper strips, Scamp Newspaper strips.
- Donald Duck 1991-01, 1991-05, 1991-07, 1992-08, 1992-09, 1992-10, 1992-11, 1992-12, 1992-13, 1992-14, 1992-15
- Kačer Donald 1996-05, 1997-04, 1998-21, 1999-06, 1999-14, 2002-02, 2002-04, 2002-05, 2002-06, 2002-24, 2004-20, 2004-21
- Mickey Mouse 1995-18
- Anders And & Co. 1957-26, 1971-46, 1993B34, 1994B47, 1994B48, 1997-19, 1997-24, 2001-37, 2002-40, 2002-49, 2003-26, 2003-27, 2003-28, 2003-29, 2003-38, 2003-41, 2003-48, 2003B41, 2005-11, 2005-13, 2006-15, 2006B15, 2007-28, 2007-47, 2008-12, 2008-22, 2008B12, 2008B22, 2009-01, 2009-39, 2009-41, 2009-46, 2010-26, 2010-28, 2010-30, 2010-44, 2010B30, 2011-12, 2020-16, 2020B26, 2020B28
- Anders And & Co. Vestforbrænding 2012, 2018
- Anders And Ekstra 2002-12, 2004-03, 2004-07, 2004-08, 2004-09, 2004-10, 2004-11, 2004-12, 2005-01, 2005-03, 2008-05
- Anders And Junior 2010-04
- Carl Barks & Co. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26
- Disney Årbog 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007
- Rappet 18, 19
- Den gode tegner – Om Carl Barks og Anders And 1
- Den store … 1985, 1989, 1991
- Egmont & Co. - 50 år med dansk produktion af Disney-serier 1
- Anders And & Co. Særtryk (Føtex) 1
- Guldbog 1
- Hjemmet 61-26
- Hall of Fame 17
- Jumbobog 316, 364, 365, 68, 69, 71, 75, 76, 77
- Kalender 2005
- Disney Krydsord 2020-01, 2020-02
- Manden og anden - en bog om Carl Barks 1
- Nemo 1973-5
- Onkel Joakims juleaften 1
- Anders And på kryds og tværs 15
- Peter Plys 1981-03, 1981-04, 1981-05, 1981-06, 1981-07, 1981-08, 1981-09, 1981-11, 1982-03, 1982-04, 1982-08, 1982-09, 1983-04, 1983-05, 1983-09, 1983-10, 1983-12, 1984-03, 1984-04, 1984-05, 1984-07, 1984-09, 1984-10, 1984-11, 1984-12, 2002-11
- Seriejournalen 1991-06, 1994-15, 1994-16
- Strip! 27, 28
- Tankestreger 2005-03, 2006-05, 2007-02, 2007-03, 2007-04, 2007-05
- WeekendAvisen 2016-09
- Daniel Düsentriebs Rätsel-Shop 73
- Klassiker der Comic-Literatur - Ausgewählt vom F.A.Z.-Feuilleton 5
- Der Donaldist - Sonderheft 27
- Donald Kacsa Magazin 1995-06, 1997-07, 1998-20, 1998-21
- Donald Kacsa 1991-05, 1991-06, 1991-07, 1991-08, 1991-09, 1991-10, 1991-11, 1991-12, 1992-01, 1992-02, 1992-03, 1992-04, 1992-05, 1992-06, 1992-07, 1992-08, 1992-09, 1992-10, 1992-11, 1992-12, 1993-01, 1993-02, 1993-03, 1993-04, 1993-05, 1993-06, 1993-08, 1993-09, 1993-10, 1993-11, 1993-12, 1994-01, 1994-02, 1994-03
- Kalandok 1998-01, 1998-02
- Andrés Önd 1983-14, 1983-16, 1983-17, 1983-18, 1983-20, 1983-21, 1983-22, 1983-23, 1983-24, 1983-25, 1983-26, 1983-27, 1983-28, 1983-29, 1983-30, 1983-31, 1983-32, 1984-02, 1984-03, 1993-27, 2001-31, 2001-44, 2002-08, 2002-11, 2002-28, 2002-29, 2002-31, 2002-32, 2002-33, 2002-35, 2002-37, 2002-38, 2002-40, 2002-45, 2002-46, 2002-52, 2003-02, 2003-03, 2003-04, 2003-05, 2003-06, 2003-07, 2003-11, 2003-12, 2003-13, 2003-14, 2003-31, 2003-32, 2012-01, 2012-02, 2012-03, 2012-04, 2012-06, 2012-07, 2012-08, 2012-09, 2012-10, 2012-11, 2012-12, 2012-13, 2012-14, 2012-15, 2012-16, 2012-17, 2012-18, 2012-19, 2012-20, 2012-21, 2012-22, 2012-27, 2012-28, 2012-29, 2012-30, 2012-31, 2012-32, 2012-33, 2012-34, 2012-35, 2012-36, 2012-37, 2012-38, 2012-39, 2012-40, 2012-41, 2012-42, 2012-43, 2012-44, 2012-45, 2012-46, 2012-47, 2012-48, 2012-49, 2012-50, 2012-51, 2012-52, 2013-01, 2013-02, 2013-03, 2013-05, 2013-09, 2013-13, 2013-14, 2013-16, 2013-18, 2013-19, 2013-20, 2013-21, 2013-22, 2013-23, 2013-24, 2013-25, 2013-26, 2013-27, 2013-28, 2013-29, 2013-30, 2013-31, 2013-32, 2013-33, 2013-34, 2013-35, 2013-36, 2013-37, 2013-38, 2013-40, 2013-41, 2013-42, 2013-43, 2013-44, 2013-45, 2013-46, 2013-47, 2013-48, 2013-49, 2013-50, 2013-51, 2013-52
- (Myndasögu) Syrpa 102
- Donald Duck kryss og andre oppgaver 2022-13, 2023-04, 2023-05, 2023-06, 2023-09, 2023-10
- Mikke Mus og Langbein julehefte 1986, 1987, 1992, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001
- Mikke Mus 2001-08, 2002-08, 2002-12, 2003-03
- Ole Brumm 1993-04
- Donald Ducks show 2022-4
- Pustolovske Zgodbe 1998-01, 1998-02, 1998-03, 1998-04, 1998-05, 1998-06, 1999-01, 1999-02, 1999-03, 1999-04, 1999-05, 1999-06
- Donald and Mickey 91, 92, 95, 98, 99, 100, 103, 115, 117, 118
- Mickey and Friends (Fleetway) 1994-41, 1994-43, 1994-44, 1994-45, 1994-46, 1994-49, 1995-03, 1995-04, 1995-08
- Best Comic Series (Large hardbound books) 1, 3
- Carl Barks Conversations 1
- The Comics Journal 120
- Donald Duck Adventures (Gladstone) 2
- Donald Duck Ashcan (Gemstone) 1
- Free Comic Book Day (Gemstone) 2, 6
- Herbie The Love Bug Coloring Book 1
- Mickey Mouse, The Evolution, The Legend, The Phenomenon 1
- Mickey Mouse in Color 1
- Mickey Mouse Paintings 1
- Nemo - the classic comics library 6, 7
- The Illustrator 63-04
- Uncle Scrooge 325
- Uncle Scrooge in Color 1
- Vanguard 68-02
The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.