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- ABDZ Abadazad
- AGMM A Goofy Movie Mini Comic
- AMC A Movie Classic
- AMSS A Marvel Summer Special
- ATL Atlantis the Lost Empire
- BDD The Best of Donald Duck
- BH The Black Hole
- BRAVE Brave
- BT Big Time
- CPM Club Penguin Magazine
- DAA Disney's Animated Adventures
- DAM Donald and Mickey
- DAMA Donald and Mickey Annual
- DAMS Donald and Mickey Extra/Special
- DAS Disneyland Autumn Special
- DBUM Disney Bumper
- DC Disney's Comic
- DCC The Disney Classic Collection
- DCCL Disney Comic Classics
- DDA Donald Duck Annual (Collins)
- DDAI Donald Duck Annual (IPC)
- DDB The Donald Duck Book
  one-shot book
- DDC Donald Duck / Donald Duck Comic
- DDCS Donald Duck Christmas Special
- DDFL Donald Duck Fun Library
  All stories in this series were translated directly from Italian to British English, even those that were originally in English (S-codes). There were some legendary clumsy mistakes, for instance BW and BRF being called by each other's names now and then! MOE and other less common characters were also renamed.
- DDFY Donald Duck - 50 Years of Happy Frustration
- DDPB Donald Duck Pocket Book
- DDPK Donald Duck PK
- DDW Donald Duck
- DF Disney Frozen
- DFCB Double-Feature Comic Book
- DIST Disney Stars
- DLAI Disneyland Annual
- DLE Disneyland Express
- DLS Disneyland Specials (IPC Magazines)
- DM The Disney Magazine / Disney
- DMA The Disney Magazine Annual
  hardcover albums
- DME Disney and Me
- DMGN Disney Movies: The Graphic Novels
  Series of 25 books. The first book was free while purchase of book 2 to 25 required a coupon from the Derby Telegraph newspaper
- DMR Disney Mirror
  Saturday supplement to the Daily Mirror with comics and puzzles. Same kind of paper as the newspaper
- DMS Disney Magazine Special
  Started unnumbered, from 1987-1989 numbered 1 to 7. Changed name from Disney Magazine Special to Disney Special in 1988.
- DP Disney Princess
- DPL Disney's Planet!
  Attachment to The Sunday Telegraph
- DPR Disney presents
- DPS Disney Pocket Stories
- DRAG Dragonslayer
- DSA Disney's Studio Album
  Started as a numbered softcover series in 1991. From 1993 unnumbered and in album format.
- DSAC Disney Studio Album Collection
- DSFS Disney Summer Fun Special
- DSGT Disneyland Series (Gold Token Books)
  A numbered set of eight books issued sometime in the 1960s.
- DSSP Disney Summer Special
- DT DuckTales
- DTA DuckTales Annual
- DTAI Disney Time Annual
- DTS The Disneytime Storybook
- DTTS DuckTales TV Special
- DW Disney Weekly (London Editions)
  16 issues
- EDS Euro Disney Special
- FATH The Fox and the Hound (Album)
- FCPSA Full Colour Picture Strip Adventure
- FF Film Fun and Thrills
  Originally titled Film Fun, but changed to Film Fun and Thrills in 1959
- FROZ Frozen
- FROZA Frozen Annual
- FUNA Funtime Annual
- GA Goofy Annual
- GAAP Goofy
- GBA Gummi Bears Annual
- GNAP Graphic Novel (Autumn Publishing)
- GSM Giant Super Mag
- GTGS Goofy - The Good Sport
- JB Jumbo book
- JUV Juvenile Books
  Unnumbered books from Juvenile Productions
- LC Literature Classics
- LIFTOFF Lift-Off
- MCO Mickey & Co.
- MF Mickey and Friends (Fleetway)
- MM Mickey Mouse
- MMA Mickey Mouse Annual
- MMAE Mickey Mouse Annual (Egmont)
- MMAI Mickey Mouse Annual (IPC)
- MMB Mickey Mouse Bumper
- MMCF Mickey Mouse Christmas Funtime
- MMD Mickey Mouse (Dean)
- MMF Mickey Mouse and Friends (London Editions)
- MMFHY Mickey Mouse - Fifty Happy Years
- MMHLT Mickey Mouse - His Life and Times
- MMHS Mickey Mouse Holiday Special (Odhams)
  Printed in Great Britain for the Proprietors, Willbank Publications, Ltd., by the Sun Engraving Co., Ltd., Watford, and published by Odhams Press, Ltd., Long Acre, London
- MMHSF Mickey Mouse Holiday Special (Fleetway)
- MMM Magical Moments and Memories
- MMS Mickey Mouse Specials (IPC Magazines)
- MMSS Mickey Mouse Sticker Story
- MMTS Mickey Mouse TV Special
- MMW Mickey Mouse Weekly
- MOVC Movie Classics
- PCDMC Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (Comic Treasury)
- PP Pluto's Playtime
- PPCH Peter Pan and Captain Hook
- RDA Rainy Day Annual
- SDSB Sunny Days Story Book
- SM Super Mag
- SOLO Solo
  Weekly magazine. Lasted only 31 weeks
- SSA Silly Symphonies Annual
- SWA Snow White Annual
- TBD The Best of Disney
- TBMM The Best of Mickey Mouse
- TDAF The Disney Annual (Fleetway)
- TDAP The Disney Annual (Pedigree)
- TDW The Disney Weekly (Fleetway)
  84 numbered issues + one preview issue
- THUA Thumper Annual
- TJB2 The Jungle Book 2
- TLM The Little Mermaid
- TLMHS The Little Mermaid Holiday Special
- TPT Tower Press Transfers
- TST Toy Story 2
- URBR Uncle Remus and his tales of Brer Rabbit
- WAC Whizzer and Chips
- WD World Distributors
- WDCA Walt Disney's Classics Annual
- WDCL Walt Disney's Classics
  unnumbered, movie adaptions
- WDMM Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse
- WDPT The Walt Disney Picture Treasury
- WDTB The Walt Disney Treasure Book
- WDW Walt Disney's Weekly
- WIA W.i.t.c.h. Annual
- WIN Winnie the Pooh Magazine / Winnie the Pooh and his Pals
- WIT W.i.t.c.h.
- WOW Disney's WOW!
  Distributed to Tesco kids club members
- WTPA Winnie the Pooh Annual
- WTPS Winnie the Pooh Special
- WUS Wuzzles Special
- WWDA The Wonderful World of Disney Annual
- XDA Disney XD Annual
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